It was five in the afternoon.

Gojo Satoru was still in the Service Club, but he was also planning to go home.

The previous group had just left.

He said he had to go home for dinner.

"Then, I'll be leaving first, Yukino."


There was a hint of hesitation on Yukinoshita Yukino's face.

In fact, she also wanted to go to Gojo's house. She mainly wanted to hug Vanilla and smell her.

After all, as a cat slave, she hadn't seen Vanilla for so many days, and she was always itching.


"I see!"

When Yukinoshita Yukino was about to say that she could visit and look for herbs, Gojo Satoru suddenly spoke up and suddenly realized something.

"You don't have gas at home, so you want to come to my house for a meal! ?"

Gojo Satoru smiled wittily.


Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt unwell, and her mouth twitched with anger.

What do you mean my house is out of gas? What do you mean I have to go to your house for a free meal?

Can you think before you speak?

Or is your CPU broken?

Take a deep breath,

"Scumbag teacher, even if I want to go to your house it must be because of vanilla, not because my house has no gas. Even if there is no gas, I will eat at the convenience store and will not come to your house for a free meal!"

"Tsk, don't be so blunt, it hurts my young heart."

Gojo Satoru curled his lips

"Come if you want, but I have to go to the supermarket to buy some food first, we are out of vegetables at home."

"Then you go first, I'll come over later."

After saying that, Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head and started reading again.

The club activities of Sobu High School usually last for three hours, which is six o'clock.

Although there may not be many people coming to the service club to entrust, since we have founded this club, we must be responsible to the end.

"OK, bye".

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing,

Yukino Yukinoshita, who was still reading, had no emotion at all. She had long been accustomed to this kind of lonely life.


After leaving Sobu High School, Gojo Satoru went straight to the nearest large supermarket.

He took a small cart from outside and walked in while whistling.

"What shall we eat tonight? Sukiyaki, steak, or Chinese food?"

Gojo Satoru had difficulty making decisions.

Passing by the fresh food section, he picked up five boxes of salmon and five boxes of octopus tentacles to stock up so he wouldn't have to buy them later.

Oh, I'm out of napkins, so I'll go buy some.

Then he turned to the daily necessities section.

Because it was only around five o'clock in the afternoon, and the discount time in this supermarket starts at six o'clock, there weren't many people in the whole supermarket. There were only a dozen people in each area.

As soon as he walked into the daily necessities section, Gojo Satoru saw a silver-white figure bouncing in front of him.

The figure didn't look very tall, but it was at least 1.6 meters tall, but when she jumped, she always wanted to grab the shelves that were taller than her, and the shelves were filled with napkins.

Gojo Satoru, who happened to also buy napkins, pushed the cart over.

After he passed, he heard a distressed gentle female voice.

"It's so annoying. Why is this box of paper placed so high? Are you afraid that others will buy it?"

After approaching the silver-white back, Gojo Satoru glanced at the other party.

The other party also has white hair. The long white hair is tied into a pigtail and falls on the collarbone and chest. The appearance is pure, dignified and gentle.

It looks like a wife.

Madam, you don't want to be unable to get the napkin, right?

Gojo Satoru, who was resisting the desire to say this, raised his right hand and easily got the napkin.

Uh... (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing that the napkin she wanted was taken away, the wife's face became dull.

Turning her head, she found that there was a stranger next to her.

So high!

This was her first impression.

Asking for flowers

"Do you want this napkin?"

Gojo Satoru raised the napkin in his hand.

""Yes, yes!"

The wife's eyes sparkled with little stars, and excitement appeared on her little face. She said gratefully

"Thank you so much, sir. If it weren't for you," he hadn't finished speaking when Gojo Satoru calmly put the box of napkins in his cart.……

"What did you just say?"

Gojo Satoru asked in confusion.

"No, nothing.……"

The wife forced a smile.

Damn it! Who is this brat? If you are so unkind, don't blame me!

I will remember your appearance and put it in a gay illustration!

Go to hell!

She said what she had been holding back.

"Madam, you don't want to be unable to wipe your mouth without a napkin, do you?"


Madam blinked blankly.

Why does this sentence sound familiar?

Wait, isn't this...

After glaring at Gojo Satoru with her blue eyes, she angrily prepared to find the staff.

But the next second, a box of paper fell into the cart.


"I'm just teasing you. I'm leaving now.

Gojo Satoru left, leaving only his wife watching his back.

"Forget it, I won't draw you anymore."

She murmured quietly and left.

Go buy lunch quickly, otherwise it will be like last time when there is no lunch for sale and you can only go home and eat potato chips.


On the other side, Gojo Satoru thought about it and decided to prepare a sukiyaki meal tonight.

Aseptic raw eggs, enoki mushrooms, tofu, lettuce leaves, bean sprouts, wagyu beef, etc.

All of these were arranged.

To be honest, as a Chinese in his previous life, he preferred to eat hot pot. But he had just eaten hot pot at noon, so why would he eat it in the evening?

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