"Yes, yes, it's Gojo brother! Umaru-chan!"

When she saw Gojo Satoru for the first time, Ebina Nana was excited.

She didn't feel depressed at all.

Not only did she not have to take Mr. Hiratsuka's class, but she also took the Chinese class of her favorite brother.

It can be said that happiness is just like this.

Umaru-chan, who was shaken by her best friend, smiled helplessly.

"I know, but don't be so excited."

""Wow~ You don't understand Umaru-chan."

Nana Ebina made a cute and spoiled voice.

Before, because of her poor grades, she had to take extra classes all the time and couldn't go to Umaru-chan, but she could see Gojo Satoru. Even in school, she didn't dare to find him alone because of her shyness. Now that Gojo Satoru can come to their class to substitute, don't mention it. Don't be too excited.

Maybe it can even increase the favorability index!

Yes, Nana Ebina wants to conquer Gojo Satoru!

Back row, corner.

Miku's eyes also flashed with surprise.

Isn't this the 'master' who taught her? He is also the quasi-boyfriend that Nino likes.

"By the way, the game console that Nino brought back yesterday was bought by him for us, right?"

She had been envious of the latest fighting game console for a long time, but it was a little expensive for her. She didn't have the habit of saving money, and she was embarrassed to borrow money from her sisters to buy it, so she could only envy it.

Oh, I forgot to say that the background story of the latest fighting game is the Warring States Period.

That's why Miku likes it so much.

And at the same time, because of the background story of the Warring States Period, none of the remaining three sisters were interested, so they had to give it to Miku at a low price.

"Okay, it's time for class."

Gojo Wukong pressed his hands.

Suddenly, the noisy classroom became quiet.

"Where was your Hiratsuka teacher last class?"

"Teacher, it is page 29."

"Page 29?

Gojo Satoru flipped through the Chinese textbook.

When he turned to page 29, he saw a few large characters:

‘Guan and Bao's friendship'Are you Guan and Bao serious or not?

Ahem, sorry, I've got it wrong.

"Okay, let's talk about the meaning of the idiom"Guan Bao Zhi Jiao". Do you all understand it?"

Gojo Satoru asked

""I know, Mr. Gojo!"

A boy in the middle seat raised his hand and stood up.

"The original meaning of this idiom refers to the deep friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya."

He was very proud.

This made the other boys who were about to raise their hands to answer regret it.

Why did they raise their hands so slowly?

This is a good opportunity to please the brother-in-law!

The reason why they were able to answer the meaning of"Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya" was that Shizuka Hiratsuka had explained it to them before, and they probably still remembered it.

Hearing this serious answer, Gojo Satoru nodded first, then shook his head

"Later, it was also used to describe the close friendship and trust between friends. Of course, in addition to these two meanings, there is another meaning."

The corners of his mouth curled up.

There is another meaning?

Everyone became curious. At the beginning, Shizuka Hiratsuka explained these two meanings to them.

Gojo Satoru pretended to cough twice and said seriously

"Another meaning of this is between boyfriend and girlfriend."

Between boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The innocent children were full of questions.

Only a few girls understood. Their faces suddenly turned red, and they lowered their heads shyly, secretly looking at Gojo Satoru on the podium.

"Uh, isn't this idiom used to describe a good friendship, Gojo-sensei? How come they are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The boy just now was scratching the back of his head with a confused look on his face.

"That's how friendship is described."

Gojo Satoru said with a mysterious smile.

"Which boy in your class do you get along best with? Well, you know what I mean." (Banned, edited and deleted)

"Of course it's Dashu."

The boy said firmly.

His deskmate, Dashu, was touched.

"Really? That's good, you two are best friends."

Gojo Satoru said with certainty.

This affirmation made the two of them smile awkwardly.

"Sit down, skip this topic and talk about classical Chinese.

Gojo Satoru stopped telling dirty jokes and started to take the class seriously.


The class was over, and the students in Class A of the second year were still hesitant.

This teacher Gojo taught really well, and he made jokes from time to time to liven up the atmosphere. He also taught classical Chinese that was easy to understand. Even Ebina Nana understood it.

"Class is over, you guys take a break."

After picking up the Chinese textbook again, Gojo Satoru left.

Before leaving, he winked at Koumaro and Ebina Nana separately, making the latter's heads almost smoke with embarrassment.

"By the way, the teacher said that"Guan Bao's friendship" is used to describe boyfriend and girlfriend. What does this mean?"

"I don’t know, why not check it online?"

"I think it's OK!"

The boys gathered together and discussed the meaning of the"Guan Bao Zhi Jiao" they just mentioned.

After searching for a while, they found that they were all legitimate idiom explanations.

They searched on Tieba again.

The answer they searched for stunned the high school students.

"Ugh, so disgusting, I don't want to be your friend’"

Da Shu couldn't help but dry heave, looking at his best friend and deskmate with disgust.

The boy also looked embarrassed.

So, this is what it meant.

The girls had already secretly searched for the answer, and their faces were all red. They didn't feel disgusted with Gojo Satoru, and even found it very interesting.

Maybe, this is what appearance can forgive everything? (Banned again, and deleted again.)

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