In the morning, 9:30, Akihabara.

Nino's face twitched as she watched Gojo Satoru squatting in a corner, watching an underwear advertisement video with great interest.

As for why they came to Akihabara, we have to ask Gojo Satoru.

Because after receiving Nino's call, Gojo Satoru received a message from his sister, Kouma-chan, saying……

"Good brother, the best brother in the world, my most beloved brother, my sister needs a new fighting game. What a coincidence, this game was just released in Akihabara this morning. Please buy one for the cutest sister in the world. My sister doesn’t have time and needs to sleep."There is no other way. Since Umaru-chan is acting like a spoiled child, Gojo Satoru has to stop by Akihabara to buy a fighting game.

On the way, he explained it to Nino, who readily agreed.

After all, she is his future sister-in-law, so he must be generous.


Nino also squatted aside, staring at Gojo Satoru expressionlessly.


"Uh, why are you looking at me, Nino?"

Gojo Satoru asked in confusion.

Why are you looking at me?

Nino was speechless.

There is such a beautiful girl next to you, and you are still looking at underwear ads? Is it me, Nino, who is not attractive, or are you drifting?

As if he realized what the girl meant, Gojo Satoru pretended to cough twice, stood up and explained

"I just think this person looks a bit like my friend. Don't think too much, Nino. You are much prettier than her."


Nino was suspicious.

"Yeah, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s go buy games for my sister"

"Hmm, that's fine."

After successfully perfunctorily dealing with Nino, Gojo Satoru took Nino's hand and headed for the game exhibition.


After entering the game exhibition, the two found that most of the people were young boys, with a few girls.

There was also a host on the stage who seemed to be explaining something, which should be the latest fighting game.

The last two people to come in, Gojo Satoru and Nino, attracted a lot of attention.

After all, just based on their looks, they could beat almost everyone at the scene.

"Tsk, are you charging now? How can you still buy games now?"

"If you ask me, this kind of people are not worthy of playing games, they should just play in their real world."

"Yes, why do you want to get involved in the gaming industry? I am convinced"


Seeing Nino's beautiful face, but her little hand was held by the equally handsome Gojo Satoru, which made a few jealous otakus make jealous noises.

And in the crowd.

A girl with a purple ponytail, a hat, and a black sweater, who looked extremely chic, saw Gojo Satoru and the other girl and wondered

"That guy seems to be a teacher in the school, right? And isn't that Nino Nakano?"

Usagi Fukasumi, also a student in Class D of Sobu High School.

That's why she recognized Nino at a glance.

Teacher-student love?

With such an answer, Usagi Fukasumi continued to look at the host on the stage indifferently.

She was not interested in this matter. If she had anything to be interested in, it would be the game.

After the host said"thank you for watching", he stepped back, and the other staff around him began to maintain order.

The scattered crowd formed a long line.

And Gojo Satoru and Nino happened to be lined up behind Usagi Fukasumi.


Nino called out uncertainly, looking at the familiar purple hair and back.

Usagi Fukasumi, who didn't want to get involved in this matter, paused, and turned around helplessly when she heard that she had been recognized.

"Hello, Nakano-san"

"Uh, hello……"

Nino was embarrassed.

Accompanying Gojo Satoru to the game exhibition, and bumping into classmates, this is really something

"And this teacher, hello too."

Usagi Fukasumi looked up at the taller Gojo Satoru. After seeing his appearance clearly, a hint of surprise flashed in her light red eyes.

To be honest, she also thought that the other person was really good-looking.

"Hello, classmate."

Gojo Satoru greeted calmly. He was just a little suspicious. Usagi-san? Usagi Fukasumi? Isn't this Motoko's good friend?

Remember she died in SAO?

Usagi Fukasumi glanced at the embarrassed Nino, turned around again, and said calmly:

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your affairs.

She thought the other party was embarrassed because of this.

"Not entirely."

Nino tucked her long hair behind her ears, her eyes floating around with guilt.

Although she was not afraid of this being made public, she was afraid of the impact it would have on Gojo Satoru.

The main reason for her embarrassment was that she left the impression of a super beautiful girl with good cooking skills, a fashion sense, and a sharp tongue in her classmates.

And this beautiful girl actually came to the game exhibition, the contrast was too big.

Of course, Nino would not explain that she was just accompanying Gojo Satoru.

It was a misunderstanding, so what.

After waiting in line for nearly ten minutes, it was Gojo Satoru's turn.

After Usazawa Fukasumi finished shopping, Gojo Satoru said


"Okay, thank you for your patronage, 60,000 yen."

"Wait, I don't play this, Gojo-kun, there's no need to spend so much money."

Nino quickly stopped Gojo Satoru from handing over the money, and said seriously.

She doesn't understand the game, and she can't play it, so there's no need to spend another 30,000 yen to buy her one.

In response, Gojo Satoru just rubbed the other's little head and said softly.

"It's okay. If you don't want to play, give it to your sisters."


"I've given you all the money, don't worry"

"Oh well……"


(Damn it. Chapter 150 really screwed me up. It didn’t pass the review. The main reason for the ban was the falling of ‘Mount Fuji’, but I ended up with something obscene and pornographic. 6)

(My mind was screwed. I don’t know how to write the rest. This chapter took me a long time to write. I feel like it’s a bad one.)

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