(It is better to use MySongsKnowWhatYouDidintheDark here~)

Looking at the smiling and funny Gojo Satoru, Louhu's face fell, and he seemed to be assimilated.

Since there is no intention to kill, let's learn more about it.

Thinking of this, he walked in front of it and stretched out his left hand to grab the swaying five fingers, but when there were only a few centimeters left to touch, its single eye suddenly widened.

The left hand seemed to be blocked by an air wall, and no matter how hard it tried, it could not move forward any further.


"No, no, this is infinite~ It can't be said to be blocked."

Gojo Satoru continued with a smile.

"But the closer you get to me, the greater the resistance. There is infinity between you and me. Of course, if I were to touch you,……"

As he spoke, he held Louhu's hand with his right hand without any ambiguity, and then interlocked their fingers.

"I can touch you~"

"Loosen up, you stinky……"

Before he could finish his words, Gojo Satoru's left fist hit Rohu's abdomen.

Rohu, who had been hit hard by the fist, was suspended in mid-air, his cheeks puffed up, and he spat out purple blood, but because his left hand was held, he could not get away.

The purple blood splashed in front of Gojo Satoru, and the [Unlimited Technique] directly isolated it.

The next moment……

""Mada mada (It's not over yet)"

With a loud shout, Gojo Satoru continuously hit Louhu's chest and abdomen.

After several sets of attacks, Louhu was stunned.

Isn't this a complete old six?

He shouted for me to come over to understand, but he hit me without warning (?).

I was careless and didn't dodge.

Letting go of the opponent with his right hand, Gojo Satoru turned around and kicked Louhu away with his long legs.


"Infinity is everywhere (slowly raises index finger), my spell just turns its infinity into reality."

Gojo Satoru put his left hand behind his back and raised his right hand. Scarlet light appeared and rotated, and a small black ball appeared on the top of his index finger.

"Contraction, expansion, what do you think would happen if you touched this nothingness?~?"

The black ball gradually absorbed the scarlet light and turned red.……

【No Limits·Reversal Technique·He】

The scarlet shock wave exploded in Louhu's terrified eyes.……

‘Bang, bang——’

The earth was torn apart, and houses and buildings collapsed into ruins.

Louhu was blown away by the shock wave, and blood was faintly seeping from his body.

When the dust settled a little, a chasm over a hundred meters long appeared on the ground. After knocking down more than a dozen houses in succession, Louhu hurriedly stabilized his body in mid-air, and after landing on the ground, he ran away without hesitation.

Monster, a real monster!

I can't hit you, and I can't even touch you by a millimeter, but you can touch me, isn't this a plug-in in the game?

Now the only way to survive is to escape.

Poor Louhu, he never plays low-end games, only high-end games, and he also encountered Tongtiandai in the high-end games.

【[No lower limit·Forward rotation technique·Teleport]

Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared in front of the fleeing Rohu.

In mid-air, Gojo Satoru hooked up an excited smile on his face, and kicked Rohu away with his right foot like a football. The impact on his face knocked down another house, and when he got up, Rohu spurted out flames from his right hand, caught the jet of flames, and flew into the air.

However, Gojo Satoru teleported behind him again, pinched Rohu's neck with his right hand, and fell forward.

The entire battlefield was filled with dust, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly.

The figures of two people appeared inside the comic exhibition.

There were no ordinary people in the comic exhibition, only a few people from the Anti-Demon Special Section.

After the ground was hit and sank, Gojo Satoru sensed several sights, and when he looked up, he saw Hayakawa Aki, Himeno, and several members of the Anti-Demon Special Section with shocked expressions.

"Hey, aren't these the boy and girl from the amusement park last time?"

He even raised his other hand to greet them in a very comfortable way.

This undoubtedly made Louhu, who was kissed on the ground by his face, even more uncomfortable.

"Hello, hello."

Ji Ye responded in a daze.

Hayakawa Aki next to him was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth and asked stutteringly

"Um, five, five-sama, what are you doing?……"

"Oh, one of my brothers, if he doesn't listen, discipline him."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile.

Brother, if he doesn't listen, discipline him?

Everyone's face twitched.

You call this a brother? You are no longer a human species, right? And if he doesn't listen, discipline him? Who disciplines like this!

Although they thought so, they also knew that the one being pressed down by Gojo Satoru was the main enemy to be dealt with this time.

""Get out of my way!"

Louhu roared in anger.

His short body was burning with purple-black flames, and was about to explode.

Gojo Satoru raised his right hand and threw Louhu into the air. The exploding flames were like fireworks.

The powerful impact made Jiye and others below unable to stand on their heels, and they blocked the strong wind with their arms in front of them.

""You are really naughty."

Gojo Satoru said calmly.

When the flames dissipated, the coral in the air had already disappeared.

【[No Limits·Current Rotation Technique·Teleportation]

After the six eyes locked onto the location, Gojo Satoru also disappeared from the spot.

Only the people in the Anti-Demon Special Course who looked like they had survived a disaster were left behind.

If the flames had just exploded in the same place, Gojo Satoru would have been unscathed, but they would have at least been seriously injured and fallen to the ground.

"Really, it's amazing……"

Ji Ye sighed.

They also learned that the man in the amusement park incident was Gojo Satoru!

The strongest Onmyoji in the Onmyoji world! The strongest man who easily crushed Astaroth, the"King of Corruption", one of the"Eight Lords" in the Void World!

Hayakawa Aki did not speak, but his eyes were fiery.

If the Demon of the Spear appears next time, then that man can definitely kill the other party completely!

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