After sending Xiao Jian to a safe place, Gojo Satoru teleported again. Of course, he did not return to the comic exhibition, but went home.


Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Hua Ye Hongxu, who was studying how to use a smartphone on the sofa, turned back subconsciously.


She shouted in surprise.

Didn't he say he wouldn't be back at noon or in the evening? It was only a little after 1pm, so why did he come back?

And there was no sign of Kitagawa Umi beside him. A look of regret appeared on Kanano Hongxu's face.

""Gojo-sensei, I understand."

This made Gojo Satoru, who was about to speak, suddenly blocked his mouth."

Not a girl, what do you understand?

Why do I feel that you are thinking wrong?"

"What are you thinking about, little Hongxu?"

Gojo Satoru sat down next to the sofa and stroked the sleeping Vanilla with squinting eyes.

"Come with me, I'll show you some fun stuff."

"Fun stuff?"

"Yes, it's fun stuff."

Gojo Satoru exclaimed with a smile.

This scene was really familiar to him.

He remembered that when he was in the world of sorcery, he took the kid Yuji to watch the battle between him and Louhu, so that the other party could see the strongest power of the peak of sorcery.


Looking back now, it is also the same


A burst of white mist exploded, and the yellow powder fell on the head of the young master.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Gojo."

"Good afternoon, Huangfen."

After responding, Gojo Satoru placed his right hand on the shoulder of Kanano Hongxu.

"Let's go, Xiao Hongxu"

"Ah, yes!"

【Unlimited · Forward rotation technique · Teleportation】

In Koumaru's room.

Koumaru, who was still sleeping after lunch, got up dazedly, scratched her messy hair, and muttered

"Why do I seem to hear my brother's voice?"

Without thinking too much, she fell asleep again.


After arriving at the comic exhibition area,

Gojo Satoru and Kanono Kou appeared on a commercial building overlooking the scenery below.

"Where is this place?"

Hua Ye Hongxu asked with some doubt.

But before Gojo Satoru could answer, Huang Fen, who was lying on top of his head, shouted in panic, and even his hands began to fly around unconsciously.

"It's so scary, it's really scary, Master Hongxu. There are demon hunters who have signed contracts with demons everywhere. Wait, there are also two extremely strong cursed powers. Why is one of them like a combination of curse and cursed power! It's so dangerous here, Master Hongxu!"

Huang Fen, who has a strong sense of cursed power, was the first to notice the abnormality.

Among them, Louhu's cursed power made it tremble with fear.


Kanano Hongxu looked at Gojo Satoru who was smiling mysteriously the whole time.

"Xiao Hongxu, you will soon see the clash of the peak combat power of this era. This is your first course as my student, and also one of the most important courses."

Gojo Satoru sat on the edge, swinging his long legs up and down casually.

"In the future, you will become a strong man in this world, and you will most likely encounter cursed spirits. Now I don't need you to do anything, just watch the battle carefully."

In the following days, he will try to teach Ye Hongxu Black Flash, and even the field expansion.

However, whether he can teach is another matter.

This is not a question of talent, but whether the world allows you to use a different system of cursed power.

"I will watch it carefully, Mr. Gojo!"

Huan Ye Hongxu said seriously, and then sat on the edge and looked down.


【Tiger Slash: Ke Yu Tu Zhi】

Tian Ruo Qing Xian raised the claw of his right arm slightly, and the silver-white slash cut through the air and the earth.

Sensing the sharp slash, Lou Hu showed a cruel smile, dodged to the right with his short body, then took a step, ran quickly, and swung his right arm. A hill-like volcano suddenly appeared on the ground.

‘Bang, ho——’

Blazing flames spurted out, covering the front like a fire dragon.

Tian Ruo Qingxian, who had long noticed something was wrong, jumped into the air, his body turned into a black shadow and approached Lou Hu, waving his claws.

Lou Hu squatted down, supported the ground with his arms, and kicked at the other party with his legs. Sensing that he was blocked, a hill-like volcano appeared behind Tian Ruo Qingxian's head. The fierce flames turned into a pillar of fire that engulfed the other party, as long as dozens of meters.

It lasted for five seconds, and then the flames dissipated. The earth turned into a charred mess, and black charred holes appeared in the middle of the high-rise buildings. Hot air floated in the sky.

The temperature rose again.


Not seeing anyone, Louhu sneered.

"That's all."

It hasn't even 'expanded its domain' yet, and it just used a simple spell to defeat the opponent. It's really too weak.

However, the next second, Tian Ruo Qing Xian, whose shirt was a little torn, appeared behind Lou Hu. The white-blue cursed power covered the beast's claws, and the powerful slash almost cut the opponent's back in half in an instant, and blood splattered in the air.


Feeling the pain in his back, Louhu couldn't help but scream.

It also reacted quickly and immediately used the inertia to distance itself.

Tian Ruoqingxian, who stayed where he was and kept the same action, raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at the large area of burns on his left arm, thinking to himself...

"As expected, it is just as written in the information, it can control the fire power similar to that of a volcano, and it is also elusive."

And the most important point, and the most dangerous point, is that the other party has not used the domain written in the information.

Since that domain is dangerous, don't let it use it, and end it quickly.

Taking out the talisman that exudes an ancient aura from his arms, Tian Ruo Qingxian did not hesitate to activate the curse power

【White Tiger Mirror Talisman】


The sound of the sound of the sound bursting was heard.

A pure white vortex storm exploded, and Tian Ruo Qingxian's magic power increased rapidly.

After the vortex storm dissipated……

"The so-called Twelve Heavenly Generals are not just borrowed names, they are all recognized by the ancestral gods for their power, that's why they are called the Twelve Heavenly Generals!"

Tian Ruo Qingxian's figure and voice slowly appeared in a cloud of dust.

The dust dispersed...

I saw that his whole body was covered with tight soft armor, his long blue-white hair was casually scattered, and his blue eyes were now emotionless.

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