Looking at Louhu standing in front of him like a mountain with Mount Fuji on its head, Tian Ruo Qingxian kept his body tense, ready to fight at any time.

Although fighting in such a crowded place would cause a lot of trouble and even many casualties, there was no other way.

Louhu took a puff of his pipe and looked at Tian Ruo Qingxian with his huge one-eyed look.

For a long time,

""You are an Onmyoji, right? Do you know Gojo Satoru?" he suddenly asked.

Gojo boy?

Tian Ruo Qingxian frowned.

Why did this new monster ask for Gojo Satoru right away? And where did he hear about Gojo Satoru?

"I am not interested in you. The person I am looking for is Gojo Satoru. Tell me where he is and I will spare your life."

Louhu continued

"If you don't want to tell me, I can only kill you, or kill all the people in the city, and Gojo Satoru will come out."

"Ha, then try to kill me."

After collecting his thoughts, Tian Ruo Qingxian sneered.

According to the data, this monster has an unknown territory. Once it is pulled into that territory, it is difficult to win. This is how Teng Snake lost.

【White Tiger: Claws Appeared]

Blue and white light flashed.

However, before Lou Hu could say anything, the comic exhibition fans passing by gathered around him.

"Wow, man, your arm is so cool! A burst of light appeared, is it the latest high-tech?"

"Where did you buy it? I think I can buy it."

"It's really cool! This claw looks like that of an animal. Oh, and it's shiny. The quality is so good!"

"Please link me, brother. I will customize a large one to fit my Gundam arm. It will be very cool."


The continuous noise made Tian Ruo Qingxian's face darken.

Do these guys know that there is a monster around that threatens your lives?


Looking at Tian Ruo Qing Xian surrounded by the crowd, Lou Hu, who was standing on the periphery, hummed softly, bent his fingers slightly, and the curse power in his body surged wildly.

When he was ready to completely burn this group of humans, a big hand that appeared out of nowhere suddenly hugged his neck, and there was a light laugh at the same time.

"Hey, isn't this my brother Lou from the society? Why are you here at the comic convention? Or are you interested in human girls?"


's one eye suddenly widened, and the whole person (?) stopped moving.

What's going on? When did he appear? Why do you know my name?

The same question.

The hard neck twisted to one side, and it saw that the person on its shoulder was a white-haired human.

"Gojo Satoru?!"

Louhu spat out.

It didn't know why it was sure that this person was Gojo Satoru, but the feeling in its heart was always sure.

The invisible 'tent' landed.

Gojo Satoru still had a smiling face, but his eyes looked at Tian Ruo Qingxian who was surrounded by the crowd with amusement.

Yin Hai Jianliang, who was squeezed in the back by the crowd, was originally quite distressed, but when she saw the familiar face in front of her on the other side, she shouted in surprise

"Brother Wu!"

""HI, Xiao Jian, it's been a while since we last met."

Gojo Satoru raised his other arm and waved.

Otome Jianliang wanted to run over excitedly, but he saw his brother Satoru making a gesture of"don't come over", so he had to stop.

"How did you realize brother"

"You put the amulet I gave you on the ground first"

"Ah, OK."

Hearing this, Yin Hai Jianliang took out the amulet that had been hanging in his heart, and then put it down.

In an instant, the perspective changed.

The floating Gojo Satoru, who looked quite strange, was hugging a one-eyed monster that looked like an old man.


Otsumi Kanryo was so frightened that she gasped.

Only then did she realize that this was the monster her father had just warned her against. She looked around at the streets full of people with worry, and finally walked to Gojo Satoru with careful steps, and whispered:

"Brother Wu, what is this monster?"

You are the monster, your whole family is a monster!

Louhu, who was completely unable to move or even speak, bulged his eyes and shouted in exasperation.

At this time, he also became terrified.

Could it be that he was going to die before he could achieve his goal?!

"Oh, an old friend, my brother Lou."

Gojo Satoru smiled and patted Louhu's 'Mount Fuji'.

This made him so angry that a boiling flame appeared on his head.

Brother Lou? (black question mark. jpg)

Yin Haijianliang's face was full of question marks


On the other side, while Tsuchimikado Arima was enjoying his hot pot meal, the door of the private room was pushed open.

It was Tsuchimikado Mikage who said anxiously

"Arima-sama, just now Amanaka-sama sent me a message that a new monster has appeared in reality, and it is near the crowded comic convention area."

He stopped, Tsuchimikado Arima stopped the chopsticks holding the beef in his hand, and his lazy expression became serious.

"Has fighting already taken place?"

"No, it seems that after Gojo-sama appeared, the monster has not taken any action."

"Is that so?"

Pushing his glasses, Tsuchimikado Arima raised his lips and gave the order.

"Go call the Tokyo Anti-Magic Special Class and have them evacuate the crowd. We'll go over there and take a look."



Tokyo Anti-Demon Special Class.

Makima calmly looked at the message on her phone.

"An unknown cursed monster has appeared in Tokyo. Notify all members of the Demon Hunters and Anti-Demon Specialty Section to evacuate the crowd. Onmyoji has arrived. Coordinates……"

"Unknown cursed monster? The one from Huoye?"

Machima whispered.

Her intelligence network is extremely wide, and Huoye's Teng Snake’���She knew the incident clearly, but she didn't expect that monster to come to reality.

Now that it's here, let's see if there is a chance to put a collar on it and study it.

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