The two came to a relatively secluded corner of the square.

There were only a few passers-by around.

"Come on, Umi, make an innocent expression. Yes, that's it. Look at the camera."

Gojo Satoru bent slightly, holding the camera in his hand and pointed it forward.

Kitagawa Umi in front of him also followed the instructions and made an innocent and pure expression according to the expression of 'Kuroe Shizuku' in his memory.


The crisp sound of taking a photo rang out.

Gojo Satoru lowered his head and looked at the photo album in the camera, admiring it.

"Wujun, how are you?!"

Kitagawa Umi didn't come over, but asked loudly

"OK, very good!"

Gojo Satoru gave a thumbs up with a look of admiration, and then raised the camera again to aim at

"Haimeng, this time you turn sideways, turn your head to look at the scenery, and then look back inadvertently, yes, that's it, come, demonstrate it again as you did just now."

Hearing the instructions, Kitagawa Haimeng raised his little head, his misty eyes looked at the conspicuous Tokyo Tower in the distance, as if he sensed something, and gently looked back.


Gojo Satoru took the photo without hesitation.

"Great, come on, Haimeng, this time you make a more lewd expression and look at the camera."

Lie expression?

Kitagawa Haimeng poked her chin with her index finger, as if thinking about the scene in her memory.

After recalling it, she gently pinched the sides of the skirt with both hands and pulled it up, revealing the suspender stockings, with a lewd expression on her face.

There was no one around the roadside, otherwise Gojo Satoru would not have asked him to do this action.


Another album is out.

Gojo Satoru is very satisfied.

There is no need to retake photos continuously, and the expressions and demeanor are always in place.

Of course, the main thing is that she is beautiful.

"Wujun, how was the shooting this time?……"


A breeze blew, blowing Kitagawa Umi's skirt


Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows.

No wonder the other party mysteriously drove him out after putting on makeup. It turned out that this word was written.


Kitagawa Umi was stunned for a second, then reacted and quickly pushed her skirt down with both hands. Her face was hot enough to fry an egg.

Her violet eyes looked around.

"Fortunately, no one was around. Her nervousness eased.

Although she was seen by the person she liked, she would only feel embarrassed at best. But if others saw her, she would be too embarrassed to face them.

After pretending to cough twice, Kitagawa Umige turned her hands behind her back and walked to Gojo Satoru, asking as usual.

"How's it going this time, Wu-kun?"

"They are all very beautiful, take a look."

Gojo Satoru took the camera and began to look through the photos. After the two of them admired them for a few minutes,


""Excuse me, can I take a photo for you? Shizuku."

A strange excited male voice came from behind the two of them.

Turning around, they saw a fat, short man with glasses.

He was holding a black camera, and his ordinary fat face was full of enthusiasm and excitement.

""Is it okay? Shizuku."

Seeing Kitagawa Umi's face, the man's tone became even more enthusiastic.

Gojo Satoru frowned and wanted to refuse.

But Kitagawa Umi took the lead and refused with a smile.

"Sorry, my boyfriend took a photo of me."

"Is your boyfriend's photography skills as good as mine? I have been taking photos for seven or eight years."

Hearing the rejection, the man said anxiously

"Really, you believe me... Uh."

He wanted to continue to persuade, but suddenly a huge invisible pressure came from his whole body, and his fat body trembled.

It lasted for more than ten seconds, and he was scared.

"Forget it, forget it, goodbye."

The man whispered and ran away.

At the same time, he didn't know that the cheap camera in his hand had been completely scrapped and became a waste.

After seeing the fat pig-like back leaving, Kitagawa Kaimeng hugged Gojo Satoru's arm and said mischievously

"Hehe, if I say you are my boyfriend, Wujun won’t be angry, right?"

"Tsk, I'm the man you'll never get"

"Hey~, what are you talking about, Wujun? I must get it today."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you."

The two shouted to each other.


After that, the two took a few more photos and then started to walk around the exhibition.

Many passers-by wanted to take photos with Kitagawa Umi and even Gojo Satoru, but they both refused, saying that they were just strolling around and did not want to take photos.

"Eh? Isn't that Natsukawa-san?"

Seeing JOJO in front of me‘COS’A silver-white figure appeared in the area, and Gojo Satoru recognized him at a glance.

Xiachuan is really cool.

I didn't expect that she would also come to the comic exhibition.


Hearing that her best friend was also coming to the convention, Kitagawa Umi looked around excitedly and finally saw the figure on the left.

The two of them lowered their steps and walked behind Makoto Natsukawa, and they heard a faint murmur.

"These COS are so ugly. I was quite curious at first, but that’s all.""This really ruined the comic.""If a live-action version is made in the future, it will be blinding."

After pulling back her snow-white hair, Xia Chuan Zhenliang fell silent and prepared to leave.


As soon as she turned her head, she ran into an embrace.

Covering her aching forehead, Xiachuan Zhenliang, with a ball of anger burning in his heart, raised his head fiercely and prepared to spit trash words.

"Are you sick? You're being beaten like"

He looked up and saw Gojo Satoru, who was smiling.

"Gojo Sensei?!"


I have a little thing to do tomorrow, so I've updated all four chapters. I'll play Louhu the day after tomorrow, and I'll be on base after playing Louhu.

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