"So, what on earth do you want to do by coming to see me so late at night?"

Letting go of the hand that was hugging her waist, Yukinoshita Yukino sat on the sofa and said


Yukinoshita Haruno smiled ingratiatingly, also sat on the sofa, shaking her graceful body and acting coquettishly.

"I miss Xue No, don't I? And I can have dinner if you come over, but I didn't expect you to be away. I'm still hungry."

After saying that, she touched her flat waistline with no extra fat.

‘coo coo——’

Her stomach also started to make noises at this time. With a helpless sigh, Yukinoshita Yukino stood up again and walked towards the kitchen.

"Wait for me, I'll give you something to eat"


She squinted her eyes happily and responded with a lively look.

However, when Yukinoshita Yukino walked into the kitchen, her 'lively' look disappeared without a trace, and she only looked thoughtful.

"Went to Dyson Apartment in the afternoon? She came back in the evening, why did Yukino go there?"

She whispered.

Dyson Apartment, this is the luxury apartment where Gojo Satoru lives.

Because she didn't see her sister when she came back in the evening, Yukinoshita Haruno was a little worried and used her connections to easily find out the other party's activities.

"Could it be that she has a boyfriend? ?"

This thought popped up in her mind.

Yukinoshita Haruno immediately ruled it out, after all, she knew what kind of personality he had.

Compared with having a boyfriend and living alone for the rest of her life, she was more willing to believe the latter.

Forget it, why think so much.

Ruling out the idea in her mind, Yukinoshita Haruno walked into the kitchen with brisk steps, which made Yukinoshita Yukino shout

"Don't hug me, I'm still chopping chives"


No words were spoken that night.


"So, why do I have to drive you on the electric scooter, brother!!!"

Komaru shouted while riding on the side of the road.

Behind her, there was a drowsy Gojo Satoru and a nervous Kanono Benio.

"Brother raised you with all his heart and soul for so many years, it's time for you to show your filial piety to your brother, don't ask why when I ask you to give me a ride."

He responded weakly. I had a great time chatting with Nino and Kitagawa Umi last night, and I drank coffee and couldn't sleep, so I got up and played games all night.

As for why he didn't use [Reversal Technique] and [Teleport], you don't care, he likes it.

God raised me with all his heart and soul.

Komari felt like she wanted to punch him, but her hands were still keeping the electric donkey balanced. For the sake of her own life and Hongxu's life, she had to bear it.

"There's a dive below, hold me tight!!!"


Kanano Hongo screamed in fear.

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at Sobu High School safely.

Along the way, they were met with strange looks from Sobu High School students.

After all, the"beautiful girl" Gojo Mai rode a small electric donkey carrying a handsome white-haired guy and a beautiful girl into Sobu High School. It looked very weird no matter how you looked at it!

"Brother, where are we going to park?" Komari, who had already slowed down and was driving her electric scooter leisurely on the campus, turned around and asked.

"You just need to stop under that big tree."

Gojo Satoru pointed.

Under the big tree?

Looking in the direction he pointed, Komaru's eyelids twitched and she said awkwardly:

"Brother, are you sure you're pointing to the right place? That's the principal's parking spot, right?"

"Oh, it's okay, he knows my electric donkey."

Gojo Satoru said indifferently.

That's what you said, it's not my fault if it was dragged away.

Komari rode in the direction pointed, and then stopped.

"It's here, it's here, 10,000 yen, thank you for your patronage"

"Ten thousand yen for nothing."

After Kanano Hongxu who was behind him went down first, Gojo Satoru finally came down

""Give it to me."

As he said that, he moved his right hand and took the key of the electric donkey away.

Then he put his hands in his pockets and left in an unusually casual manner.

This made Kanono Hongxu and Kouma-chan look at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.


Walking on the road, Gojo Satoru yawned from time to time


Suddenly, a soft body crashed into his arms, and at the same time, a female voice apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just checking the news and didn't see you, sorry, sorry."

Hearing this voice, Gojo Satoru, who had forced himself to hold back a yawn, looked down.

Oh, isn't this Ebina Nana?

""Hey, Nana."

He greeted.

This voice... Gojo brother!?

Ebina Nana, who was still apologizing, looked up and saw that it was Gojo Satoru whom she had been thinking about day and night.

Gojo Satoru bent down, and his white big hands pulled the chubby little face of Ebina Nana, and smiled.

"Yeah, Cai Cai is cute again"

"Woo woo woo——"

Nana Ebina made a cute sound and a blush appeared on her face

"Ahem, I won't play a trick on you. I'll leave first. You should go to look for Komari, right? Komari is right in front."

Gojo Satoru loosened his hand that was pulling the other's chubby face, and touched the soft hair instead.

Smile and touch the dog's head

""Okay, Gojo-nii."

Ebina Nana lowered her head shyly and responded in a low voice.



Gojo Satoru continued walking forward. He still needed to catch up on his sleep. But Ebina Nana stayed where she was, rubbing her cheeks that had just been pulled, grinning and talking to herself.

"Brother Gojo praised me again and praised me for being cute, hehe~~~~"

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