Dusk spreads over the land.

Gojo Satoru holds a vanilla in one hand and a box of Kikufuku bought in Shibuya in the other, walking on a road surrounded by grass.

The warm sunlight shines on them, making both the man and the cat close their eyes comfortably (?)


A breeze blew, ruffling the white hair.

Suddenly, Gojo Satoru stopped.

"Eh? Isn't that the boy from last time?"

Not far away, there was a boy in a Sobu High School uniform lying outside. He recognized who he was at a glance.

After all, he was splashed with water by the electric scooter he rode, and then he compared sizes in the toilet, so it was inevitable that he had a deep impression of him.

And this figure was...

Tabata Hidenori.


Gojo Satoru saw a familiar figure with white hair walking to the lawn area.


Tabata Hide is lying on the prickly grass, holding a bishoujo manga in both hands, and his glasses-covered eyes are fixed on the contents of the manga.

The bishoujo manga with colors is his favorite.


There was a sound of footsteps on the grass.

Tabata Hidenori pushed his glasses and glanced to the left.

The next second, his eyes suddenly bulged and widened.

It turned out to be the mixed-race beauty who returned from Sobu High School. Natsukawa is so cool!

Although he felt that his mouth was about to split open from laughing, Tabata Hidenori quickly controlled his facial expression.

‘Whoosh whoosh——’

The breeze that never stopped blew the two of them.

Tabata Hide put down the beautiful girl comic in his hand and looked at the sunset in the distance. Natsukawa Masuzu turned his hands behind his back, and his delicate face also revealed a sense of enjoyment.


Another sound of grass being treaded was heard, and it was Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru was standing behind Natsukawa Shinryou not far away, his usual playful and smiling face was gone, only his calm and gentle expression was in line with the current scene.

None of the three spoke, and an awkward atmosphere began to spread.

""Oh... so embarrassing. Why is that bastard from last time here? He looks different, but it's definitely him! And that beautiful girl who returned from abroad doesn't talk either. Should I do something? But I can't say those words, let alone words that can please girls."

Tabata Hidenori complained crazily in his heart.

Looking at the full sunset, he got an inspiration and thought again.

"The sunset is so beautiful~... No, no, if I say something so clichéd, that bastard will definitely laugh at me. Ah, it's so annoying. It would be better if Tadakuni and Yoshitake were here."

After the crazy complaints

, Gojo Satoru suddenly spoke up and sighed calmly.

"The wind today is so noisy"

"Oh my god, why can you say this without changing your expression? I want to hit my head against a wall after hearing it.

Tabata Hidenori roared in his heart again.

Having noticed Gojo Satoru behind him, Natsukawa Shinryou tucked his long hair that was blown by his ears and responded with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"But the wind seems to be crying"

"Hey, what the hell, is the returning beautiful girl so funny?"

Although Tabata Hidenori kept a blank expression and admired the sunset, he was trying hard to hold back his laughter, and his body was even twitching.

"Spare me, I have reached the limit of my endurance, I am about to burst."

Although he thought so, he suddenly said something.

"This wind brought some bad things into Tokyo."

"Hey, hey, hey, why do I suddenly love acting so much?"

Feeling that he was socially dead, Tabata Hidenori lowered his head deeply.

But at this moment, Gojo Satoru came behind him, patted his shoulder with his right hand, and said seriously:

"Don't bow your head, the crown will fall off"

"I have a hairy crown."

But Tabata Hidenori raised his head again, tilted his head, and said seriously:

"thank you"

"Why should I say thank you?"

Tabata Hidenori, who always felt that he was no longer himself, wanted to leave quickly. He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his friends Tanaka Yoshitake and Shihara Tadakuni, asking them to come to the rescue.

Sure enough, within a few seconds after the message was sent

, Tanaka Yoshitake, who was on the lawn, appeared on the path, pulled his hair back, put one hand in his pocket, and said with a faint sadness in his eyes.

"Let's go, Xiu Ze, something bad has happened in Tokyo, we have to go there and take action"

"!!! , why can you take over my words, I didn't tell you!"

After complaining again and again in his heart, Tabata Hide picked up the handbag beside him, pushed his glasses, his eyes instantly sharp, and said solemnly

"Really? We still have to do it. You guys should leave before the wind dies down. (Why did I say such a stupid thing?)" Before the words fell, a caring citizen, Zhiyuan Tadakuni, ran over from the other side, shouting on the way:

"Xiu Ze, Ji Zhu, let's go quickly. The potato chips at the convenience store over there are on sale today, only half price!"

"Can you please look at the atmosphere?"

Feeling that he was too exhausted to complain, Tabata Hidetsugu hurriedly pulled his two friends away.

If he didn't run away, would he be embarrassed to death?


Looking at the three figures running away quickly, Gojo Satoru and Natsukawa Masu finally couldn't help laughing.

"Why, why can you say such funny things, Mr. Gojo? I almost couldn't hold it back, hahaha."

Xiachuan Zhenliang held his stomach and laughed while speaking, his words were intermittent.

He was afraid that he would not be able to catch his breath in the next second and choke.

"How dare you say that to me? You almost made me feel embarrassed and kicked me out of my apartment."

Gojo Satoru sat on the lawn, hugging Vanilla and laughing.

The two looked at each other and laughed even louder.

It lasted for several minutes.

After feeling that she couldn't laugh anymore, Natsukawa Shinryo straightened her skirt and sat next to Gojo Satoru. At the same time, her blue eyes saw Vanilla in her arms.

"Is this the kitten you raised, Teacher Gojo? It looks so cute. What's its name?"

While she was talking, her white, reflective little hand carefully stroked Vanilla's head.

Vanilla also purred comfortably.

"It's called Vanilla. Be good, I named it."Shamelessly

, Gojo Satoru took the credit for naming Vanilla on himself.

"Vanilla? You're pretty, and your name is nice, too. Hello, Vanilla."

A motherly smile appeared on her face, and Xiachuan Zhenliang's voice softened a little.


Vanilla also seems to respond 'Hello’


Today's chapter is really quick.

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