In the morning.

Wandering in the campus, Gojo Satoru prepared to find a place to have a good sleep.

Although there is a [Reversal Technique] that can reverse the mental state, sleeping is a beautiful thing for human beings.

Gojo Satoru, who did not sleep well, decided to be lazy and sleep, and leave the class to Xiaojing, anyway, Xiaojing would not refuse.


Looking around with his eyes, Gojo Satoru did not find a good place to sleep, but saw a figure wearing black stockings from behind.

The figure stood next to the vending machine, squatting as if in distress, and tapping the vending machine gently.

Curious, Gojo Satoru walked over, and the closer he got, he heard a faint sound of distress.

"Ah~, what happened? It was fine yesterday, why can't it fall into the water suddenly?"

Walking over, Gojo Satoru lowered his head and looked.

Oh, it was Miku.

He also squatted beside her.

"This machine has an old problem. Last time I bought water, it was swallowed up."


The sudden sound startled Miku, who was concentrating on watching the vending machine, with a look of horror on her face.

Turning her head, she saw the innocent-looking white-haired boy next to her, who seemed to be saying,"What's wrong with me?"’

"It's you, Nino's white-haired boyfriend."

Miku blurted out.

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and her face turned red.

It's over. It's so rude to say what's in my heart.

Hearing that another person called him"white-haired", Gojo Satoru said speechlessly

"Please call me handsome."

Why do you like to call me white-haired so much? When will white-haired stand up? Cry, cry, cry

"Sorry, sorry."

Miku nodded and apologized.

In response, Gojo Satoru waved his hand and looked at the vending machine and asked

"You bought water, and the water was swallowed by the machine?"

"Yes, this hadn't happened when I bought it yesterday."

Miku scratched her hair in distress.

"I also invested twice, but it was all swallowed up."

"I see."

Gojo Wuno nodded thoughtfully, stood up, and said

"You step back a bit"


Although she was a little confused, Miku stood up and took a few steps back.

After seeing that the opponent was out of his attack range, Gojo Satoru took a Bruce Lee pose and shouted

"Ah hit!——"

The slender legs kicked sideways and hit the body of the vending machine.


There was a loud noise, and the vending machine shook a few times.

Two bottles of green drinks that had been swallowed earlier fell out of the water outlet.


Seeing the falling water, Sanjiu's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands.


He retracted his right leg like a show-off, and Gojo Satoru smiled proudly.

He felt his waist straighten a little. His white big hand picked up the drink from the water outlet and handed it to Miku behind him.

However, Miku only took one bottle, and explained at the same time

"This bottle of drink is your reward, teacher. I can't finish it anyway."

"Thank you then."

Without any pretense, Gojo Satoru unscrewed the bottle cap and started drinking.

Mm, matcha flavor, not bad.

After screwing the bottle cap back on, Gojo Satoru knocked on the vending machine like an experienced person and said to Miku

"Let me tell you, this vending machine deserves a beating. If it swallows money, just kick it. If one kick is not enough, kick it again and the money will fall out."

""I've learned a lot."

Miku nodded solemnly.

This is very valuable knowledge!!!

Although there are many vending machines in Sobu High School, each vending machine sells different types of beverages. The only one that has matcha and green tea flavors is this machine.

"But I don't know your name yet, Nino's sister."

Gojo Satoru asked deliberately.

Although he knew the girl's name and background very well, he still had to ask deliberately.

So, I'm really tired. Hey, when will the Oscar give me an award?

"Hmm? Haven't I introduced myself yet?"

As if she was just an idiot, Miku touched her chin and asked in confusion.

"You really didn't introduce yourself, girl."

Gojo Satoru said

"Okay, my name is Nakano Miku, please give me your guidance"

"Gojo Satoru, please give me more advice. Just call me Gojo teacher at school."

"Thank you, Mr. Gojo."

Miku suddenly smiled.

Although the corners of her mouth only slightly raised, she was indeed smiling.

"It's okay."

Gojo Satoru naturally didn't want to thank him for anything, and shook his head casually.

"Then I will leave first? I still need to go to bed.

He pointed ahead.

"Well, goodbye."

Sanjiu waved and left.

She came out to buy water under the pretext of going to the toilet. She had to go back to the classroom.

But, speaking of it.

Sanjiu stopped and looked back at Gojo Satoru, who was walking in the opposite direction of her, with only his back, and thought:

"Gojo Satoru, Gojo Mai, what is their relationship?"

Although there are many guesses in my mind, I think it is more likely that they are siblings.


On the other side.

After searching for a long time, Gojo Satoru still couldn't find a suitable place to sleep, so he had to choose the pavilion.

Lying on the long bench, Gojo Satoru took out a pillow from somewhere and put it behind him, and let out a comfortable"ah~".

That's how it feels, here it comes, sleepy.

His eyelids trembled wildly, and in a few seconds, he fell asleep...

The spring breeze from time to time blew Gojo Satoru's white hair and"caressed" his face.

If someone takes a photo now, it is very likely to win the first place in the photography competition


(After Nino, the second love line of the five sisters is Miku. Hmm~ I also love Miku's black stockings, hehehe.)

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