Tanjiro follows the guidance of Tomioka Yoshiyoshi and takes your beans to the foothills of Mt. Sasagiri to visit an old man named Scalesaki Sakinji.

According to Yoshiyuki Tomioka, the old man may have a way to cure Youdouzi.

The first episode of "Demon Slayer" is over here, and watching the back of Tanjiro and You Douzi in the forest, fans have an urge not to vomit and be unhappy.

"Anyway, the bamboo tube on your bean's mouth is to prevent her from biting?"

"If you get contaminated with the blood of a ghost, you will become a ghost, how can I feel that this thing is similar to a zombie~"

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful zombie as You Bean?!"

"Ghosts, people, people who specialize in hunting ghosts, very good, the old man's interest is here~"

"There are too many mysteries, and after reading it, I have a foggy feeling~"

"The tragedy of destroying the door, this start is too impactful~"

After the anime ended, fans flocked to the forums to express their feelings.

The first episode of "Demon Slayer" can't be said to be very bloody, nor how eye-catching.

The length of the first episode is just to introduce the audience to the back of this world and the rudiments of the various forces, and then through the bond between Tanjiro and You Douzi, the plot will be introduced.

It can be said that the whole article is paving, and there are no so-called plot ups and downs, and the only plot fluctuation may be Tanjiro's unexpected but reasonable tragedy.

However, with the scene at the beginning of the anime, fans have long been mentally prepared.

So for Tanjiro's miserable experience, although pitiful, it didn't have much impact.

On the contrary, it was Tomioka Yoshiyo who taught Tanjiro that made many fans feel a lot of emotion, and they were all a little embarrassed.

"Demon Slayer" is a rising star, its plot is slow and full of tenderness.

In Fang Zheng's view, "Demon Slayer" can be regarded as a slow-burning anime with a strong rear flag, unlike the fast food culture of other anime, which uses some gimmicks to attract people's attention, and after a dazzling plot, it is easy to make people forget.

"Demon Slayer Blade" belongs to the kind of work that becomes more and more flavorful the more you watch it, foreshadowing in the early stage, and the plot does not fluctuate much, but in the later stage, it rises strongly, and it instantly makes people feel enthusiastic and hearty.

Throughout "Demon Slayer", its story belongs to the feeling of companionship, a hot-blooded anime that has always encouraged you and warmed you.

Although the rhythm is not very compact, it has a very sense of substitution, which makes people look very smooth and comfortable.

Of course, these are Fangzheng's personal feelings, and they are the feelings after watching "Demon Slayer".

So these things are not felt by fans of this world.

However, the reason why "Demon Slayer" is so popular is definitely its superiority.

The novel setting, the fascinating plot, and the plot foreshadowing and foreshadowing that are not abrupt at all are all shining points that attract fans step by step.

Maybe the first episode of the anime didn't have too many waves, but through Tanjiro's tragic encounter, it led to the relationship between ghosts, ghost killing teams, and people.

It also sets a tone for the main plot, that is, to help You Douzi restore his human identity and find the murderer who destroyed the door.

It can be said that the first episode of the anime has made everything that should be explained clearly.

Because family affection fights against people who don't know how many times stronger than themselves, this is Tanjiro, because family affection even if it turns into a ghost, even if it is possible to get rid of it, you have to protect your brother, this is your bean.

The kinship between Tanjiro and You Douzi vividly explains to fans what is called blood thicker than water!

It is precisely because of this that many fans are very emotional.

Calm down and think about it, how long has it been since I started working alone, how long has it been since I contacted my family?

Every day at work, after work, eating, sleeping, it seems... I really haven't been in touch with my family for a while~

Although life is said to be born, it is to be born and then struggle to live, but no matter how busy and tired you are, you can still squeeze out the effort of talking to your family on the phone.

Many fans let out a sigh of relief, picked up their mobile phones, rummaged through the call logs, and found the familiar phone number that had sunk a lot in the address book.

Even if there is nothing to do, it is good to say "have you eaten", not for anything else, just to listen to the voice that you are familiar with, and tell the other person that everything is fine outside.

You have to eat enough outside, add clothes when it's cold, and go home early for the New Year...

A sentence that usually sounds very verbose, but now it sounds like a tear.

Man is really a creature that only knows how to cherish when he loses, and these family affections whose blood is thicker than water may not be cared about in ordinary times, as if everything is taken for granted.

But when I lost it, I realized that I had missed something forever.

And in "Demon Slayer Blade", the deep bond between Tanjiro and You Douzi, who has become a ghost, has indeed touched many fans.

"Brothers, I'm homesick~"

"Who doesn't want to, the old man hasn't been back for three years~!"

"Mixed up like this, I don't even have the courage to go home, go home, Lao Tzu also wants to!"

"Gan, what are you hypocritical one by one, no matter how hard and tired the old man is, he is bored, he is drunk, he just can't continue to fight the next day, what do you want to do so much!"

"That's right, don't fight for a big fortune, just fight for a happy and healthy family~!"

"Is there a brother in the magic capital, come to XXX to chat for a while, hemp egg, watch an anime and give the old man a whole hypocrisy, I want to find someone to talk to!"

"Brother, give me twenty minutes, don't get drunk and don't go home!"

is the same person who has fallen from the end of the world, why should I have known each other when we meet, call a few people, drink a few glasses of wine, and when the wine is rising, there will be no worries.

The next day, I should go to work, I should deliver takeaways, and all my worries will disappear.

In the forum, many fans who are used to ridiculing on weekdays are unusual, but today they are all expressing their emotions one by one.

In their words, it's hypocrisy!

Therefore, today's forum has become particularly weird, and many new fans see where some big guys are pretending to be deep, and they don't dare to speak one by one.

I'm afraid that I will accidentally disturb the Yaxing of the big guys.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Heavenly Remnant Phantom Ice", thank you big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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