When Tanjiro got home, he saw your beans lying in the doorway, lying in a pool of blood.

"Ah~!! Your beans!What's wrong? What the hell is going on?!"

"What's going on?!"

Tanjiro was a little devastated when he saw this scene, and You Douzi fell to the ground, his body still firmly protected his younger brother, and the originally white snow under his body was also red.

Tanjiro didn't know what was going on, so he turned his head to look inside the house, and the house was in shambles, mottled with blood everywhere, and the whole family was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

"Oh my God, how can this be borne by a child, for Tanjiro, this... It's like the sky is falling~"

"I don't know if you've noticed a detail, it's all big and small, a family... Alas~"

"Oh my God, this is a nightmare scene~"

"It's so pitiful, although it was originally poor, but at least the family lived happily, and now Tanjiro is left alone, this..."

"How can you be willing to give up Pipi Shrimp, you can also do this?"

Although fans have seen the scene at the beginning of the anime and know that Tanjiro's family may encounter accidents, but when it really comes to this moment, fans still find themselves a little unacceptable.

Family is originally a harbor that a person can't give up, and when an originally beautiful and happy family becomes fragmented, that kind of pain is enough to make a person collapse.

It can be said that this is a plot killing, but seeing the end of Tanjiro's family, many fans subconsciously looked away and couldn't bear to watch it.

The sky didn't know when it was snowing, and the gray sky became even more oppressive.

In the snow-covered woods, Tanjiro frantically runs towards the town with your beans on his back, trying to save you.

And the bean behind him was pale and terrible, like snow on the ground, without the slightest color of blood.

The miserable appearance of Youdouzi and Tanjiro's anxious expression made fans feel worried.

At this time, fans don't expect anything, they just beg You Douzi not to die, to leave Tanjiro a family member, and to leave him a support to rely on.

"Only your beans still have body temperature, let the doctor see maybe there is still a life!"

"Why is it like this?!"

"Is it a bear? Is there a hibernating bear?"

Tanjiro doesn't know what the reason for his originally beautiful family has become like this, and the only possibility he can think of is a blind bear who has not yet hibernated and came out to forage for food~

Tanjiro runs wild through the woods with your beans on his back, and the cold weather, combined with the thick snow, makes Tanjiro's movement extremely difficult.

It was difficult to breathe, and the cold air rushed into his lungs, but it was like a fire, giving him a tearing pain.

But Tanjiro doesn't plan to rest, because he knows that Youdou's condition is not optimistic and he needs to be treated as soon as possible.

So even though he was almost out of breath, Tanjiro still didn't stop his steps, moving forward with difficulty, step by step, just for that slim opportunity.

Tanjiro's home is not close to the town, which can be seen from the fact that Tanjiro went to sell charcoal before, but it was already night when he returned.

Therefore, Tanjiro must hurry up and rush to the town as soon as possible so that your beans can be treated.

"You Douzi, I definitely want to save you! Brother definitely wants to save you!"

Tanjiro carried your beans on his back and struggled to move forward on the snow, and the snowflakes fell all over the sky, giving people a very bleak feeling.

Covered in blood, Youdou lay on Tanjiro's back, not only was there no blood on his face, but even his hands and feet were pale and he sighed.

Suddenly, Your Douzi's hand moved inexplicably, and then Your Douzi came to his senses.

However, the pale face of Youdouzi became hideous, and she struggled frantically on Tanjiro's back, and finally the two of them fell down the hillside together.

"What's the matter?, You've woken up?!"

"No, your bean's expression just now is very hideous, it doesn't look like a normal person's expression, but like... Resemble... Oh, I can't say it, it's weird!"

"How can I feel like a corpse~!"

"I'm Gan, can you not be so frightened upstairs, I'm so scared when you say it~"

"The anime is called Demon Slayer Blade, shouldn't your beans become ghosts~"

"Hiss~ goosebumps are up, ask for barrage protection!"

When fans saw the weird expression of You Douzi, many people felt a feeling of heavy and cool air.

It's not that everyone is timid, but they are naturally terrified and afraid of things like ghosts, after all, who hasn't heard ghost stories when they were children and was scared by ghosts~

In addition, the anime is called "Demon Slayer Blade", and Tanjiro was at the hunter's cabin before, and the uncle also mentioned ghosts, so everyone subconsciously thought about it.

Tanjiro fell on the snow, but because of the snow, there was no big accident.

One rolled over and got up from the ground, and Tanjiro's first thought was to find his sister's figure and check if there were any accidents with her.

"Youdouzi, it's okay, you don't have to go, I'll send you to town!"

At this time, your beans give people a creepy feeling.

Standing in the snow in bloodstained clothes, with no shoes on his feet, but as if he didn't know the cold, he just stood like that.

Because of the long hair, I couldn't see the expression on Your Douzi's face clearly, and the atmosphere began to become weird.

However, when fans found out about this unusual scene, Tanjiro didn't think about it that much.

I didn't think about why a person who was still in a coma just now was able to stand up by himself now, and these Tanjiro didn't care.

All he cares about is the injury of Youdouzi now, and he wants to save his only remaining family, even if there is only the slightest chance.

"You beans!"

Tanjiro came to Youdouzi's side and just wanted to see how the other party was doing, but he saw Youdouzi biting at him with a hideous face, like a mad beast that had lost its mind.

"It's... This is... Ghosts!"

Tanjiro blocked your bean's mouth with the handle of the axe, and looked at your bean's hideous face, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Game Life", thank you guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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