When it comes to fighting, there is one word that cannot be avoided, and that is blood.

"Demon Slayer", "Attack on Titan", "Fate" series, etc., these can be said to be very classic existences.

The reason why a classic is a classic is to be remembered.

Fang Zheng took out his notebook and wrote and drew on it, writing and drawing a lot.

In the end, Fang Zheng chose the work "Demon Slayer".

When it comes to bloody battles, the first thing that comes to mind is the feature-length "One Piece" and "Naruto".

These two anime can be said to be representatives of the bloody battle.,It's the two giants in this category.,Even if it's a fan who has entered the house late.,Even if you haven't watched these two anime.,It's definitely like thunder about the names of these two anime.。

The reason why "One Piece" and "Hokage" have been so widely disseminated and widely acclaimed is of course due to the quality of their works.

But in Fangzheng's view, an excellent animation, in addition to its own excellent quality, must also be able to arouse people's thinking, which is the most basic condition for a work to be canonized as a classic, or even a god.

Anime, in essence, is an art that originates from life and is higher than life.

Since it is art, it must be able to arouse people's thinking about human nature and social ideology, and this is the core of the Hokage and One Piece that can be passed on for so long and so light.

In Fang Zheng's own opinion, the Hokage is better than thinking about human nature, there is no absolute good and evil in the characters, and there is no absolute right or wrong in the position, everyone is pursuing their own path.

Even villains have their own persistence, which has captured a lot of fans, and even some villains can't be hated at all.

In Fang Zheng's view, One Piece is based on the plot in place, which triggers people's thinking and dialectic of social ideology.

One Piece is definitely not as simple as being funny and inspirational, if you experience it carefully, you can experience the real war, racial discrimination, class strife, etc., which have been very prominently reflected.

It can be said that "One Piece" and "Naruto" show fans excellent anime works, but also show people a grander world view.

Of course, in addition to One Piece and Naruto, there are also Bleach and Fairy Tail, and so on.

And although "Demon Slayer" has not reached the same heights as the Sea of Dead Fire, it is undeniable that this anime has great potential, and even the gods are unknown.

"Demon Slayer Blade", while fighting with blood, while making fans feel enthusiastic, they have learned a lot.

Bloody battle fan can be said to be a genre with a long history in the animation field.,There are a lot of animations of this type.,But there are very few works that can get rid of the influence of their predecessors.,Finally eliminated by the market.,By people in the past.。

And "Demon Slayer" can stand out among them, and it definitely has its own highlights in it.

Before the original crossing, when Fang Zheng first came into contact with "Demon Slayer", he also watched it with the intention of talking better than nothing, because there was a bloody fan in front of him, but there were too many anime that failed in the end.

So much so that many people have formed an inherent impression that the upper limit of this genre of anime has been fixed, and no matter how high it is, it can't get there.

In that era when various labels and genres of anime shone brightly, bloody battle dramas seemed to be particularly weak.

But at this time, "Demon Slayer Blade" broke through the encirclement, killed it, and stood out in front of the majority of two-dimensional fans.

"Demon Slayer Blade" was in the previous life of Xiaopo Station, and the score was as high as 9.8 points, which is definitely a high and terrifying score in the hot blood.

And some people even named "Demon Slayer" as one of the four heavenly kings of the new era, you must know that the four heavenly kings of the old era are classics such as "Naruto" and "One Piece".

"Demon Slayer Blade" can be praised by fans to the point that it definitely has its own merits~

After watching "Demon Slayer", Fang Zheng completely changed his cognition, and the attitude of watching that talk is better than nothing at the beginning is so ridiculous and funny.

The main plot of "Demon Slayer" is very clear, that is, relying on the two opposing groups of people and ghosts, a competition and competition have begun.

And in this context, a series of stories are unfolded by taking advantage of the family bond between the protagonist Tanjiro and his sister Youdouzi.

Relatives, this is the most intuitive reflection on human nature in front of the audience in "Demon Slayer".

In order to make You Bean a human again, Tanjiro resolutely embarked on the road of moving forward in order to avenge his family.

This has triggered people's thinking and perception of family affection.

With the rapid development of today's society, the very realistic material term of interests has been infinitely elevated, because it is not uncommon for interests, money, and so on to turn against their families.

This kind of frequent imagination will inevitably cause people to think about the importance of family affection and interests.

In this social context, "Demon Slayer Blade" was born, and Tanjiro abandoned everything in order to save Youdouzi, and the story of killing ghosts along the way is thought-provoking.

Family affection is not something that is so easy to give up, nor is it something that interests can be measured.

When you are faced with the choice between interests and family affection, what will you choose?

This question is the most intuitive and easy-to-see reflection on human nature in "Demon Slayer", Tanjiro can abandon everything for the sake of his family, but what about real people?

Secondly, in Fang Zheng's view, in addition to thinking about family affection, "Demon Slayer" also has another one, that is, thinking about good and evil, right and wrong.

Tanjiro is a member of the ghost killing team, but he carries Youdou, who is incarnated as a ghost, which is a big taboo.

In "Demon Slayer", humans and ghosts are opposites, and from the perspective of human beings, ghosts are murderous and should be killed.

And this is also the duty and obligation of the ghost killing team.

It's hard to imagine Tanjiro, a member of the ghost killing team, 'in the same boat' as the ghost.

However, everything in the world is reasonable, there is no absolute right or wrong, and there is no absolute good or evil.

Do ghosts have to be bad?

You Douzi has never hurt anyone, on the contrary, You Douzi is still struggling to suppress his bloodlust and impulsiveness, can you say that You Douzi is an evil ghost?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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