In the evening, fans knew that it would be a little while before the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" "The Strongest Kaguya" would be released.

The battle situation of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", this protracted and endless war of love minds, who wins and who loses between Kaguya Shinomiya and Silver Yuxing, this is the answer that many fans have been paying attention to and want to know.

And this answer will be given today, because the name "The Strongest Kaguya" is a famous lady from the Sinomiya Kaguya who is a step ahead.

"Brothers, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

"Love is war, come and come, and be fooled by Pipi Shrimp!"

"Gan, that's how the old man returned to the ranks of single dogs in the first place!"

"Pippi shrimp, forever dripping gods!"

"Let's go, it's almost time!"

Fans who have long been excited have left the forum of A Society and went to the homepage of the official website of A Society.



No, it's already seven o'clock, huh?

What's going on?

Fans are looking at the empty homepage of the official website of Company A, except for the newly concluded "Dating Wars", there are no new works on the shelves~

What does this mean? Could it be that the Phi Phi Shrimp is late?

Fans are confused when they look at the new works that have not been refreshed.

No matter what kind of fans join the A club, they know that although Pipi Shrimp is not very good, this punctual spirit is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Founder has released so many works before, saying that it will be released at seven o'clock, but there has never been such a situation today.

Especially some bigwig fans who have been in contact with A since ancient times, they are even more shocked by this strange situation.

If nothing else, let's just say that every time Founder releases a new work, when is it a little late.

It's not even that it's late, not even a minute or a second is missing.

But today, Pipi Shrimp was late.

Fans who don't give up think that maybe there is a problem with their computer, or there is a problem with the network at home, which causes the webpage to not be refreshed.

Or maybe it's a second or two late.

So fans still click to refresh without giving up.

Flushed... No... In the refresh... Not yet...

After refreshing it several times in a row, looking at the time in the lower right corner of the computer that it was already 7:03, fans realized that something was wrong with the situation.

Phi Phi shrimp had never been eaten before, but now it is late.

If it's just a few seconds or half a minute late, fans probably won't feel anything.

After all, no one is a saint or a sage, and there will inevitably be delays in releasing new works, so fans also understand.

But that's not the case now!

It looks like it's past seven and five o'clock, but the homepage of the A society platform still hasn't refreshed the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" that they are looking forward to.

This made many fans feel upset in their hearts.

They have been looking forward to it since yesterday, and they finally survived last night and today's day, just waiting for the new work to soothe their anxious mood~

But what's going on right now?!

Many fans are sore when they click on the mouse, but there is still no change on the homepage of the A social platform.


Fans have found themselves in a bit of a change in their mentality, and there is already a faint tendency to explode on the spot.

"Brothers, have any of you refreshed the second season?"

"I didn't refresh my mouse when I pressed it, what about you?!"

"No, no, everyone hasn't refreshed it, I thought it was my own problem~"

"What's going on, didn't you say it was released at seven o'clock, it's ten o'clock!"

"Did you say Phi Phi Shrimp forgot?"

"Don't be funny, what Pi Phi Shrimp said yesterday, how long has it been, how can you forget!"

The fans' mentality is a little unsettled, and anyone who has been looking forward to it for a long time, but in the end they find that the bamboo basket is empty, I'm afraid this mood will not be much better.

Seeing the time pass minute by minute, fans who refreshed to no avail ran to the forum of Society A to inquire about the situation.

Only after this question did I find out that it was not only myself who encountered this situation, but everyone was like this.

Fans who saw this situation, while breathing a sigh of relief in their hearts, were also contradictory.

Everyone hasn't seen "The Strongest Kaguya", which means that this is not a problem with their own home network or equipment, but something went wrong with Company A.

The paradox is that many fans have realized that something is not good.

Everyone didn't refresh it, does this mean that Pippi Shrimp forgot, or did the pigeon pigeon them?

"It's too much, Pipi Shrimp, we can tolerate your skin for other things, but you also bring skin when this new work is released, isn't it too much to say?!"

"yes, haven't you heard the story of the wolf?"

"Pippi Shrimp, hurry up and give me the whole second season, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"You are eroding our trust in Company A, do you know? You are digging your own grave!"

"Don't play with Pipi shrimp, you really can't use the skin for this thing~"

"Hurry up and release it, if you release it now, we can act as if nothing has happened!"

In the forum of A Society, under Fangzheng's personal Weibo, and even under the official blog of A Society, fans have already fried the pot.

If Fang Zheng hadn't forgotten it, it might have really been skinning them.

And Fang Zheng said yesterday that "The Strongest Kaguya" was released, so there is a high probability that he forgot it, but that he wanted skin again.

Many fans have already guessed this, and they are speechless, and at the same time, they are also a little angry in their hearts.

Isn't this a copy of the wolf?

If you continue to play like this, aren't you afraid that one day our trust in you will be completely consumed?!

Many fans are really a little annoyed and angry this time, which can be seen from the message under Fangzheng's personal Weibo.

Some things can be joked, and some things obviously can't, and Fang Zheng's 'tricking' them this time is undoubtedly a public outrage, which makes fans completely furious.

Even if they are used to Fangzheng's skinny and cheap character, but today's matter, in the eyes of fans, Fangzheng's actions are really a bit excessive.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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