The first season of "Dating Wars" is over, and fans are a little embarrassed.

Five Rivers Shido, the undoubted winner in life, is simply shocking in his way of saving the world.

And Kurumi Tokizaki, who fans are most worried about, also briefly missed a side in the last episode and gave fans an answer.

As fans speculated, Kurumi Tokizaki is obviously not so easy to die.

Kurumi Tokizaki's reappearance also made fans breathe a sigh of relief.

If Kurumi is really dead, that's the most unacceptable setting and result for them.

"Although I know it's impossible, I still have to say, where can I find such an opportunity to save the world?

"You can pull it down, are you helpful? You're gluttonous!"

"I can give you the rest, but the third must be mine, no one wants to rob it!"

"I took it away in the piano, you are free~"

"A bunch of brutes!"

The end of "Dating Wars" made fans feel indescribable.


That is naturally enviable, after all, a winner in life like Wuhe Shidao, I believe that there is no man who will not be envious.

But envy is envy, seeing now, fans also know that Wuhe Shidao is not the kind of outright scumbag, although he is fraternal, but he is also to save the world~

Although this setting makes fans complain, isn't this an excuse for Shidao to open the harem openly?

But on the other hand, Shidao and each elf have an encounter that others can't imagine, and this is the basis of the relationship between the two parties.

And what impresses fans the most is that Shidao can be said to be an authentic good man, constantly running between various forces, like a hub.

Efforts are being made to adjust the balance and contradictions of the forces of all parties.

If saving the world is an excuse for him to open a harem, then this is his own personal charm.

And the reason why Shidao is fraternity and not scum is also because Shidao knows each elf very well and takes care of it carefully.

Reporter: Mr. Shidao, what if you are followed?

Shidao: Find a girl to talk to for a minute.

Reporter: What is this operation? And then?

Shimichi: If there is an explosion from behind, it is Shika, if there is a cold air in the back, it is Shiitono, and if there is no movement, it is Kotori.

Reporter: Why is there no movement in the piano?

Shidao: I estimate that the Scorching Demon Slayer has transformed into a cannon form and is starting to recharge~

Reporter:.... That... Why can't it be Kite One Origami and Kurumi Three?

Shidao: If it's origami, I'm sure I can't find out that the other party is following me, if it's Kurumi... I've been shot a long time ago, where will I have time to be interviewed by you.

Reporter:...... You have a good point....

Therefore, Shidao's understanding of elves is very deep and thorough, and he is not the kind of superficial scumbag who eats dry and cleans.

What is a scumbag?

That is, after the scum play, pat the ass and leave, and continue to look for the next target.

But obviously, Shidao is different, although he also has more wives, but the most essential difference between people and scumbags is that they have an emotional foundation~

"Ahem, brothers, I suddenly had an idea, my math teacher once told me that if A equals B, B equals C, so A equals C, right?"

"Upstairs, what are you talking about, what do you want to express?"

"Ahem, you see, Kurumi lives in Aqua Blue Star, and I also live in Aqua Blue Star, so does this mean that I live with Mad San?"

"??? I'll rub it, aren't you afraid that your math teacher will kill you!"

"666, according to what you say, Kurumi takes a bath, I also take a bath, isn't that me taking a bath with Mad San?!"

"Strong or you strong, good guy recursive equation is what you use?"

"Brother Cowhide, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Warning, you math teachers have thirty seconds left to get to the battlefield!"

Seeing the beautiful elves, fans racked their brains and did everything they could to convince themselves to be involved with each other.

Especially Kurumi Tokizaki, this is definitely the ideal companion in the minds of countless gentlemen.

Powerful, mysterious, emotional, and occasionally call colors, who can refuse such a girl~

What's more, Kurumi Tokizaki still has so many doppelgangers, if there is such a wife, then life in the future.... Hey, hey, hey~

One blows the saxophone, one makes himself a knee pillow, one gives himself a blasting set, one gives himself a massage... emm~ This life imagination is degenerate and decaying.

This idea is not good, it is too bad, as a good young man, how can he have this kind of thought~

Many fans involuntarily thought of a piece and blushed for their shameful and depraved thoughts.

"I always feel like I haven't seen enough, do you think Pipi Shrimp will come out next season?"

"You're not talking nonsense, there will be a follow-up at the end, but I don't know when the follow-up will come out~"

"Speaking of follow-up... Pi Phi Shrimp Wo Ri, you immortal board, can you make the follow-up of the old bones!"

"That's right, the old bone classmates have been empty for a long time~"

"emm~ If there is a sequel, the big teacher of "My Youth Love Story" really has a problem with the self-explosion and is not over, and "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" has no winner ~"

"There is also "Newgame", "The Marriage of Five-Equal Flowers", "The Second Disease Wants to Fall in Love"... I'm rubbing, thinking about it, the tail of the shrimp is a little too much~"

"Pipi Shrimp, hurry up and come out to finish~"

The end of "Dating Wars" made fans feel like they hadn't seen enough of it at all, from discussing whether Founder would release a second season of "Dating Wars", and slowly evolved into helping Founder count the unfinished work.

I don't know if I don't know this statistics, and I'm shocked when I count them.

The animation works made by the special Pipi shrimp have at least nearly half of the story not explained clearly.

And most importantly, this product does not seem to have any follow-up plans.

"I'm rubbing, this is absolutely unbearable~"

"As a member of Nasalik, the old man serves the great and supreme supreme, and he will never swallow this breath!"

"Let's take a walk, go and remind Pipi Shrimp, don't touch the fish all day long~"

"To be a man must have a beginning and an end, it's not right for you to do this!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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