The TV in the living room is playing the latest news of the space earthquake, and this detail has also aroused the close attention of fans.

After all, although the warm daily life at the beginning of this episode is very attractive, and the appearance of my sister who is not very smart is also very happy, fans still want to know what the so-called space shock is.

Whether it is a black technology weapon of human beings, or a so-called alien biological strike, or some supernatural phenomenon.

And with the broadcast of TV news, the narration also appeared in due course.

Space earthquake, a wide-area space tremor of unknown cause, as the name suggests, is a cruel disaster in which the magic of space itself shakes and destroys the vicinity.

After the catastrophe 30 years ago, space earthquakes of different sizes occurred all over the world in half a year, and the area near the area where the Wuhe Shidao brothers and sisters lived was also turned into a scorched earth and completely destroyed by space earthquakes.

In the twenty-five years after the catastrophe thirty years ago, there was no incident, but five years ago, after the reconstruction of Tiangong City, where they lived, a space earthquake reappeared.

And it shows a trend of frequent occurrence, and with Tiangong City as the center, it radiates to all sides.

Space Earthquake, although fans still don't understand how Space Earthquake was formed and why it suddenly appeared, but it is undeniable that everyone has a general understanding of the background of this anime.

If nothing else, the opportunity to save the world mentioned by Fang Zheng before may not have anything to do with this space shock.

And there is no doubt that Wuhe Shidao, as the first to appear, is naturally the hero of this episode, that is to say, this goods, this jealous person with a cute sister, is the hero who saves the world.

For Wuhe Shidao, I believe that if any fan who has been in contact with the second dimension for a while, I am afraid that he will not be unfamiliar.

After all, in the previous life,There's a saying circulating in the two-dimensional circle.,The safest places in the world are School City and Tiangong City.。

These two places have one thing in common.,That is, there are big guys living in seclusion.,Needless to say, the school city naturally doesn't need to be said.,Sister Pao lives in it.,And there are a lot of powerful people.。

Tiangong City is naturally the city where the hero of this episode, Wuhe Shidao, is located.

There is a sister and a house, and the parents are double... Ahem, it's always the Five Rivers Shido who is definitely a winner in life, there's no doubt about that.

is also a person who opens a harem.,If you play well, it's Wuhe Shidao.,Accompanied by beautiful women around you;If you don't play well, that's Brother Cheng.,A legendary BGM sounded.,I don't know how many men who want to open a harem cry.。

Although the huge harem group of Gokawa Shidao has not yet appeared, just an SSR-level white-haired belt in the qin has already made fans sour and ignorant.

Just a 'not very smart' piano makes fans just full of lemons, so if the elves behind appear, fans will probably only be jealous and envious~

On the way to school, Shido and Koto Yue Hao had lunch together, and then they separated.

There is also a small episode of a beautiful girl with short white hair who seems to be following Shido.

Of course it's not what fans care about the most, what they care about the most is... That white-haired beauty is really beautiful, a little too much~

Should it be said that even if you change the world, you can't get rid of the habit of white hair control, as soon as the origami master appears, even if his name is not exposed, he has already attracted the attention of a considerable number of fans.

Sure enough, Fangzheng didn't let the fans wait bitterly, and when she came to school, the white-haired beautiful girl who had been suspected of tailgating before finally appeared.

Dressed in a decent student uniform, with a short cyan skirt and slender legs, fans only felt that their hearts were beating faster, and their breathing became even faster.

"The first time I saw her, I knew I was in love~"

"Sanwu plus white hair, I'm a fan of this woman!"

"Sure enough, Pipi Shrimp still understands us, and the gentleman's gaze of appreciating women is always swept from bottom to top, and I give full marks to this shot!"

"This leg... No, this dress is so white~"

"The back row is by the window, and there is still a special seat for beautiful women next to it, is it true that the protagonist is even treated like this in class?!"

Fans watched the white-haired beautiful girl sit expressionlessly on the right hand side of Gokawa Shido, if they hadn't seen this beautiful girl following Gokawa Shido before, I'm afraid they would really think it was just an ordinary greeting just now.

But now that you know that this beautiful woman is following Wuhe Shidao, it must not be easy.

Men have to learn to protect themselves outside, because you never know how much the girl in front of you who greets you casually is coveted by your beauty behind the scenes.

Kite Origami, through the Five Rivers Shido, fans know the name of this beautiful girl, and also know that Kite Origami is not only beautiful, but also an out-and-out genius.

Academic performance is always the first, sports are perfect, and the most important thing is that the parents are beautiful~

According to the ranking of 'ideal companions' by Five Rivers Shidao School, Kite Origami has never fallen out of the top three, which shows how popular Kite Origami is.

But it's such a girl who is close to perfection, she actually... actually followed the Five Rivers Shido, which made the fans a little speechless.

"Gan,I really don't think it's simple.,It's only been a long time.,There's a sister and a white-haired beautiful girl next to the male owner~"

"The winner of life, this is a proper winner of life~"

"My sister is so cute.,And she's not too smart.,The beautiful girl next to me looks like it's the main palace.,I... I'm so sour~"

"It's the same school.,It's the same back window position.,Why are I surrounded by big men who pick their feet?!"

"Wake up upstairs, Kite is a scholar who is a scholar, this kind of person will always sit in the first row, as for the last row, are you thinking about peaches~"

Fans admit that they are sour and that they are jealous.

But they didn't know that they were actually wrong, Iris Origami was not the main palace, but one of the harem members of Gokawa Shido, and from the moment the fans saw it, the favorability was already full.

As for Shido's sister... Ahem, that's a righteous sister, not a brother or sister, so you should understand what you say~

So fans are just a little early in lemon now, and after a while, you will find that lemon can no longer make you feel sour.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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