In mid-October, the holiday of the national carnival has just passed, and Founder's new work was released in A as scheduled.

"Brothers, do you think that the new work of Pipi Shrimp will be the same as the fifth equal and continue to fool us into speculating in stocks?"

"Speculating in stocks, I'm not going to speculate!"

"I haven't figured out what Pipi Shrimp's new work has to do with saving the world, does anyone have a big deal to do?"

"It's not easy to save the world, first this, in this, and then that, well, the world is saved~"

"emmm~ What you said upstairs makes sense, I agree!"

"Gan, is this some kind of new-age encryption-level talk?"

Fans are ridiculing in the forum while waiting for the release of Founder's new work.

I don't know the name of the new work.,I don't know what genre it is.,But just like before.,Although fans complain about Fangzheng's character.,I think this person is skinny and cheap.,But they still have absolute trust in the level of their anime-making skills.。

It's still the old saying, although Founder's character is not good, but its works never disappoint, although I dare not say that every anime is flawless, but it is absolutely perfect.

After all, Fang Zheng was nicknamed 'Detail Maniac' by fans, which was not self-proclaimed by him, but recognized by fans.

This represents the fans' trust and recognition of Founder, and also proves that Founder's previous efforts were not in vain.

At seven o'clock, it was still this familiar time and place, and fans left the forum of A Society one after another and felt the homepage of the official website.

Click to refresh, and sure enough, a new work comes into view, not a minute or a second late, it is still so punctual.

"Date Wars", that's the name of the latest anime.

Seeing this name, many fans are slow to think about it, and they understand that dating them is a pair of dog men and women walking on the street, showing their affection publicly, or going to enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner.

Dating, from beginning to end, reveals a strong sour smell, for the sensitive nose of a single dog, it is definitely a plague-like existence, and it has always been avoided.

After all, although the single dog is named the canine family, the focus is still on the two words in front.

'Single', which makes many people suffer from social discrimination, suffer from the strange eyes of the people around them, dating for a single dog, is tantamount to a demon walking into a church full of holy light.

Not to mention walking in, just getting close to it will make you feel uncomfortable!

Fans are naturally no strangers to the sensitive word dating, and when they see the word 'dating', many fans frown, and secretly curse a square beast in their hearts.

But scolding and scolding.,But this new one still has to be chased.,It's just dog food left and right.,It's not like they haven't eaten it.。

I have eaten so much dog food before, and the drama of marriage can't do anything to them, can you make us jump off the building collectively on a date?

However, fans understand the sour smell of dating, but the 'big battle' behind this is not so clear.

This is also the reason why many fans are slow to be confused, these two words are not difficult to understand when taken out separately, but together, they are a little confusing.

Although many of the fans are single dogs, and they are all trainee magicians from the mother's womb solo to the present, it doesn't mean that they don't break up the date to mean anything.

Generally, dating represents love, represents a pair of mandarin ducks, and represents the early adaptation stage of a couple of newcomers who are about to enter the marriage grave.

But how can this date have anything to do with 'fighting'?

Can dating still be like war, what kind of routines are you doing?

Or, this new episode also inherits the routine of "Miss Kaguya wants me to confess", and pursues the concept of 'love is war'?

Don't be funny, okay!

Thinking of this possibility, many fans are full of resentment.

Recalling that at the beginning, they regarded the square concept of love as a classic in life, and completely forgot that at that time, their idol was also a single dog, and the so-called love master was just an empty concept and no practice.

Many fans don't know how they were blinded by lard in the first place, and they actually believe in Fangzheng's nonsense, and they also remember a lot of 'love philosophy' in that small book.

Looking back now, I was really stupid at that time, if the concept of 'love is war' really worked, then wouldn't Miss Kaguya and Chairman Silver be together in this life?

Thinking of this, the corners of many fans' mouths twitched.

When I watched "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", the mentality of many fans has changed, and the result is that there is an object to blow, let alone a non-object, and the women around me are all respectful.

It can be said that Founder's sentence 'love is war' successfully gave birth to some single people.

So fans already have a psychological shadow on Founder's 'concept of love', and when they saw the name of the new episode being called 'Dating Battle', everyone instantly cheered up.

Be vigilant and fully armed, no matter what rhetoric Pippi Shrimp says, no matter what kind of ideas he wants to express through anime, he can't be deceived by the other party.

Let what he say, I will watch quietly, quietly watch you fill the cup!

Want us to be fooled a second time, tell you, that's impossible!

Fans have already decided just by looking at the name, Fang Zheng must not be holding back his fart, isn't the translation of 'dating war' the meaning of 'love war'?

Thinking about this, many fans raised the corners of their mouths in disdain.

The difference between this man and the beast is that he has a brain, can learn, and does not fall in the same place twice.

Aren't you a great prawn?

Why have you become so fishy now, you have the ability to continue to fool us with new ideas that we haven't seen~

Do you plan to repeat the trick you have already seen, or do you think there is something wrong with us and you will fall twice in the same place?

There are people who remember to eat and not to fight, but they are definitely not the majority of people, most of them are eating a trench and growing wise!

Fans looked at the name of the new work, and clicked on it one by one, they wanted to see what new tricks Founder could come up with.

Pipi Shrimp, times have changed, we are no longer what we used to be!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "159...81", thank you big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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