
"This spell is amazing!"

"It's too funny~"

"I was shocked~"

The five sisters saw Kazetaro wake up, and looked at each other happily one by one, and Kazetaro's sobriety made them also breathe a sigh of relief, no matter what, as long as the cold is cured.

But who is Futaro, he is a straight man with pitiful low emotional intelligence in the advanced stage of cancer~

"Noisy! You guys are so noisy, teach people how to sleep! "

Sure enough, Kazetaro never disappointed the fans, and in the face of the care of the five sisters, he didn't notice that his fingers were carved up clean, but broke out because he didn't have a break!

Looking at the furious Futaro, the five sisters joined forces and fled, and the silver bell-like laughter, as if the prank had succeeded, gave people a very cute feeling.

In the midst of laughter, "The Wedding of the Fifth" ended, and the last scene of the anime clearly told fans that everything was back to the starting point.

It's just that compared to the beginning, no matter who the five sisters are, they are no longer resisting Kazetaro to tutor them.

"Thank you for the company, finish sprinkling flowers~"

"Thank you for your company, and I'm done... Ass, old thief, why did you go around in a big circle, and then tell me that everything was back to square one, and nothing happened?! "

"Gan, we have been speculating in stocks for a long time, and the dealer is not ready to open?!"

"I feel that my body has been hollowed out, whether it is a loss or a gain, you should at least give us a good time~!"

"Pippi Shrimp, you brute!"

"The Marriage of Fifths" is over, and the last scene of the anime, how happy the fans are when they laugh at the last scene of the anime, how depressed the fans are.

From beginning to end, they fought over the thick necks of their faces, and as a result, they didn't specify who Futaro married at all.

This moment made fans feel like they had been tricked, and invariably, fans silently cared for Fangzheng a hundred times in their hearts.

"The Wedding of Fifths" is over, no matter whether the fans are happy or depressed, or reluctant, everyone can only reluctantly accept this fact.

Everyone came to the forum, intending to ease their mood through the speeches of sand sculpture netizens.

Especially some fans with a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, if they don't alleviate it, they may really think that they can't sleep because they are entangled in the answer.

"I've been chasing it for so many days, and I've watched so many episodes, but you didn't explain it to me in the end... Did they pass the exam or not~ But I'm in a hurry! "

"Poof~! Upstairs, why do you care about this?! "

"I obviously saw the appearance of the person in the wedding dress, but why can't I recognize it, did you mean it!"

"After watching "The Fifth Equal Flower Marriage", I finally understood that the essence of this episode is not who the male protagonist is with, but that this product is a scumbag at all!

"Rub, why is Futaro a scumbag?"

"Married in May, wrapped two Nai (milk), and Xiao San (Sanjiu), this is not enough, every other three or five go out to dip flowers (one flower) and provoke grass (four leaves), isn't this enough for a scumbag?!"

"emm~ Upstairs, why did you say that, I suddenly felt that what you said made sense~!"

"So Kazetaro married May, right?"

"No, are you all so focused? It's all this time, and I'm still thinking about your May stocks~"

"In a sense, many people like to push their wives to Futaro..."

In the forum, fans have exploded, some are unswervingly speculating in stocks, some are brain-circuited, and of course, most of them are scolding Founder Brute.

After all, Fangzheng fooled them into speculating in stocks, but in the end, the answer was not announced, which instantly made fans feel a sense of humiliation that their IQ was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Of course, no matter what kind of fan it is, there are always sand sculpture talents among them.

"Today's inside news, I'm here to spoil, do you want to know who Futaro's main palace is?!"

"I'm rubbing, really have the inside information?!"

"Don't sell it, thank you for saying it!"

"Say it! Isn't it me Sanjiu?! "

", it's definitely May!"

"Ernai, Ernai is the king!"


A 'insider' news has attracted the attention of many fans, and the fans at this time have been almost crazy by Fangzheng, without the slightest doubt that this inside information is unreliable, and they are waiting for the answer one by one.

"Ahem, you don't have to fight, because Feng Taro finally married a woman as his wife!"


"This is your inside scoop?!"

"I'm ¥%¥...%...!"

"You are really a talent, if you don't marry a woman, can you still bring back a man!"

"Man... Vomit~! "

"Although the landlord is farting, but what he said makes sense, you don't have to fight, you see that one flower, two is three, nine leaves, and four leaves look the same in May, one day each from Monday to Friday, one day on Saturday, and one day off on Sunday, isn't this a perfect solution?!"

"I'm special... Send you a sentence MMP! "

"You're a clever little ghost, but have you considered Futaro's feelings?"

Since ancient times, netizens have produced talents, and enthusiastic netizens are even more amazing!

The official announcement of "The Wedding of the Fifth Equal Flower" has not yet been announced, but the fans have already arranged the schedule for Futaro in a hurry.

Good guy, it's really 'a hungry man who doesn't know how to be full'~

Of course, there are also fans who speculate that it can be seen from the fantastic wedding at the end of the anime that the five sisters are actually married to Futaro together.

It's just that due to secular restrictions, they can't enter the marriage hall at the same time, so a representative was elected.

And the variety of wedding dresses that appear in the anime seems to illustrate this, when the service staff on one side is curious why so many wedding dresses are needed.

In fact, the five sisters have already taken turns to wear it all over again, and they have enjoyed it~

Of course, it is also possible that the other four will be bridesmaids, after all, it is not impossible~

This is also what fans say, some people have only one bride who is married on the surface, but there are five reasons why they live together behind their backs.

I have to say that when fans think of this possibility, when they think of that happy life, they are sour! Completely sour!

However, fans of the end of the lemon suddenly had a question...

So... Who should go up to the rooftop?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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