Fans looked at a letter written by Yuta in the past, and their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of shock.

Why do you convince yourself? And is it the past self persuading the current self?

"I'm rubbing, this wave of prediction is amazing, cross-time and space assist, I'll save myself?"

"This is a bit of a god, the timing is just right~"

"233~ I told you a long time ago, the prophet must be the first to sword, you don't listen, now it's okay~"

"The person who was chosen by the evil king, isn't this the six flowers that he said, the true eyes of the evil king~"

"That's right, people must first make themselves happy, and then let the people around them live happily, this is life~"

"Yuta, please, save Liuhua, Liuhua needs you!"

A letter made fans feel a lot of emotion, and also let fans see the turn of things.

When Rokka tells Yuta that her family is happy and that she doesn't plan to return here, the hearts of the fans are already cold.

However, seeing that Yuta didn't say anything, but simply replied 'I know', the fans' hearts, which were already cold, were instantly filled with anger.

Because you Liuhua has become the true eye of the evil king, and you have always believed in the existence of the invisible realm, it is also because you Liuhua took off her blindfold and chose to face reality.

Now it's also because of you that Rokka has returned to her hometown.

Everything is inseparable from Yuta, who is the backbone of Liuhua's heart.

But this is the case, Yuta chose to back down and chose to do nothing, which made fans angry.

I thought that the two would be so staggered, but just when fans felt embarrassed for the two of them, a letter from Yuta in the past to Yuta in the current appeared.

To be honest, although the letter was written in the tone of the second disease, and it was full of embarrassment to read, the fans were particularly moved.

"You are different from others, you are special, you are the only one of the six flowers!"

"Everyone is unique, so you don't need to be inferior, you don't need to be arrogant, adapt to the world, don't hurt others, and don't hurt yourself."

"No matter how the world changes, no matter how mature you are, but please don't forget your original dream!"

"Go! Bring Rokka back! She's still waiting for you! "

The barrage is full of fans' emotion and encouragement, and there is no doubt that at this moment, fans have completely substituted themselves into it.

Although everyone always jokes that their wife is the true eye of the evil king, likes Rokuka, etc., but at this moment, almost everyone hopes that Rokuka can get together with Yuta.

There is no jealousy, no lemons, and no self-deception.

Maybe good things will not be remembered, but people are not like that, they would rather forget themselves, and they also want to see things have a happy and happy ending.

Yuta held the letter, and he didn't know what it was like.

Obviously, he has graduated from secondary school and second disease, he has matured, and he has clearly recognized the reality, but why is he persuaded by his past self?

Are you really wrong?

"This is my new one written to myself two years later when I was in the second year of junior high school, what is this, it's so stupid..."

Yuta smiled a little self-deprecatingly, not knowing if he was talking about his stupidity in the past or his stupidity now.

Inside the envelope, a nearby arcade slid out of the coin, which in the past seemed to him to have some kind of power, a mysterious and powerful item.

But in his eyes now, this is just a game currency, and there is no special power at all.


Yuta tossed the coin and watched the game currency rush on the opposite side, sighing helplessly and with some relief.

"On the other hand, then there is no way!"

Yuta's expression changed, no longer the cowardice and confusion he had just now, and his dark eyes were full of determination, because he knew what he had to do, and he found his way.

"Flipping a coin is not about knowing what to choose, but about knowing what you want the moment you toss."

"Indeed, the moment you toss a coin, you already have the answer~"

"It's so hot-blooded, Yongtai is ready to change to a large number to land!"

"Come on! Yongtai Chong, I'm sure Liuhua must be waiting for you! "

"Yuta, my lord's youth is not over yet, so come on!"

Fans watched Yuta borrow a bicycle from Isshiki and were thrilled, happy that Yuta could figure it out, happy for Rokka and excited for his upcoming youth.

As long as Yuta takes action, they believe that Rokuka will definitely follow Yuta back, back to this place where they met, back to the place where this dream began.

Fans watched Yuta plan to ride a bicycle to pick up Liuhua, and one by one they couldn't help but secretly praise in their hearts, 'Yuta Chunye'!

In the dark night, in the quiet of the street, Yuta rode his bicycle all the way, even if he was out of breath, he would not give up.

"yes, no, what I wanted to say to her... What I wanted to do for her... It's not these things..."

"I... I..."

Yuta had already figured it out, and he clearly knew that what he wanted to say to Rokuka was not what he wanted to say to Rokka at all, and he didn't want Rokuka to leave at all.

Through May's words, Yuta knew the whole story.

Liuhua met him two years ago, at that time, it was the period when he was in a severe middle and second disease.

Since that time, Rokka has been paying attention to Yuta, and it seems interesting that someone can come up with such a strange idea.

Rokuka thinks that compared to suppressing his own thoughts, Yuta is more frank and handsome than he is obedient to others.

You don't have to care about the eyes of the people around you and go your own way, which really requires courage and makes her feel envious.

Therefore, because of the influence of Yuta, Liuhua joined the ranks of the second disease.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Liuhua is a girl who was saved by the second disease, and while observing Yuta's second disease, she yearns for Yuta's strong heart that can ignore other people's thoughts.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "やとがみとお", "QWERTY_2...6QWER", "(null)", "Expectation", "Opream", "The author's father", "Online call for good names", "Moon Shadow Tsune", thank you, big guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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