In the days that followed, the popularity of comics continued to rise, and as the comics were shipped from the publishing house, more and more people unveiled the mystery of the comics.

"Ghost, Pippi Shrimp, you are really a ghost~!"

"Compared to anime, I found that I like manga more, the details are more complete, and the plot is more sleek."

"The most important thing is not to be able to imagine the voices of the characters in the comics? Delicate, sexy, aggressive, vicissitudes, etc., there is no need to be like in anime, voice actors are all dead. "

"I still like anime, there are sound and pictures, and it looks very convenient."

On the Internet, many people are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of comics and animation, although anime and comics are the main carriers of two-dimensional culture, but the essence of each other is different.

Anime,It's more dependent on picture quality and voice actors.,Compared with comics in terms of plot.,Anime isn't very good in terms of plot.,On the contrary, it's comics.,It's more prominent in terms of plot.。

This is also the main reason why many people like comics, in addition to that, comics also leave a certain amount of room for imagination, which is also the reason why many people like comics.

After all, not everyone likes the characters and settings portrayed by others, they like to fantasize according to the development of the story, and this is the reason why there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

In Fangzheng's view, in the two-dimensional culture, the most room for imagination is fiction, in addition to the necessary text description, pictures, sounds, images, etc. can be imagined by the reader.

The second is comics, which want to have more pictures than novels, so the space for imagination is instantly reduced a lot.

Finally, there is the anime, which can be said to leave almost no room for the audience's imagination, because whether it is the protagonist or the background, everything is really presented in front of the audience.

Watching anime, the audience's biggest fantasy space is to guess the next plot.

Of course, this is not to say that anime is not as good as manga, if this is really the case, there would not be so many anime works adapted from manga in the previous life.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and compared to the so-called comic party and anime party, in fact, there are no longer a few people who like both.

"The comics and the anime husband don't discuss too much, but what's going on with this special dog food!"

"What's going on, don't you know what "Anyway It's Very Cute" stands before you buy it?"

"Pi Phi Shrimp, I thank you so much, the manga is more detailed than the anime, are you afraid that we won't be full?!"

"His heart can be punished, I'm afraid this dog food can't be bypassed~"

"Anyway, I'm just sour, woo woo woo I'll go find a female ticket tomorrow~"

On the Internet, many fans who have already received the comics are blinded, and they are blinded as soon as they open the comics.

Reality was attracted by the novel layout and style of the comics, and unconsciously indulged in it, but soon, fans realized that something was wrong.

The more you look at this, the more familiar it becomes, the taste of this dog food is still so disgusting!

Slowly, fans found out that something was wrong, and the special manga version was even more heartbroken than the anime version of "In Short, It's Very Cute"!

The details of showing affection that had to be cut out in many anime due to length are displayed in great detail in the comics, and the inner portrayal of the characters is also more delicate.

At this time, fans knew that it was the original Fang who released the water, and his subordinates showed mercy, and now they are in a state of full firepower.

If it was Fang Zheng who forced them to stuff dog food before, then now the comic version of "Anyway It's Very Cute" is to directly break their mouths and pour them inside!


Fans felt like they had been hit critically, and their mentality exploded instantly.

Originally, my mentality exploded because of the anime, okay, but now it's spiraling straight to the sky.

"Dog thief, how the hell can you let us go?"

"The single dog eats your rice, why do you target us single dogs so much?!"

"Gan, why should I spend money on dog food?"

"Don't let me see you, or I'll trample you to death with my 44-yard big feet!"

"The evidence is conclusive, Pippi Shrimp brutally killed canine creatures, I'm going to the Single Dog Protection Society to expose you!"

Fans were indignant one by one, and they ran to Fangzheng's Weibo to scold Fangzheng for being a brute, just let them eat dog food before, but now they are actually stuffing dog food even harder.

You're going too far~!

And Fang Zheng looked at the lively scene under his Weibo, and the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly.

He felt that he was wronged, even more wronged than Dou E who flew snow in June~

Did I let you buy comics? Did I force you to buy it?

Can't you see the words as big as "Anyway, it's very cute"? Or do you not understand what these words mean?

Why don't you dislike the dog food now that it's not delicious, so why did you go earlier, since you can't eat it, don't grab it~

Fang Zheng felt speechless for these honest fans of his own, and he kindly urged you to find a partner and enjoy the feeling of being in love, but if you don't appreciate it, forget it, and turn around and scold me.

It's just excessive!

Fang Zheng sighed heavily, closed his Weibo page, and simply came out of sight and out of mind.

When the comics were just sold, he knew that he would definitely be criticized by fans again, after all, he had read the comics of "Anyway It's Very Cute".

Even he, a married person who married a top beauty like Zhang Siyu, felt envious, let alone those fans.

Alas, you can't live if you do your own sin~

Fang Zheng shook his head, you bought the comics yourself, and I didn't hide the name of the comics, it's you who like to eat dog food, and you can't blame others.

Fang Zheng thought so, but he also knew that if he changed his perspective and was in the position of a fan, he would definitely buy a copy of the comic back.

One is to see what the comics are, and the other is to collect them.

In his previous life, Fang Zheng was very fond of collecting comics, and almost all the comics he bought would not be opened, just for the sake of collecting, and he enjoyed the sense of achievement of collecting stamps.

And in the previous life, it was much more convenient to read comics than in this world, all kinds of comic apps, as long as there is a network, you can watch comics anytime and anywhere, far from the point where you can't do without paper comics.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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