In the forum, the gods gathered.

"As the saying goes, brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, there is nothing wrong with that, but if you think about it the other way, this person can still walk on the streets with broken hands and feet, at most he is just a disabled person."

"But if you don't have clothes, you can try it on the street, I'm afraid you won't be treated as a psychopath~!"

In the forum, fans looked at this post full of crooked reasoning, and laughed one by one.

Good guy, is this what it means that brothers are like siblings and women are like clothes?

I don't read much, don't lie to me!

"emm~ Although I want to refute, but it makes so much sense~!"

"So, I don't have a female ticket, I go out on the street every day without clothes?!"

"I'm Gan, isn't that old man someone else who has watched it for more than 20 years?!"

"So... If you meet a brother who is willing to dress you, marry it~"

"You're not right, your clothes are torn, and your hands and feet can help you mend them, but if your hands and feet are broken, can you help you take them back?"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! It's wonderful! "

In the forum, bored fans gathered here, and suddenly there was no dog food, and it was really a little unaccustomed.

"All in All It's Very Cute" is undoubtedly an all-you-can-eat anime work, and when watching the anime, fans will envy the innocent love between Yuzaki Hoshiko and Koji, and when they eat lemons, they will also fantasize about whether they will be like this in the future.

In reality, young people's feelings are actually mainly divided into three parts, love, friendship and family affection.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about family affection, your family, cousins, uncles, etc., no matter how you get along, but this relationship that is thicker than water cannot be parted.

When you are old, when you are about to close your eyes, the people who accompany you are the people who care about you the most, and when it really comes to that moment, there must be your relatives here.

And friendship is a bit complicated, a person's growth, friends around him always come and go, go and come, and the friends who are really always by their side are definitely the kind of dead friends.

But with the pressure of life and the rush of work, the friends around me slowly became less contacted, and even directly cut off contact.

When I was in school, a group of bad friends in the dormitory joked every day, but when I really graduated, everyone participated in the work, and there was less contact with each other, and the feelings were weak.

To paraphrase a LOL joke, that is, I used to make money for the five blacks, but now I have the money to go online, but I can't make up enough people for the five blacks.

This is not a kind of helplessness in life growth, everyone has their own lives, and it is impossible to drink and chat together so carefree all the time.

Therefore, young people often become more longing for love after losing friendship, and they are eager to get a sweet marriage of their own.

Friends don't keep in touch often.,People who hate loneliness will especially cherish the few emotional bonds of love.,But it's so difficult to get the same innocent love as Yuzaki Starry Sky and Division.。

This kind of family-like love and marriage, put it in reality, will anyone really believe it?

Don't expect brand-name bags, don't expect diamond ring necklaces, don't be suspicious of each other, understand each other, this kind of love is what most people look forward to, and they really want to meet.

However, the reality is cruel, the high cost of marriage crushes the already stressful young people, people from ordinary families, maybe they don't have a car and a house, in this case, do you dare to ask for this kind of love?

Not to mention that those who are not married, are married people really happy?

Carrying the burden of the family alone, the responsibility of supporting the elderly, and raising children alone, the huge pressure is enough to crush an adult.

Desperately struggling outside every day, and when I get home, I also report good news and not bad news, for what?

Isn't it just for a delicious meal cooked by his wife and a few words of caring care?

But even with this kind of requirement, it is difficult to achieve marriage in reality, and how many people drag their tired bodies home in exchange for their wives' incomprehension and even cynicism.

Is it true that young people nowadays are reluctant to get married?

No, it is this society that forces them not to dare to get married, afraid of marriage, and what young people are afraid of is not hardship, but whether the love and marriage they are longing for is worth fighting for.

Therefore, in the work "Anyway, It's Very Cute", the simple love between Yuzaki Xingkong and Koji is enviable, but it is just envy, and it will not be too extravagant and sought after.

Because everyone knows that anime is anime, reality is reality, and the love between Yuzaki Hoshikong and Koji in the anime is just a kind of Eden-like marriage.

In reality, they don't dare to expect extravagance, they just want their partner to understand themselves a little more.

Maybe the work "Anyway, It's Very Cute" doesn't have too touching and heartfelt experiences, and it also has too earth-shattering love, and some are just bits and pieces of a couple's life.

It seems to be plain, but it is enviable, experience life together, be happy together, work together, and in the process of getting along, help each other accept new things and accommodate each other.

This is also the reason why many people hate eating dog food very much, but they can't bear to give up.

Because this kind of plain love and marriage is more in line with the values of most people and is recognized by more people.

That kind of vigorous love is certainly poignant, but it is only a minority, and although the poignant love will be remembered, it is not what most people look forward to.

In marriage, everyone is willing to find a lover who can accompany them for a lifetime, and can go through the ups and downs of a short life together for decades.

Yuzaki Starry Sky is gentle and lucky, polite and caring to anyone, even if the house is burned, his first concern is not his own property, but the personal safety of the landlord.

Xiao Si is empathetic, in the eyes of fans, Xiao Si is undoubtedly a wife who envies others, gentle and virtuous, beautiful and generous, and what is more difficult is that she will understand her husband.

It's easy to see a person's shortcomings, but it's hard to discover a person's strengths, but Yuzaki Hoshiko and Koji have done this, and they both see each other's shining points, so their marriage is very happy.

It's such a simple truth, but how many people have never figured it out?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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