On the other hand, simple fans don't know that someone is planning to give them dog food in a frenzy, and at this time they are still talking crazy about the big teacher, Xue Nai, etc.

Their bodies and minds have all been attracted by "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem", and they can't accommodate anything else.

"Snow is the best in the world!"

"Roll the calf! My tuanzi stock is going up all the way!"

"Cai Jiagu silently raised his claws!"

"I think if the big teacher is serious, he will be stable!"

"Cross out all the advantages of the big teacher, that's me right!"

"The anime is coming to an end, but I haven't seen enough of the big teacher's self-explosion, can I do it?"

"Don't worry, Fang Da must have a follow-up, after all, Fang Da let us speculate in stocks, who won and who lost in the end has not yet been explained~"

A moment before seven o'clock, fans spontaneously gathered on the A Society forum to discuss the details of "My Youth Love Story Really Problematic".

Although at this time, the second and second diseases of the A society forum are in charge, but the fans do not know about it, and many people are happy.

And under the theme post of "My Youth Love Story", it can be regarded as a rare pure land, of course, this pure land does not include any topics related to timber seat Yoshiki.

After all, it's really counted, this product is the origin of the spread of middle and second diseases among fans!

"It's seven o'clock, the brothers are assembled!"

"One more thing, snow is the first in the world, and buying snow is not a loss!"

"Upstairs, although Xue Nai is very beautiful and has a strong aura, I am especially full of dumplings!"

"Hehe, just accept me Caijia is not a girl, if so, you are all younger brothers!"

"My friend wood seat, today is the day of separation, I hope you stick to your heart and re-prove the road!"

When the time came, fans spontaneously left the forum one by one, went to the homepage of the A society platform to gather, and patiently waited for the latest episode of "My Youth Love Story Really Problematic", and the update and upload of the last episode.

Although this anime has not been with fans for a long time, it has left them a lot of room to think, whether it is the philosophy of the great teacher or Yukino's style of life.

Or the gentleness of the dango, the persistence of the timber seat for the dream, etc., these have given fans a lot of room to think, which makes people have endless memories.

Whether an anime is worth chasing or not, in fact, the best way is to leave it to time to prove, classics will never be buried, although there will definitely be new works in the future, but classics will always be remembered.

At seven o'clock, the last episode of "My Youth Love Story" really had a problem started broadcasting on time, and as soon as the anime opened, it was still a lecture by a big teacher that fans were very familiar with.

"It's all about participation, from the speech of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games, is a well-known quote, but it is sometimes misused!"

On the playground, there are various signs that this is a school sports meeting, and the badge on Hachiman's arm also proves the identity of the other party, the logistics medical staff.

"If you misuse it, it becomes a threat to force others to participate in a certain event, and there are so many meaningless things in this world that you can participate in!"

"If the emphasis is on participation, then participating in the 'non-participating camp' should also be meaningful and should be recognized, and if anything needs to be experienced, then it is also valuable to experience 'not to experience'. "

Hikiya Hachiman walked all the way through the playground full of warm-up students, and along the way, the characteristic dead fish eyes swept everything, with a very disdainful expression on his face, and there were words in his mouth.

"It should be said that it is more precious not to experience something that everyone else has experienced. "

Hikiya Hachiman walked through the playground step by step, and finally came to Yukino and Dango under the snow, and it was obvious that all three of them were assigned the same job.

"Here we go again~"

"It's true, it's obviously not reasonable, but it's a little convincing, and it seems that you have a bad personality. "

Listening to Hikiya Hachiman's words, it was obvious that it was not only the audience who complained, but even the dango and Yukino began to complain.

There is a way to be an official complaint, the most deadly, in the face of the complaints of the dumplings and Yukino, Hikiya Hachiman shook his head very calmly.

"Wait, it's not me who is wrong, it's this society~!"


Hearing such a sentence from Hikiya Hachiman, many fans burst into laughter.

"I'm Gan, in order not to participate in the sports meeting, as for saying it so outrageous?!"

"It's all about engagement... I can't look at the word anymore!"

"233 ~ The classic philosophy of the great teacher, have you memorized the small book?!"

"Once a day, the crooked reasoning has reappeared, since I learned the life philosophy of the great teacher, I have successfully made my teacher speechless!"

"Upstairs, how's that going?"

"I'm standing in the hallway at the moment, and there's no harm other than a little heat!"

"My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem" slowly passed in the complaints of fans, and a sports meeting, the civil and martial arts fights were also addicted to the fans.

But there is no banquet in the world, and after more than 20 minutes, "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem" finally ushered in its own ending.

Everything is as if the story has just begun, and it is still the familiar activity department, but at the beginning of the story, there is only one person under the snow.

And now there are more than Kikuya Hachiman and Yui Yui.

"Alas, it's over, my heart is full of melancholy, but I don't know what to say. "

"Yes, it's not so much a love affair as it is a work that depicts the growth of youth. "

"I don't care, snow is the best in the world!"

"My tuanzi stock is king!"

"Is it interesting to argue about this? With the character of the great teacher, no matter who you are with, you will not hurt anyone, because the great teacher will only blow himself up, and he will only hurt himself~!"

After watching the ending of the work "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem", many fans are a little melancholy.

Although this work has not been with them for a long time, it is the anime that makes them think the most.

At this moment, without the company of the big teacher and others, I am really a little unaccustomed.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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