Fans thought about it for a long time and didn't know what was wrong, but they just felt that Miki was a little disobedient.

However, out of trust in Fang Zheng, fans still looked down patiently, hoping that it was really just a mistake by Fangzheng.

It's not that Fangzheng himself doesn't know enough about the school.

And the most awkward thing for fans seems to be that this anime doesn't have a specific main plot.

Although the plot of this kind of lily is not very good, at least there must be a main line that connects all the story fragments and characters.

And if not, even if your characters are beautiful and cute, it will only give the audience a sense of chaos with a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west.

Such an anime is definitely not a good anime, and it doesn't even meet the minimum viewing fluency, let alone anything else.

That's why fans feel so strange.

It's not that they haven't seen lily dramas, the just-concluded "newgame" and "The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi family", and then "The Girl and the Chariot" and "The Light Girl", etc., all have lily elements.

But there has never been an anime that gives the audience such a weird feeling, not to mention the good or bad of the plot, at least it looks very smooth, giving people a sense of 407 that comes naturally.

To put it more bluntly, it looks very comfortable, and you will unconsciously look down.

And "School Island" is different,It's the first time the audience feels this weird feeling.,It's also the first time to feel the feeling of frustration in watching.。

Fans can't say what went wrong, so they can only continue to watch.

Then the school life department dominated by Yuki staged a good show of rounding up Taro Maru.,Watching these girls running happily in the school.,Even planting vegetables on the roof of the building as if no one was around.,Fans are even more speechless.。

The previous sense of disobedience,Everyone can still understand Fangzheng's own negligence,But seeing the school life department planting vegetables on the roof,How are you believing in Fangzheng?,It's a little too much to say~

"What shall I say?"

"Who would grow vegetables on the roof of the building, the school is so big, you can just find a vacant land, why do you want to be on the roof of the building?"

"Fang Dada, what kind of operation is this, shouldn't he be angry with us~"

"No, if it's our urging that causes Fang Da to be angry, we just apologize, and we can't use anime to get angry~"

"Grow vegetables, plant vegetables, and what the hell is that cross in your garden!!"

Fans gradually reacted, if it was a violation of the harmony, they thought that it was Fang Zheng's own negligence, or common sense.

But the whole first episode of the anime has a weird feeling, and it's not a sentence of negligence that can fool the past.

When you think about it, the first thing that makes everyone feel offended.

It's not so much that Yuki's person is a purebred confused girl.,It's better to be deliberately set like this by Fangzheng.。

So in the eyes of the audience, Yuki is confused, but the performance is too much, but it makes people feel a little pretending.

Another example is Miki, who shouted when Yuki was in class before, and it was obvious that this was not logical.

Even think about it deeply, why is it that the same student, but only Yuki's school uniform is different from everyone?

Also, what school have you seen that has students sleeping in classrooms?

Even if it's a shared dormitory, isn't there a dormitory for students in such a big school?

These details have inadvertently made fans feel very disobedient.,And the vegetables on the roof of the school life department are just a fuse.,Let fans say their feelings.。

"There you have it!"

Yuki left his schoolbag in the classroom because he went to chase Taro Maru, and after saying hello to everyone in the college's life department, he returned to the classroom to get his schoolbag.

"Are you alright~"

Seeing Yuki, the classmates asked with concern, after all, the reason Yuki had found before was because he was not feeling well.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuki is alive and healthy.


Hearing this, Yuki was stunned.

Looking at Yuki's expression, the classmates looked at her and teased.

"Didn't you go to the infirmary?"

"Did you skip class?"

"It's so cunning~!"

Yuki talked to his classmates, talked about Taro Maru, and told everyone about Taro Maru's naughtiness, which caused everyone to laugh.

And at this moment, just when Yuki was happily telling everyone about Taro Maru's cleverness and cuteness, Miki came to the classroom and stood at the door.

The afterglow of the sunset at dusk was sprinkled all over the real classroom, and Miki stood at the door looking at Yuki's back, and opened her mouth several times, but she held back the words that came to her mouth.

After repeating this several times, Miki finally couldn't help it.

"Senior sister!"

With Miki's vocal sister, the screen of the anime playback page went black, and the first episode of the anime ended.

Seeing that the screen suddenly went black, the fans were stunned for a moment, and then blinked before reacting, this first episode of the anime is over~

However, soon the fans found out that something was wrong, why are you and the anime is over in only twenty minutes, and what about the remaining minutes?

You can't cut corners like this~

"I'm Gan, what kind of snake skin is Fang Dada~!"

"I didn't understand the whole process, I don't know what these people are for, I don't have a clear goal, I feel really uncomfortable watching it!"

"The characters are as beautiful as ever, but this story... Don't mention it!"

"To be honest, this anime is not at all like before, and it doesn't make me have a very strong desire to watch it at all!"

Fans saw the end of the first episode of the anime of "School Island" very abruptly, one by one, like a fish in the throat, and there was a feeling of not vomiting and unhappy.

As fans have said, this anime is not at all like the previous works.

In the previous works, fans will look forward to the next episode after watching one episode, and their hearts are like cat's claws all day long, just looking forward to the next episode coming sooner.

But after watching "School Island", fans don't have that feeling.

Although this daily lily still gives people a very warm and healing feeling, its story is not attractive at all, and some fans even think that it doesn't matter if they continue to look down or not.

This discovery also made many fans mutter, whether their previous actions really made Fang Zheng feel angry.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Moon Shadow" and "186...03". Thank you for the reward of "Moon Shadow Tree", and thank you for the support of the big guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support.,Please!!!_

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