"Oh, if you want to sign it, you will sign it, Fang Dong can still trick you!"

Ding Duyu patted Shen Anping, she knew what Fang Zheng was worried about.

The two are lovers, and they are tired of being together all day long, in this case, Ding Duyu dares to guarantee that he will not miss a word.

What's more, Shen Anping signed the agreement, and she doesn't have so many scruples when she usually speaks.


Shen Anping didn't think much about it, and nodded directly and agreed.

Under the guidance of Chen Xianting, the two signed their names on the confidentiality agreement and contract, and from this moment on, the two of them will work for Company A for five years no matter what the future holds.

Of course, there is no doubt that the benefits and wages of the work will still be issued according to the standard.

Chen Xianting put away the contract and agreement between the two, nodded at Fang Zheng, signaled that there was no problem, and then left the office with the documents and died.

And Fangzheng, who saw that everything was going well, was also relieved.

"I hope you don't get me wrong, this matter is really important, I can't be cautious, don't take it to heart. 11"

Fang Zheng smiled slightly bitterly, although he said this a bit hypocritically, but this was also a reluctant decision.

If Ding Duyu and Shen Anping refuse to sign the agreement, he will never let the other party see his next plans and works.

"Fang Dong, we understand~

"Yes, I also want to thank Fang Dong for letting me work in A, and it's a five-year contract!"

Ding Duyu and Shen Anping both smiled indifferently, and put themselves in their shoes, although they didn't know what Fang Zheng was going to do next, but it was very important.

In this case, of course, the fewer people who know, the better.

On the contrary, Fang Zheng was willing to take the two of them with him, and it was too late for them to be happy, so how could they go back to mind.

Hearing the words of the two, Fang Zheng regained a smile on his face, then opened the drawer under his desk, and pulled out the comic book that Zhang Siyu had read before.

"This is another form of promotion of two-dimensional culture that I want to create in the future - comics, you can take a look at it first. "

Fang Zheng got up, put the cartoon on the coffee table in front of the two, then walked to the side and made a cup of tea by himself, and sat opposite the two.

The comics, the whole A is known to himself, Zhang Siyu and Chen Xianting, and it is an absolute secret.


Ding Duyu glanced at the picture book suspiciously, then picked up the picture book on the table and opened it

"This is...!", Ding saw a very different picture book in front of him... It is God that is full of shock.

A piece of paper is neatly divided into several parts by lines, each part is a relatively independent painting, but these divided parts are not completely independent, but are related to each other.

Together, this is the equivalent of telling a complete story in the form of a picture.

Manga, to some extent, has a lot of similarities with anime, except that anime is a frame-by-frame picture, while manga is a grid by grid.

Fang Zheng looked at the two who were quickly intoxicated, and smiled casually, without disturbing each other.

In his own opinion, manga and anime have their own advantages.

Anime is more like a perfectly processed finished product, and a good anime is very comfortable in terms of painting style, lines, or fluency.

And with the voice acting of the voice actors, it can be said that the anime is completely alive as if it has been given life.

Ultimately, anime looks really convenient, as long as you have an internet connection.

But anime also has its own flaws, such as the high cost of production, and once it hits the street, it is almost a loss.

For example, the anime is limited by the influence of length, and some plots may be reduced, making the worldview and background of the whole story not so clear.

Or the change of the anime, this is a great test of skill and experience, and a slight mistake will give people a feeling of rushing the rhythm, unfinished, and even the whole article is unknown.

In comparison, comics don't have these, but there is, and his production cost can be said to be very low compared to anime.

Secondly, the length of the manga is not limited, and it can perfectly portray the worldview and setting that the anime cannot express, as well as all kinds of details.

On the other hand, because comics tell their own stories in the form of pictures, on the one hand, they leave room for readers to imagine themselves, and on the other hand, they are not as full of vitality as anime.

The most important thing is that comics are physical books, which are somewhat inconvenient to carry compared to convenient mobile phones and computers.

Manga and anime can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages, some people like to read comics, pursue the original setting that best meets the author's original intention, and also like to imagine while watching, and enrich the image of the comic characters by themselves.

There are also people who like to watch anime and like to watch anime characters that come to life in the true sense of the word.

It can't be said that anyone is more elegant than the other, nor can it be said that anyone is more vulgar than the other, and the two can be regarded as having their own advantages and disadvantages and complementing each other's positioning.

That's why Founder attaches so much importance to the comic industry, and the comic industry doesn't have to be much worse than the animation industry in his heart. 730

"Fang Dong, is this a comic, this kind of setting is really great... It's amazing, it's incredible!!"

After a long time, Ding Duyu put down the cartoon in his hand, and his face was full of shock.

If it weren't for Fang Zheng taking it out, who would have thought that the story could be told in this way?!

"Fang Dong, is there any follow-up?"

Shen Anping's words made Fang Zheng a little speechless, I just gave you a model and let you know what a comic is.

Why, you're still addicted to watching it for a while?!

Shen Anping also knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he smiled awkwardly, looking at the cartoons on the table, his eyes were full of fire.

I don't know why, but compared to anime, he feels more comfortable reading manga.

"I'll ask Xian Ting to make a copy of this comic for a while, you can take it back, copy it yourself, learn this way of drawing, don't care about the story first, and strive to make your painting style develop in this direction. "

Fang Zheng stated his purpose, the reason why he asked Ding Duyu to read comics was to cultivate the drawing skills in the other party's comics.

Based on Ding Duyu's traditional paintings, I believe that the level of learning of comics will definitely be much faster than that of ordinary people.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please, !!_

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