"The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family" With the appearance of Connor, the enthusiasm of fans has reached a new height.

How can a dragon with a hideous face be so cute, it's a rhythm that can't pay for death.

Connor's appearance, in the eyes of fans, is really a bit foul!

A altar, fans who have just watched the anime gather here and express their feelings to each other~

"Brothers, when I saw Connor, I have a feeling of not vomiting or being unhappy, today I am going to risk the world's condemnation, and at the risk of being regarded as a pervert by everyone, I will make a declaration!"

"The name of the manifesto is called the Great Lori Manifesto!"

A post was pinned high to the top, attracting countless fans to click in and watch it.

However, the fans who clicked in without exception were all shocked by the landlord's enthusiasm and talent, and they were moved by the landlord's spirit of daring to be the first in the world and daring to admit that he was a Lolita.

"Tolstoy once said that Lori is not cute because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because she is cute, so is it sinful to like Lori?"

"No, no sin! no sin at all! Because I'm just looking for beauty. "


A declaration was said by this bigwig-level fan to be touching and heartfelt, inciting tears, it was simply sad for the listener to cry, expressing the most sensitive feelings in the hearts of the majority of gentlemen.

"Edison: Lori can increase happiness and reduce pain!"

"Turgenev: Believe in yourself first, and then Lori will believe in you!"

"Copernicus: Man's vocation lies in courageous exploration... Lori!"

"Darwin: Natural selection, Lori survives!"

Looking at this blood-boiling declaration, the fans below went crazy and began to shout one by one, shouting out the secrets that had been hidden in their hearts for many years.

They used to think that they would not be able to see the light of day in some aspect of their hobby, but they do not know until today that so many pioneers have spoken so many wise sayings to teach them and guide them.

"Naively, I went to check, these big guys have never said such things at all!"

"Did you say that it doesn't matter, isn't it important to stay in formation?!"

"233~ I feel like the big guys are all bad, you guys are really... It's so beautiful~"

"For the landlord and the big guys who follow the trend below, I just want to express my admiration, except for admiration, I am speechless!"

"Tolstoy: I'm not! I don't!"

With more and more people entering here, the popularity of the post is also soaring, and the silk people have made up a sentence of wisdom with a spoof mentality, and the fans who joined later are also having fun.

"I see more of Newtongo than others, and that's because!"

"Edison: Lolita control is 99 percent perverted, plus 1 percent true love. "

"Albert Einstein: Controlling Lori is more important than pushing it, pushing it is only to satisfy selfishness physiologically, while controlling Lori is the need for pursuit and aesthetics, which also marks the real progress of human beings!"

"How steel is made: the most precious thing for a person is life, and life is only once for a person. Therefore, a person's life should be spent like this, when a person looks back on the past, it seems that he does not regret not pursuing the royal sister, nor is he ashamed of liking Lori; in this way, when he is dying, he can say, I have dedicated my whole life and all my energy to the most precious cause of my life - to fight for the liberation of Lori!"

"Albert Einstein: The value of a lolita should not be seen by what he gets, but by what he contributes to Lori. "

"Gorky: Lori is the ladder of human progress!"

"Hemingway: People can be destroyed, not without Lori. "


Fans watched the erudite and talented bigwigs haunt one by one, and the one who laughed was called a leaning forward and backward together, and it was normal to laugh so much that his stomach hurt and he laughed.

"233 ~ Visually see that a large wave of coffins is approaching, and the bigwigs are ready to flee!"

"Hahaha, it's been played, it's been played!"

"I don't know if your Chinese teacher will vomit blood in anger when he sees you using your knowledge in this area~!"

"I don't know if it will vomit blood, I only know that the compulsory education of the big guys is definitely secretly opened a small stove, and ordinary people can't write this feeling!"

"Laugh to death, the famous words left by people for future generations were changed by you so hahaha!"

There is never a shortage of sand sculptures among fans, and when a sand sculpture is infested, everyone may think that there is something wrong with this person, or that it is a neurosis.

But when a group of sand sculptures appear, you will feel that you are not normal.

Watching the words of wisdom come and go, and watching the landlord's Lori declaration grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, fans feel ridiculous and speechless at the same time.

A forum is unusually happy because of a Lori declaration, and it is more joyful than usual.

I'm not afraid of many sand sculptures, I'm afraid of a nest of sand sculptures, and that's the case at the moment.

On the other hand, Founder had no idea that the A forum he opened had become a gathering place for sand sculptures.

.............. 0

His original intention was to let fans exchange experiences, and he didn't let these fans make any improper declarations.

However, Fang Zheng didn't know about it, and even if you knew, I was afraid that with his Pipi Shrimp character, he might have to get involved.

For example, there was no Lolita in the last world, and there were more people who liked it, so there was Lolita.

Of course, Fang Zheng didn't know about this, because he was very happy because he had picked up the treasure at this time.

In Public Room A, Fang Zheng was on a chair, holding a few sketches in his hands, while Ding Duyu and Shen Anping were sitting on the sofa on the side, slowly sipping tea.

Compared with Shen Anping, Ding Duyu was obviously much more nervous, and he had to peek at Fang Zheng from time to time to see if there was any change in the expression on Fang Zheng's face.

The sketch in Fang Zheng's hand is her work, and it is also the work of the cute character that Fang Zheng left before.

She thought about it almost all night, and she couldn't sleep during the day, so she simply gave her work to Fang Zheng directly at the instigation of Shen Anping.

In Shen Anping's words, it doesn't matter if your work is good or not, it doesn't matter if Fang Dong says it, and it's a big deal to change it.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Uchiha Yanfeng" and "xxc11", thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!soil!_

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