The students sat in the classroom waiting left and right, but never saw the lecturer arrive.

Just when many people were waiting impatiently, footsteps finally sounded at the door, and everyone heard the sound, only to see a figure they could not have imagined appeared there.

"Yo~Everyone is here very much~"

Fang Zheng walked into the classroom with a smile, then stood still on the podium, glanced at the people in the classroom, and greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

Fang Zheng took a brief look, except for Ding Duyu and Shen Anping, who were together, the others were all very unfamiliar faces.

However, looking at these energetic students, Fang Zheng was very satisfied.

These people may not understand anything now, but in the near future, as long as they are willing to learn, these people will become the earliest painters of the second dimension.

"As for me, I won't introduce myself, I think everyone knows my identity, what should everyone shout when they see me?"

Fang Zheng looked at the students in the audience with a smile, and stood on the podium lightly.

Strangely, although it was the first time in his two lives that he had lectured to others, he did not feel any discomfort or nervousness.

"Fang Dada, I love you!"

"Fang Da is so handsome!"

"Fang Dada, you are my idol!"

"I'm your true fan!"

When the students in the audience heard Fang Zheng's words, they first laughed, and then they all shouted in cooperation with Fang Zheng.

The whole classroom instantly became lively, as if it was a large-scale fan meeting.

"Ahem, the one who just said that he really loves fans, be conscious, go and stand at the back of the classroom!"


Hearing Fangzheng's words, the students laughed even more.

Since the Anime Carnival Martial Arts Hall incident, the majority of two-dimensional fans, who don't know that this Pipi shrimp is allergic to the three words of true love powder, and there is a shadow.

It is estimated that the deliberate shouting of true love fans just now is clearly a spoof.

"Okay, okay, joke to this technique!" Fang Zheng watched the atmosphere being set off, smiled and pressed his hand, signaling everyone to calm down.

"I believe that since you have come to Xiuzhiyuan Academy, it must mean that you love ACG very much and are very happy to engage in ACG-related industries."

Fang Zheng looked at the students in the audience and saw that everyone was listening to him carefully, and he was very satisfied.

It's no wonder that when I went to school, the teachers were like students who didn't listen to the lectures and didn't understand before. Really standing on the podium, Fang Zheng is somewhat clear.

On the podium, the students in the audience can see every move very clearly, just like the students who bow their heads to play with their mobile phones, in the eyes of experienced teachers, bowing their heads to play with their mobile phones is completely different from bowing their heads. The reason why teachers hate students who don't listen to lectures is largely because they feel that students don't respect themselves.

Others don't know that Fang Zheng himself feels this way.

"How much do you know about two-dimensional painting?"

Fang Zheng looked at the students in the audience and patiently told them some of the points he had summarized.

Hearing Fangzheng's words, some of the students in the audience said that the lines were simple, and some said that they paid attention to the overall effect, but most of their views stayed on the surface, that is, their first impression of the two-dimensional painting style.

"Ding Duyu, what do you think?"

Fang Zheng looked at the only student he knew, Ding Duyu, for this strong girl, he wanted to hear the other party's answer.

Hearing Fang Zheng suddenly name himself, Ding Duyu was stunned for a moment, then stood up and looked at Fang Zheng generously.

Although she was born in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, her personality has nothing to do with water, as for being named and shy in front of so many people?

That's impossible.

"I have copied the characters in the Founder anime, and my most intuitive feeling is that the two-dimensional painting style seems to be very simple, but it is actually very difficult, with a slight flaw, whether it is the softness or smoothness of the lines, it will greatly affect the look and feel of the whole painting."

Ding Duyu's answer made Fang Zheng's eyes light up, it seems that Ding Duyu had indeed seriously taught himself the two-dimensional painting style before.

"Yes, please take a seat!"

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and motioned for Ding Duyu to sit down, a person who has not undergone any systematic learning, it is rare to be able to realize this.

Fang Zheng turned around, turned on the computer and projector on the podium, and immediately wrote the word "creation" on the tablet.

"If you want to learn to draw, you have to know what it means to create!"

Fang Zheng looked at the people in the audience, his face also became serious, and he no longer had the same smile on his face as before.

"What do you think you would do if I gave you a character and asked you to design it?"

"First of all, you should understand the character's positioning, personality, character and main selling points, and secondly, you need to understand the story and world view of the entire anime..."


Founder teaches these people the most basic creative skills, and how much the other party can comprehend depends on their ability and hard work.

Fangzheng's words made all the students fall into silence and thought.

When they first watched the anime, they only felt that each character in Fangzheng's pen had different styles, and they were all almost perfect.

For example, in "Chopping Crimson", Estes shows the queen's attributes to the fullest, and for example, Xiao Hinata and other little Lori in "360 When the Prison Meal Comes to Me", you won't think of other adjectives except cute when you see the other party.

Wait, these are the embodiment of a person's creative skills, and they are also the embodiment of the biggest selling point of his characters.

If you want this character to be cute, then the character you create, any details and line processing, must serve the cute, you can't draw and run crookedly.

is obviously a character who attracts the audience by being cute, but you are stunned to become sexy or glamorous.

That is definitely unsuccessful, and the result of doing so can only be reduced to four dislikes, and being complained and abandoned by the audience.


Founder's class didn't talk about anything substantial, just told these people how a creator should create a character.

And pretending to be a character from scratch is not so easy, it takes a lot of experience.

When you draw more, when your aesthetics improve, you don't need to be reminded, you can see for yourself where the characters you create are successful and where they are not desirable.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Gensokyo Moon" and "188...521", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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