As time went on, the streets began to become lively, especially the shops selling flowers and small gifts, which seemed to have been renovated.

On the streets, pairs of young people also became more numerous, strolling around the streets with arms on their shoulders, talking and laughing.

The girl's bird snuggled up to the boy, and the voice looked at the girl next to her with doting eyes.

Scenes like this can be seen everywhere in university playgrounds, in cafeterias, and even under dormitories.

Every time I see a man and a woman standing together, the lovers look at each other affectionately, as if they only have each other's world in their eyes, as if no one else is around.

Looking at these young men and women who have entered the palace of love, many people look at them with blessed eyes.

But there is always a small group of people who are mavericks, and when they see these affectionate eyes, they seem to see a plague god, and they retreat.

"Alas~ It's another pair of dogs and men!"

"Xiu Eun's love dies fast!"

"I hate these few days the most in a year, every time I come to this time, both men and women have a sour smell of love~"

"Lao Chen, why don't you have any feelings?"

From Modu University, Qi Yu and a few people came out of the teaching building, looking at the men and women who were in pairs, and the expressions on their faces were disdainful.

Even if you look closely, you can see that there is a touch of loneliness in their eyes.

It's as if the snow lotus of the Tianshan Mountains disdains to be born with the worldly flowers, they are the most arrogant warriors of this season!!

"Oh, you're not sour~"

When Chen Qian heard Qi Yu's words, he pursed his lips disdainfully, and he didn't stare at his mobile phone when he spoke.

"Aren't people just falling in love, if you are envious, you can also talk about it~"

After speaking, Chen Qian stared at his mobile phone screen with an obsessive face, and asked softly, "Did you say that wife?"

"Yes, Lord Admiral~"

Listening to the charming voice with a hint of simplicity and a hint of crispness in the enchantment from the mobile phone, Chen Qian breathed a long sigh of relief, his face full of happiness.


"Nima, this person is hopeless~"

"It's late, let's take it away~"

"Lao Chen, you... Alas~!"

Qi Yu and the others looked at Chen Qian, who was self-intoxicated, and shook their heads helplessly, and then they didn't bother the other party to be intoxicated alone, and they all took the first step.

"Brothers, it just so happens that tomorrow is a weekend, and I decided to stock up on food, what about you?"

Qi Yu looked at his two roommates and friends, and the expression on his face was a little helpless.

He didn't want to do this if he could, but he sighed heavily in his heart when he looked at the sweet greasy smiling faces around him.

This is the ugly face of love~!!

"Tun! It must be tun! It's like hibernation for two days, and the air outside is full of sour smell!"

"Let's go to the supermarket and buy supplies!"

After discussing it, several people decided to go to the supermarket to buy rations for the past few days.

Single dogs like them hate this season the most, and when it comes to these days every year, their hearts will be severely traumatized, and they are the kind that sprinkles salt.

Can't I hide if I can't be provoked?

You talk about your love, I live my bachelorette carnival, and everyone doesn't affect each other.

When he came to the supermarket, Qi Yu found that there were a lot of people in the supermarket today, especially at the counter selling drinks and bread, and the crowd was extremely crowded.

Qi Yu reluctantly squeezed into the crowd, ready to rush to buy some supplies.

Maybe Qi Yu's range of movements was too large, and a boy in front of him glanced back at him.

It's such a coincidence that you're also here to stock up on supplies?

yes, you too?

Heroes see the same thing~

Fortunately, I will be glad to meet you!

A simple eye contact, all of which saw each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

The two looked at each other and smiled, very friendly and slowly moved with the crowd.

At this moment, all the comrades and comrades-in-arms standing in this area tacitly agreed that the atmosphere was very harmonious and loving.

The same thing is happening not only at Modu University, but also elsewhere.

To be honest, it's easier to fall in love in college, but if you go out of society, it's really difficult to fall in love.

So the situation outside the school is not much better than inside.

However, to the relief of the majority of single compatriots, these two days are weekends, and they can hide at home and not go out.

Out of sight and out of mind, as long as I close the doors and windows and close the curtains, the sour smell of love will not affect me!!

Under the urgent preparation of a group of single Wangs, they finally stocked up on the supplies needed for the past few days before dark, returned home one by one, locked the door, closed the windows, and closed the curtains.

The night sky of the magic capital is full of lights, the streets are full of twinkling neon lights, and the streets are full of couples strolling hand in hand.

And behind this glamorous scenery, there are countless single sighs.

[Dear fans, Valentine's Day is here, and I know that many of you have been wronged in the past few days, so I specially bring a new work to comfort you!]

Many single Wang just wanted to start their bachelorette party, but the next moment the mobile phone rang.

This also reminds many people that just closing the doors and windows is not foolproof, and the mobile phone must also be turned off, otherwise what fun is there in their bachelorette party when they see those Valentine's Day reports and interviews?

However, when many people saw that the display on the mobile phone was actually the latest news of Founder, the action of wanting to turn off the phone slowed down.

[Today is Valentine's Day, today is also a singles carnival, in order for the majority of single compatriots to have an unforgettable bachelor party, in order to make up for the emptiness and loneliness in everyone's hearts, my new work will be released at seven o'clock tonight, what are you waiting for?]

Looking at the two news released by Fangzheng, many fans who are still single are in tears.

"Woo woo woo ~ see the truth in adversity, really see the truth in adversity~"

"Fang Dada, sure enough, you are the one who loves us the most!"

"In order to comfort our wounded hearts, Fang Da actually deliberately launched a new work, Fang Da I will fan you for a lifetime!!"

"I'm sorry Fang Dada, I apologize for sending you a special product before, I blame you!"

"Long live Fang Da! Long live A Society!!"

Knowing that Fang Zheng was still thinking about them single fans, everyone felt guilty.

They used to be on the same line with Fangzheng, sending each other special products, and playing with each other's emojis...

Now that I think about it, they really shouldn't be, Fang Da is such a good person, and an idol who thinks so much about fans, he really can't find a second one with a lantern.

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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