With the popularity of the theatrical version of "The Light Girl" and the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" in theaters, the popularity of anime has once again climbed to a new height.

And "Plastic Memory", which is the latest broadcast of A Society, has naturally received a lot of attention.

And as time passed, Fangzheng's previous lie that "Plastic Memory" was a romantic comedy was ruthlessly exposed.

"Happy New Year, I believe you are a ghost!"

"The Founder Dog Thief is very bad!!"

"This is the worst work of Company A, because you can't see the screen through tears at all!!"

"Sure enough, when it comes to people and robots, none of them are good, "Dream of the Stars" cried, and now there is another "Plastic Memory"..."

"Fang Dada, I hate you!!"

Chinese New Year's Eve, seven o'clock in the evening.

Countless fans cried in A and scolded Fang Zheng for not being human!

Originally, the Spring Festival, as the most anticipated festival for everyone, should have been happy.

But just because of a certain inappropriate Pippi shrimp, a "plastic memory" made them completely forget the feeling of joy, and in the dead of night, they remembered Ella's smile.

I can't help but wash my face with tears~!

Many fans want to give up watching this extremely depressing anime during the Chinese New Year, but when they think that they have cried so many times before, it doesn't seem bad this time.

And tonight is the finale~

Tonight's finale, tomorrow's New Year's Day...

EMM~ At this time, fans are 100% sure that this is definitely arranged by Founder in advance, otherwise it would never be such a coincidence.

Four or five days before the Chinese New Year, the plot of "Plastic Memory" suddenly became extremely depressing, as fans learned that Ella still had more than two thousand hours left in her life.

The old joyful atmosphere is gone, and the laughter and laughter that used to be seen when watching "Plastic Memory" have been replaced by silence.

It just so happens that today is the finale of the anime, and according to Fangzheng's urine and bad character, it is estimated that they won't want to be happy tonight.

"Why did the plot that was so joyful before turn out like this?"

"Some people laugh and laugh and cry, bless the newcomers who don't see here, they can laugh for a while~"

"Silently a little distressed, can't you save Ella's memory?"

"Dog thief, you have blown A into a world-class enterprise, why can't you let Ella live forever?!!"

As soon as the anime opened, some emotional viewers already had a tendency to burst into tears.

The feeling of knowing that the limit is approaching but being helpless is really depressing.

In the last episode, the audience watched Ella and Si finally walk into the place where the dream began, and couldn't help but sigh.

Why didn't you come sooner?

Why do you have to come at the last minute!

Watching Ella and Si play in the amusement park to their heart's content, many people have blurred their vision inexplicably.

"It's so uncomfortable!!"

"Why am I crying when they're having so much fun?"

"I wish time could stay here~"

"Ella, don't stop!!"

The audience watched Ella and Si experience a project in the amusement park, but behind the happy smile was endless bitterness and fear.

When Si looked at the elder whose shadow was being pulled, he suddenly realized that it was evening.

At this moment, the audience finally couldn't help it.

The night is not terrible, what is terrible is the evening waiting for the night to fall.

The feeling of knowing that Ella would disappear after tonight really made the audience depressed to the point that they couldn't breathe.

The golden sunset, the afterglow of the setting sun, what a hope... How I wish time could stay in this moment forever for Ella.

However, time does not stop passing because of any one person, and the night... Eventually, it came.

[Everyone... I'm all laughing~]

[I've heard Ella say before, I like to watch the smiles of all kinds of people here~]

In the park at night, Ella and Si stood side by side of the road, looking at the bright smiles of the pedestrians on the street.

Ella's conversation with Si also stunned the audience in front of the screen.

Blurred by tears, they couldn't see the details of the anime, but they heard Ella's words.

She loves to see people smile.

As the dark night fell, street lamps replaced sunlight, and everyone was forced to laugh, even if the tears had blurred their eyes.

At the time of parting, they still want to give Ella their smiles, so that Ella can leave with peace of mind, even if their smiles at this time are really ugly than crying!

Even if...... Even if Ella didn't even know they existed...

Under the silent night sky, Ella and Si sat on the Ferris wheel that Ella had been gazing at for a long time, and under the pure night, the beautiful Ferris wheel was also covered with a layer of dreamlike colors, which looked beautiful.


[I really... Very happy~】

[This dreamlike time is also coming to an end~]

[I hope it will end here at the last minute... Finish everything before the Ferris wheel finishes the lap... Okay?]

【Thank you... Cry for me... Thank you~】

"Grass, I can't help it!!"

"Why? Why can't the special ones have a good ending? Why ?!!?"

"I've been here, I've met, and I don't want to leave anymore!!"

"Gan, have you gone together to let the dog thief change the script, I can't stand it!!"

"dog thief, you're not human, you change me Ella!!"

At the top of the Ferris wheel, looking at Si Na's tearful appearance, how could the audience not be like this?

[I wish you and your important person, one day, be able to meet again~]

When Si hugged Ella, like a knight holding his princess, he stepped off the Ferris wheel, and the audience exploded directly.

"I wish you and your important person, one day, be able to meet again~"

"I wish you and your important person, one day, be able to meet again~"

"I wish you and your important person, one day, be able to meet again~"


Except for this sentence, there are no words that can express the mood of fans at this time.

For Ella, who has lost her memory, perhaps this is the most sincere, valuable, and most hopeful blessing.

Si hugged Ella as if he were hugging the whole world.

Now that Ella had closed her eyes in his arms, she was crying like a child.

When all fans saw Si's appearance, it was as if they saw themselves in front of the screen, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down, and they couldn't finish wiping it off~

Sure enough, can the end of comedy really only be tragedy?

PS: For the sake of code words, I deliberately revisited this anime on the street... After reading it, my waist is not sore, my legs are not painful, and I feel really good~

Not much to say, I hope the bigwigs will support more because of the warrior behavior of the street, please!!

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