Seeing such vigilant fans, Fang Zheng also sighed in his heart, and secretly screamed that it was not good!

I seem to be in too much of a hurry~

"Ahem, the anime "Plastic Memory" is about the beautiful love between humans and robots, from acquaintance to acquaintance, and then to love, it can be said that the beautiful expression of love is incisive, so don't miss it~!"

Fang Zheng hurriedly explained the general content of "Plastic Memory" so as to change the topic.

The protagonist and Ella meet, know, and fall in love, and he doesn't lie about this.

If you have to say it, at most, he just says one less thing~!

But it's not a big deal at all, and he's sure his fans won't care about these details!!


"Acquaintance, acquaintance, and love, it seems that love is such a ghost routine~"

"Could it be that Fang Dada has really reformed himself?"

"Have we been too much lately, you see that Fang Dada is scared. "

"That's right, I'm a little uncomfortable with Fang Dada's seriousness~"

Although some old fans are still skeptical about whether Founder has reformed himself, they can't find anything wrong with Fangzheng's words.

Could it be that Fang Dada was really frightened by the blades they sent?

Many fans nodded approvingly when they thought of this.

Anyone who puts this matter on them will be taken aback~

I receive so many bright blades every day, and even people with big hearts will change a little bit in the long run.

Not to mention putting it right.

During this time, they fans can know how many souvenirs Founder's received there.

Every day, some true fans in the major fan groups organize group purchases, and then give this gift full of love to their dear Fang Dada.

Thinking about it this way, maybe, probably, maybe Fang Da has really changed.

Seeing that the barrage in the live broadcast room had changed, it seemed that he had a posture of pity for himself, and Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good if you don't have doubts, it's good if you don't have doubts!

Then Fang Zheng's eyes rolled, pretending to be pitiful.

"I know that I haven't released a new work recently, which makes everyone feel bad, but I'm also busy, such a big company is waiting for me to eat, everyone can experience it, so... Don't send blades, please!"

Fang Zheng clasped his hands together and 'begged' to the fans in the live broadcast room.

Blades~ He naturally doesn't like it.

Although it is said that the more blades he receives, the more it proves that the audience loves him deeply, but looking at the bright metallic luster...

Not to mention, he really has some hairy hearts!

Now watching the water friends in the live broadcast room spontaneously realize their mistakes, Fang Zheng expressed his relief.

However, I am glad that this revenge is still to be avenged.

Although it is now popular to scold me and I kill your whole family, Founder said that the number of fans is too large.

You can only outwit your opponents!

So according to the previous saying, this is called a gentleman's revenge, and ten years is not too late!

Now let's be arrogant for a while, wait until the end of the year, wait for the last two or three episodes of "Plastic Memory", let's see who laughs more happily!

Who's going to win!

"Fang Dada, we were wrong, we have no malicious intentions!"

"Yes, we're just joking with you, don't take it to heart~"

"No, I'm going to the fan base to stop everyone!"

"Look at the good things you have done, what kind of scared Fang Da Da in!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Fang Zheng's smile that was not easy to hold back rushed up again.

Watching a group of fans spontaneously admit their mistakes to him, Fang Zheng was forced to helplessly, and pinched his thighs tightly again, trying not to let himself laugh.

Ah~ Sure enough, the fans are the cutest~

This is simply the source of his happiness!

I really hope that you can smile like this until the Chinese New Year's Eve~

To be honest, looking at such an empathetic fan, Fang Zheng suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

He wondered if he was doing it too much.

But when I thought of my own emojis flying all over the screen before, that guilt disappeared in an instant.

How can this be called guilt?

This is clearly the cycle of cause and effect, and evil has evil retribution!

You gave me a blade and played with my emojis, my 'little' thanks are not too much, right?

"Ahem, you don't have to apologize, after all, this matter is also my fault, it is indeed my pigeon everyone for a long time, it is my fault first!"

Fang Zheng apologized to the fans in the live broadcast room 'sincerely', and his expression was as if he really realized his mistake.

Fortunately, the camera in the live broadcast room is only aimed at his upper body, if the audience sees Fang Zheng's hand pinching and rubbing on his thigh, he probably won't think so.

"Fang Da is not afraid~ Whoever sends you a blade, I will help you scold them!"

"Everyone is joking, absolutely no malice!"

"Everyone is counting on you to make anime, who dares to really scare you~"

"It's just that if someone really scares you, we, the fans, will be the first to disagree!"

The simple fans in the live broadcast room are still deeply reflecting on what they have done, and they are full of apologies in their hearts.

Maybe in their eyes, this is just a small joke and harmless, but from another angle, maybe Fang Da was really scared.

Looking at such a group of cute fans, what else can Founder say?

As their idol, he can only teach by word and deed, so that his fans can deeply understand the darkness and cruelty of reality.

Otherwise, when you enter society in the future, you won't be injured all over your body?

No way, who made him so great~

"Okay, it's not too early, everyone has to go to school and work tomorrow, and that's all for today's live broadcast. Founder chatted with fans in the live broadcast room about some daily topics.

Finally, I looked at the time and found that it was already past nine o'clock, and the live broadcast time was about the same.

And the things that should be explained have also been explained, and his ulterior plan has been successfully planted, and the rest is waiting for this foreshadowing to take root.

"In addition, I hope you will support the various official activities, after all, you also know that in order to build the Zhuyuan area, in order to create a more grand animation festival, it is not easy for A Society, so I hope that capable fans will support it more~"

After speaking, Fang Zheng talked to the fans in the live broadcast room, and then closed the live broadcast room.

A defense to the audience also handed in a full score of the answer sheet, and the live broadcast ended successfully.

Founder turned off the live broadcast, and the first thing he did was to call his personal assistant.

Calling the assistant at night is not for the kind of thing everyone thinks, but for the safety of his life.

"Hey~ Xianting, you go to the insurance company for me tomorrow to buy a life insurance....."

"Yes, yes, the bigger the insurance, the better..."

"Also, on the side of my newly bought villa, the security door, the security glass or something, all of them will be replaced for me!"

PS: The works mentioned by the bigwigs in the comment area will be considered by the streets, and some of them haven't seen it, so it takes time to make up for it. (I'm sorry for my self-proclaimed old two-dimensional, it seems to be unqualified~)

In the end, I knelt down and begged the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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