Seeing that the audience at the scene did not cooperate with him at all, Fang Zheng felt depressed in his heart.

finally used the cross-dimensional concert to bring an unparalleled impact to the audience, and I planned to use this opportunity to have a good time with the audience, but the audience turned a corner halfway.

We don't play against you anymore, we just need to look at the light part, as long as we look at them!!

In the face of this group of naughty fans, he suddenly had a feeling of hitting his fist on cotton, and he had no place to use his strength, and he was aggrieved in his heart.

"666, this wave must give a thumbs up to the old irons on the scene!"

"You can be skinned, we don't bird you~!"

"Hahaha, did you see Fang Dada's wonderful expression, you are happy to kill me!"

"Brothers, provide support to the friendly forces on the field!"

Suddenly, not only inside the concert, but even the audience outside the concert was shouting neatly.





At this time, whether it is inside or outside the venue, the enthusiasm of the audience is very high.

Ever since they saw the light combination that came from the screen across dimensions, the shock in their hearts was incomprehensible.

It's hard to control your excitement, and you can only use this way to express your inner ecstasy.

Looking at these fans and viewers who raised their arms and chanted, the uniformed uncles at the scene were dumbfounded.

The deafening shouts in their ears and the fiery enthusiasm of the audience all brought them the visual impact of dancing in turns.

I know that this is the first anime festival created by A Society.,I don't know, I thought it was some brainwashed fanatic believer gathering offline.。

Looking at the enthusiastic audience outside the venue, the uniformed uncles were a little nervous, especially every shout from the audience made them feel frightened.

To be honest, even if they are serving the public in an international metropolis like Modu, they encounter a lot of things every day.

But a frenetic scene like this, they have hardly ever encountered.

At this time, the crowd in front of the big screen around the concert was like a powder keg, and it would explode at the slightest spark.

No one wants to see the audience rampant, and no one wants to see things go in an uncontrollable direction.

"Fangzheng, Fangzheng, can you stop being skinny, you're cool yourself, but can you consider our feelings?!!"

Most of the uniformed uncles at the scene were speechless when they looked at the smiling figure on the screen, and they didn't know how many times they prayed.

The sound of hundreds of thousands of people shouting in unison, the impact of that scene is absolutely one of the best, and the timid people will even be frightened by this formation.

Listening to the shouts in my ears, the tide was higher and higher, and many uncles in uniform slandered one after another.

They won't come to the next event related to Company A, and this Nima is too scary.

With such a big formation, even if you don't have a heart attack, you can scare you out of a heart attack.

However, Fang Zheng didn't know anything about your situation outside, and he didn't know that because of his actions, he had been 'grudged' by those subdued uncles.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet~"

Fang Zheng looked at the black crowd around the concert, and said softly: "There is another surprise prepared for you today, so you don't have to worry, someone on our side will not let everyone down!"

And a surprise??

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the audience was stunned.

A light sound combination that came across the dimension was enough for them to be shocked, but Fang Dada told them that there was another surprise.

And according to the usual order of appearance, this second surprise is obviously more shocking than the previous light concert.

Thinking of this possibility, the audience's eyes became extremely warm.

A surprise more shocking than a light sound combination, what could it be?

Fang Zheng watched the atmosphere of the scene continue to heat up, and the popularity of the audience did not decrease in the slightest, and while feeling happy, he was also a little worried.

As the organizer, of course, he wants the audience to be as crazy as possible, because this is what shows their success.

But out of concern for the personal safety of fans, Founder wants to cool down these fanatical fans.

He doesn't want his fans to cause some beneficial physical diseases because of excessive excitement, which is not what he wants to see.

Even if it's to maintain the reputation of A Company and the Anime Festival, you have to do it.

"Okay, let's calm down and calm down our mood, and I'll take this time to answer everyone's questions. "

After making up his mind, Fang Zheng turned his head and gestured to Yang Li on the edge of the stage.

Since you want to cool down the audience, you need a period of relaxation to let the audience's rising blood pressure come down.

"Next, I will accept random interviews with everyone, so don't talk nonsense, just start!"

After Fangzheng's words fell, Yang Li took the microphone and slowly walked to the audience, and then stopped in the first row.

Yang Li looked at a young man on the left who was flushed with excitement, smiled slightly, and said softly, "Do you have any questions for Fang Dong?"

After speaking, Yang Li handed the microphone to the young man.

Taking the microphone, the young man stood up from the chair with some trepidation, and the expression on his face was a little restrained.

You must know that this is a concert site of 100,000 people, and there is also a live broadcast on the official platform of Company A, which means that I don't know how many people are watching him.

Thinking of this, the young man became even more nervous, holding the microphone in his hand but not saying a word for a long time.

Looking at this shy fan from the top of the stage, he nodded at him and said, "Don't be nervous, you just treat me as an ordinary person, just ask if you want to ask directly." "

Perhaps it was Fang Zheng's encouragement that gave the young man courage, and he took a deep breath and said, "Fang Dong, can I really say anything?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the young man pursed his lips and said: "Actually, I am a student of Modu University, and my roommate and I are very fond of your anime works, we have been following you since "Star Dream", and until now, we have admired you very much..."

Listening to the young man's words, the smile on the square face on the stage became stronger and stronger.

If you see it, what does it mean to be expected?

That's it!

Sure enough, he is still very popular with fans, don't look at his group of fans who always tease him in various fancy ways on weekdays, but these are all old tsunderese, and they are all models of integrity.

PS:Thanks:Jumping down、Poison tide、13 (1)、Orange @、Linjiang drunk、?fall?leaves?、Author eunuch must、Momo Yuyu、Shiyu will protect everyone、vhbv、、Cat nine丨、Phantom white、The person I like happens to be Lori.、Sakura blows snow へと変化する頃hateみ、Liuli、Favorite Mifa's monthly pass!!

Thanks: Heavenly Water Pressure Dream, Sakura Blowing Snow へと変化する頃Hate み、Picking Peach Blossoms for Wine and Drinking、Days of Chaos、33...50、151...16 Tips。

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