At the beginning of the concert, the audience was shocked by a stand-up comedy-like self-introduction.

Growing up so big, it's the first time they've seen someone who can introduce themselves so sloppily, it's a pity not to talk about cross talk.

Finally, after Du Wei finished his daily chatter, the prelude to the music sounded.

However, if she doesn't make a little confusion at the critical moment, how can she be worthy of the audience's affectionate name for her~

Sure enough, I forgot the words~

In order to save the scene, Mio Akiyama, who had previously refused to agree to be the lead singer, could only catch the ducks on the shelves and give Du Wei a head.

The audience watched this scene of single-core becoming dual-core, and they were crazy with joy.

With Mio Akiyama's rescue, Dumb Wei was also quickly disconnected and reconnected, and the concert officially began.

[Why is this~]

[On this heartwarming night, I miss you. 】

[It seems to be written on letterhead~]

The audience watched Mio Akiyama make eye contact with Akiyama for a while, and they all sighed.

Mio's voice and singing skills, no matter how many times they listen to it, they will feel amazing, that young girl's unique voice, but with a little bit of mature and intellectual voice, it is easy to leave a deep impression.

[Maybe... It's just a whim~】

[But why do you keep increasing the number of this one?] 】

【Export Favorite Probability Formula】


However, before the audience could react, a new voice floated into their ears, and the soft singing made many viewers tremble.

This singing, this voice, is simply too su.

"Mom, is this really the previous broken gong throat?"

"The world is weird, and it's cute and lovely!"

"With all due respect, this voice makes people ask about the sour smell of first love!"

"Duwei: Who dares to say that I am a broken gong~!"

Duwei, who left an indelible impression on the audience, shocked everyone as soon as he opened his mouth this time.

Listening to the soft voice in their ears, many people were messy, and it was really difficult for them to associate Duwei at this time with the broken gong voice before.

The transformation before and after is not only the difference between the ugly duckling and the white swan~

Listening to Duwei's singing, the audience unconsciously closed their eyes and enjoyed Duwei's unique soft voice.

At this moment, they seem to have directly crossed the winter, in the spring season, the ice and snow melt, the flowers are in full bloom, on the mottled sidewalk, a group of warblers and swallows, girls in their prime talk to each other, laughter and laughter like silver bells.

A warm spring breeze blew, and under the rain of flowers flying in the sky, the wind elf naughtily lifted the skirts of the girls, causing a burst of exclamation.

Looking at the enthusiastic, innocent and lively girl caressing her wind-blown hair with one hand and pressing the corner of her skirt with the other, that slightly drunk expression is simply the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Spring, warm and warm, everything recovers, this season represents the enthusiasm of youth, represents the youth of shyness of first love.

"Oh no, it's a heart-warming feeling!"

"You may not believe it when you say it, but my generation's stupid singing voice has been provoked~"

"Goosebumps all over my body, it's so good!!"

"This is what youth should look like, I think the old man was also a young man, but it's a pity... The past is unbearable~"

Listening to Duwei's singing, many people were reminded of their youthful memories.

This may be the reason why they like "Light Girl"~

Looking at the daily life of the girls, they will also feel relaxed physically and mentally, unconsciously showing a smiling face, the whole body is warm, and all the pressure and irritability are gone in a blink of an eye.

Listening to their singing, that pure voice and perfect vocal line, it is easy to evoke good memories in people's hearts and let them relive the attachment of the past.

Maybe the plot of "Light Girl" is not so hot-blooded, and there are not so many twists and turns.

As always, the activity room day after day, a few tables, a few chairs, all this makes up the main body of this anime.

I thought that such a simple routine would be boring and boring, and it would make people feel the same, but the truth is exactly the opposite.

Looking at the daily life of the light sound department, not only will you not feel bored, but you will enjoy it very much.

Looking at their carefree appearance every day, releasing their youth to the fullest, and playing around the campus, you can only sincerely wish them and hope that they will always be so innocent and happy.

Audiences who have watched "Light Girl" have envy, yearning, and blessings, but only no one will be bored.

Even if it's five or ten years later, when you look back and watch this old anime, it will still move you.

"Light Sound Girl" is undoubtedly a very good anime, which can be seen from the evaluation of light sound on the Internet.

But anime is a good anime, and this creator is not necessarily a good person.

As if to specifically fight against their fans, Fang Zheng didn't let them enjoy the feast brought by this music.

The four songs in the track list are seriously shrunk, and there is only a small part of the song that is sung.

"So... Was the rest of the song eaten by dogs?"

"I heard that I was addicted, and you told me that the welcome concert is over??"

"I knew that Fang Dada would not be so kind, and if he wanted to listen to four songs in one go, it was just a daydream!"

"Fang Da is here, I'll give you a big baby!"

Watching the anime that ended with the sound of Duwei singing, the audience was messy.

Do you want this kind of sassy operation?

Except for the part that Du Wei sang, the other songs didn't even leak an accompaniment.

Before co-authoring, Fang Da deliberately drew a track list in the anime, just to make them happy?

"Fangzheng old thief, I don't share the sky with you!"

"Fang Dada, won't your conscience hurt if you do this?"

"Woo woo ~ I didn't get a ticket for the reality concert, and the anime concert was edited by a crazy person, I really want to cry~"

"Upstairs, touch the dog's head, you're not alone~"

Looking at the seriously shrunken light music concert, countless audiences were dumbfounded.

This one is different from what they imagined~

Isn't the concert all warm and abnormal, why is it that when I arrived at Fangzheng, there were only a few minutes left for Nima?

In desperation, the audience can only run to the Kucat Music Network, where to listen to it to relieve their hunger.

After watching the anime, I switched to the Kucat Music Network, which is already the norm for viewers who watch the anime "Light Girl" now.

However, this time, these fans were disappointed again, and even had the heart to kill.

Because there is only one new song on the shelves of Kucat Music Network, that is, the song "My Love is a Stapler" sung by Du Wei in the anime.

As for the other two new songs... They only know one name.

This feeling of being able to see but not hear made many people crazy, and they strongly despised Fangzheng's behavior of fishing law enforcement, and scolded him for not being human!!

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