Solving all his worries, Founder found Zhang Siyu the next day and asked him to arrange the concert.

"Fang Dong, I understand your mood when you want to hold a concert, but you must know that it is impossible to build a large-scale venue in a short period of time!"

In the Fangzheng office, Zhang Siyu looked at his boss helplessly, speechless in his heart.

Fang Zheng actually asked her to build a concert venue that can accommodate 100,000 people within a month, isn't it difficult for a strong man?

What is enough for her in a month?

I'm afraid that even the construction team can't be found, let alone order all kinds of construction materials and construction machinery in advance.

A month, a venue of 100,000 people, isn't this a pipe dream?!

"And how long will it take you?"

Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words, thought about it for a while, and knew that he was a little anxious.

A venue that can accommodate 100,000 people is definitely not a small project, and ordinary engineering teams do not dare to take on such projects, only those large engineering teams have the confidence and strength to take on them.

But the big engineering teams have their own schedules, and you don't just come here because you give money.

"Including appointments, negotiations, and transportation of various raw materials, it will take at least three months!"

Zhang Siyu lowered his head and thought for a while, and gave what he thought was the shortest time.

Three months, or they have to pay a lot of money, just take the transportation of raw materials as an example, it is not impossible to deliver in a short time, you just pay more.

Money does save time in this regard!

"No, three months is too long!"

As soon as Zhang Siyu finished speaking, Fang Zheng shook his head directly.

Three months is too long for his plan, and after three months, it will be the end of the New Year, and by that time, the popularity of "Light Girl" will not be comparable to now.

What's more, Founder still has a set of completed plans for the New Year, and it can't be delayed until that time.

"Fang Dong, three months is already the shortest time, if you want to build a venue that can accommodate 100,000 people, you need to prepare in all aspects, otherwise it is easy to have problems!"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with a serious face, for fear that Fang Zheng would make some reckless moves because he was in a hurry.

The construction of a venue that can accommodate 100,000 people is not a small project, and the funds that need to be used at that time are calculated in the amount of 100 million.

Thinking of this, Zhang Siyu's eyes were a little worried, she really didn't want such a big twist and turn in the A company that had just stepped on the right track.

"I know that. Fang Zheng waved his hand, he knew what Zhang Siyu was worried about.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the five billion funds allocated to him had arrived, he would not have come up with this idea.

Although Company A is very popular now, with the profitability of Company A, if you want to build such a large project, there is only one way to go, such as a loan.

"What if it's in the open air?"

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at Zhang Siyu, a gleam flashing in his eyes.

He must hold a concert, not only to take advantage of the popularity of "Light Girl" to hype, but also to smoothly launch the Luo Tianyi plan.

As early as when Secretary Zou gave him a quarter of the development zone, he was planning everything.

If he could, he would also take the opportunity to move the company's headquarters to the new building.

After a period of renovation, it's almost finished.

"Fang Dong, if it is an open space, it can be built in a month at most!"

The open-air venue is completely different from the indoor venue, compared with the two, the open-air venue is much simpler, and the only trouble is how to arrange the auditorium reasonably in order to accommodate more spectators.

"Okay! Then use the open-air venue, a month at most, the sooner the better!"

When Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words, he immediately made a decision and decided the matter.

"In addition, let the various departments of the company clean up these days, and before the concert, the company's headquarters will also be moved there. "

"I see!"

Subsequently, Zhang Siyu discussed the details with Fang Zheng, and then left the office in a hurry.

During this time, she is afraid that she will be busy again, this is the relocation of the company and the construction of an open-air venue, just thinking about it is a headache.

Not long after Zhang Siyu left, Bo Niang, the official of Company A, released a dynamic.

[Hello dear fans, in order to repay the support of the fans, A has decided to hold a 'light sound club' concert in the Zhuyuan area of the magic capital, hoping that the majority of fans can come to enjoy this feast. Attached: For detailed information such as address and date, please pay attention to the official website of A Society!]

A news on the official blog of A company exploded like a depth charge, instantly triggering a huge wave.

During this time, with the popularity of "Light Sound Girl", a musical frenzy quickly set off among the young people of Xia Kingdom, especially the two-dimensional songs in the animation of A Society, which are extremely popular.

At this time, Company A suddenly broke the news that it was going to hold a concert, and the excitement of the majority of fans was already predictable!

"Fangda 666, is this a surprise for our fans?!!"

"Light music concert, is it Qin Miaomiao and them singing, I like Qin Miaomiao's singing so much!"

"It's definitely not just Qin Miaomiao, but also the other voice actors who are responsible for dubbing the light sound department, it's just a monster series!"

"233 ~ Duwei's broken gong throat warning!"

As soon as the news broke, it quickly began to spread among the fan groups of A Society, and many fans frantically poured into the official website of A Society to check the latest news.

Since it is a concert, it will definitely start pre-selling tickets in advance, in case the tickets are sold out if they go late, then they really have no place to cry.

As for the situation that concert tickets are not sold out, or no one cares... No one would think about it.

Founder's no, and those fans won't.

Just look at the popularity of "Light Voice Girl" on the Internet, the concert held by A Society will only have the situation of not being able to grab tickets, and there will be no situation where it cannot be sold.

And,With the establishment of the two-dimensional music zone on the Kucat Music Network,The songs in the anime under the A company have also opened the cover copyright。

So a very funny scene appeared, except for Kucat Music Network, other music platforms were all swept up by the cover versions of these anime songs.

This once again proves the popularity of A's anime music.

PS: Thank you for the tears of the world, who deleted my comment to die first for the whole family!, I will always like the saint Hui, Xingchen ぜけ Starry Night, 183...99, (?? ω??) , paddling and listening to music, when Ziyue wakes up, Ennn is too lazy to think of the name, Xiao Yinlong's monthly pass support, thank you guy!!

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