Fang Zheng closed the system panel in front of him, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed Zhang Siyu.

It didn't take long for Zhang Siyu to come to Fangzheng's office and look at Fangzheng.

"Fang Dong, are you looking for me?"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng pointed to the sofa on the side and said, "Sit down and say." "

Then Fang Zheng made a pot of tea and brought it to the coffee table, looking at Zhang Siyu.

"I want to put on a concert. "


Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with a puzzled expression, how could he remember to hold a concert, is it that geniuses' ideas are always so wild?

"Fang Dong, you are not a professional singer, why do you want to hold a concert?"

Zhang Siyu thought about it for a while, but couldn't understand why Founder suddenly wanted to hold a concert.

If you want to say that "Light Girl" is popular, even the songs in the anime are also popular, but this is not what you sang.

Suddenly, Zhang Siyu was stunned for a moment, and said with some disbelief: "Dong Fang, don't you want to hold a solo concert for Miss Qin Miaomiao?"

This is the only answer that Zhang Siyu thought of!

With the spread of several songs in "Light Girl", Qin Miaomiao, the lead singer, also became famous instantly.

From an inconspicuous little singer who was hidden in the snow to a hot object of major music companies, the changes before and after can be said to have made countless people jaw-dropping.

And Qin Miaomiao, who has completed the transformation from an ugly duckling to a white swan, is undoubtedly the only singer in A Society who is suitable and the most qualified to hold a concert.

Zhang Siyu figured out everything and stared at Fang Zheng, waiting for Fang Zheng's answer.

After all, the character of the square... In the words of his fans, it's 'skin'.

In case he really wants to hold a concert for himself, then Zhang Siyu will persuade him to dispel this idea.

Concerts are not held by anyone, and even some professional singers dare not easily try to hold their own solo concerts, let alone Founder, who is not even an amateur singer.

If you are not careful, you will become the laughing stock of the whole network, and you may even explode with the reputation of Company A.

"To Qin Miaomiao?"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng was stunned, and secretly said that he was confused, and he couldn't say anything clearly.

"This concert can be said to be held for Qin Miaomiao, but it can also be said that it is not. "

Fang Zheng picked up the teacup, took a sip of mellow tea, and blinked his mouth.

The concert he said was a concert of the light sound department, and it was for 'Du Wei', 'Mio', 'Rhythm Team' and 'Zhuang Zhi' to sing.

Because of virtual imaging technology, his dream cross-dimensional concert has been realized.

Of course, Qin Miaomiao and others, as voice actors, can also be said to be their concerts, but unlike ordinary concerts, Qin Miaomiao and several other voice actors will not show up and will not contact the audience.

That's why he said that this concert was held for Qin Miaomiao and others, and it can also be said that it was not.

Because the protagonists of this concert are the combination of light voices in the anime, not Qin Miaomiao.

Fang Zheng introduced his plan to Zhang Siyu in detail, and asked him to evaluate how much money it would cost to hold such a concert.

Where it will be held, whether it is a loss or a profit, these need to be evaluated by professionals like Zhang Siyu.

"Fang Dong... If I'm not mistaken, you're planning to let the only few people in Hirasawa come to reality from the screen, from the second dimension to the third dimension, and hold a concert?"

When Zhang Siyu spoke, Fang Zheng's eyes were very strange, and his face was also a little delicate.

"Any questions?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's natural answer, Zhang Siyu slapped his head and looked at Fang Zheng speechlessly.

"Fang Dong, do you think it's possible?" Zhang Siyu calmed down as much as possible, she looked at Fang Zheng and said patiently: "A fake character living on the screen, you let her come to the real world, and you have to hold a concert?!!"

Looking at Zhang Siyu's expression, Fang Zheng finally knew why Zhang Siyu looked at him like a fool.

After working for a long time, Zhang Siyu didn't know about the so-called virtual imaging system at all.

Because there was no concept of anime in this world, the technology in this area is still very backward, and only some game companies are researching it.

Now that Fang Zheng suddenly proposed to let a few people hold a concert, it is no wonder that Zhang Siyu was so surprised.

"If I solve the technical reasons, do you think this concert is a big deal?"

Zhang Siyu saw that Fang Zheng hadn't given up this idea, so he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said helplessly: "If Fang Dong is really so powerful, then this will definitely start a trend!"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up, and he felt a sense of excitement in his heart.

Imagine that a character who originally only existed on the screen suddenly walked in front of you, just like a real person, talking, laughing, and jumping.

What would that feel like?

You won't be able to reach them, but just watching them walk off the screen is ecstatic enough!

"Siyu, didn't the government give us land, and how much time and money would it take to build a giant venue there?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously, and saw that Fang Zheng's eyes were full of eagerness, and he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

No, is it true?

"Fang Dong, you... Have you really mastered the technique?"

After Zhang Siyu finished speaking, he felt like an idiot, even if Fang Zheng was crazy, he also went crazy, this is obviously realistic!

"Yes, technology is not a problem!"

Looking at Fang Zheng's affirmative expression and the categorical tone when he spoke, Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng carefully.

After a long time, Zhang Siyu breathed a long sigh of relief and said softly: "Fang Dong, I don't know if you have really mastered this technique. "

"Assuming you're not kidding, and you've mastered the technology, then the first thing you need to solve is not how to hold a cross-dimensional concert, but how to explain the impossibility to the above!"

Zhang Siyu stared at Fang Zheng with a serious face, if such a technology really came out, no matter what, it was impossible for the top to let it go.

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng was stunned, and the whole person was a little dumbfounded.

I was so happy that I forgot about this stubble completely!

A word woke up the person in the dream, Zhang Siyu's words made Fang Zheng a little anxious, he really couldn't explain this technology, after all, this thing is all the credit of the system, and it has nothing to do with him.

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