The audience who reacted was secretly frightened.

Fang Zheng, who learned the art of war, just deceived all of them perfectly by a small means, and let them turn into lemon essence one by one, all kinds of envy and jealousy, and eat all kinds of lemons.

As a result, in the end, all this was arranged by Fang Zheng a long time ago.

I'm afraid that during this time, their Fang Da Da looked at their stupid incarnation of lemon essence, and he was already laughing like crazy.

Recognizing Founder's sinister intentions, many fans were furious.

What about evolving into the supreme god, there are many of us and great strength!

So the fans spontaneously assembled, ready to blast Founder, expose his crimes, and strive to make him lose his godhead!

However, when these angry fans prepared everything and prepared the forum to face the line, they were suddenly stunned.

Looking at the daily life of the light music part that was being played, the fans who were already fried suddenly felt a ray of warm sunlight shine into their chests, dispelling all the negative emotions in their hearts.

It seems, probably, maybe, it's also a good choice to look at the daily life of the light sound department~

In the next period of time, the barrage of "Light Sound Girl" appeared a very funny scene.

Many viewers looked at the daily life of the light music department with a smirk, and at the same time spoke on the barrage, scolding Fang Zheng for being sinister and inappropriate.

But when many unknown viewers went to the A Society forum to learn about the situation, they found that the entire forum was peaceful and quiet, and no one was spraying Fangzheng at all.

Netizens who didn't give up went to other social platforms to take a look, turned around a lot, and found that the only thing that scolded Fang Zheng was inappropriate was the barrage on "Light Sound Girl", and no one else sprayed Fang Zheng at all.

Later, after some netizens tirelessly verified, they finally understood what was going on.

Netizens who understood the whole story were messy.

Feelings: These fans are all honest and honest~!

While looking at the warm daily chanting of 'true fragrance' in the light sound department, he didn't want to be 'successful' by Fangzheng, so there was such a funny scene.

Although fans scolded Fang Zheng for cheating on them, no one was willing to let go of the daily routine of the only few people in the anime.

Although they like to listen to the singing of the light voice, this cute daily life is also their dish.

The ancients said: You can't have both fish and bear's paws, but this group of greedy fans wants both.

So there was such a funny scene on the barrage of "Light Girl".

In this regard, many new newcomers have been blinded.

There is still this kind of operation in Company A??

But I like it!

The new audience attracted by the popular songs on the Internet has joined one after another, and the barrage has become more and more lively!

And in the hearts of fans, Founder is like a peep on the screen, and he knows it well.

"Light Girl" finally ushered in its own school anniversary after five episodes of daily activities.

This also means that the girls in the light voice department are finally going to sing on the stage.

"It's coming, it's coming, the first time the light voice department sang on stage is finally here!"

"I'm looking forward to it, Duwei, Mio, the law team and Zhuang Zheng are finally going to take the stage, I'm so excited!"

"I feel like I've been chasing "Light Girl" for so many days, just for this moment!"


When the latest episode of the anime broadcast began, the audience watched the light sound department finally remember their main business, and they left tears of excitement.

It's really not easy, they've been waiting for so long, and the concert of the light music department is finally here!

The wide campus auditorium, the bright red curtain, and the light music combination of various cute services, firmly caught the audience's eyes before the concert began, and they could no longer take their eyes off it.


With the rhythm of the rhythm team, the first concert of the light music group opened.

[Every time I look at you, my heart pounds!]

[The swaying thoughts are as soft as cotton candy!]

[I've been working on it~]

[I've been looking at your side face~]


The cheerful music sounded, and the audience sitting in front of the screen unconsciously closed their eyes, and their bodies began to shake slightly with the rhythm of the music, completely intoxicated.

The moment Mio Akiyama's pure voice sounded, almost everyone got goosebumps.


The crisp singing voice is like a sharp arrow that hits people's hearts, making people sink in a second and can't extricate themselves for a long time.

However, not long after the audience listened to the song and flew up to the clouds, they were suddenly frightened by the harmony of a broken gong, and fell directly from the clouds to the ground, falling into a dog eating.

This voice... Are you serious?

The audience listened to the harmony like a broken gong, and they were speechless, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Ice and Fire Heavens, this is really Ice and Fire Heavens!"

"Only that hoarse voice... Curious~"

"Strongly ask to stay closed!!"

"What do you guys upstairs know, this voice is cute!"

Mio Akiyama sang halfway through, and only echoed the harmony singing.

But the audience was speechless.

It was originally a good song, but because of the broken gong and his throat, many people laughed or cried.

Even many fans secretly scolded in their hearts, this is definitely Fang Zheng's deliberate!!

Although they knew that Du Wei had become hoarse because of Xiao Zuohe's training before, they never expected that in this case, Du Wei would dare to speak!

It was originally a musical feast, but because of someone's heartbroken spoof, the audience could only reluctantly accept this reality.

Looking at the MV played in the anime to match the first singing of the light music department, the audience nodded.

Although they hated Fang Zheng for singing on stage for the first time in the light voice department and spoofing, this MV with a very different style insisted on it.

Accustomed to watching the daily life of only a few people, this MV that suddenly became a little bad made the audience applaud!

[Ah~~ God, please!]

[Please give me a Dreamtime that belongs only to the two of us!]

[Hold your beloved rabbit and say good night tonight~]

[Soft Time~Soft Time~]

At the end of the song, the audience really couldn't laugh or cry.

The song is undoubtedly a good song, but because of the chaotic entry, many viewers twitched in their hearts.

Is this the world's first gong-breaking voice and harmony singer?

PS: Thanks: hee-hee, silly. Nothingness, sleepiness at dawn, self-release, rainy night, wind wolf view, boredom, ultimate... Parking lot, Ping_Dan, Xiaoxiao Xiansen, ZekR1n, Wandering Days, Lost Days, yl0927 monthly passes, thank you for the reward of "tomorrow will be better!!

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