"Brothers, good news!Cool Cat Music Network has cooperated with Fang Da's A Society,There is a special two-dimensional music area,Everyone rushes to the duck!!"

", this cool cat music network is fast enough, Fang Dada's anime here has just been released, and "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay" lazy" are on the shelves over there, it's just fast~!"

"What's more, even the songs in Fang Dada's previous works are there, and the brainwashing "Katyusha" is also on it!"

"666, this time I want to give a thumbs up to the cool cat music network, well done!"

After watching "Light Girl", almost all the audience was captured by those two songs.

Every day, when I open the music list and look at those so-called hot songs, many people are miserable.

They listen to music to relax, not to embarrass themselves.

Listening to the 'noise' sung by those so-called traffic stars and idols, I am embarrassed.

Now that the songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" have come out, they are like a breath of fresh air in the music industry.

Compared with those new rap bowls of wide noodles, the OP and ED of "Light Sound Girl" are like a spring breeze in the cold winter, blowing through everyone's hearts.

There is no doubt that the audience likes these two songs, but it is precisely because they like them that they will be distressed.

Because looking at the whole platform, there is no music online to put these two songs on the market, and fans are scolding the music platform for inaction, and they are helpless to lament.

They can't just play anime all the time just to listen to songs~

But fortunately, they didn't disappoint for long, and Kucat Music Network brought them good news.

Fans who heard the news flocked to the Cool Cat Music Network.

After logging in, some old users found that the cool cat music network has changed a lot,The most intuitive thing is the eye-catching logo of the two-dimensional music area on the homepage。

Click in.,Sure enough, I found that the songs under the A club are here.,Even the website is very intimate to classify the user.,Which song is from which anime.,Is it the opening song or the ending song.,These are all marked one by one.。

"666, cool cat is beautiful!"

"Garbage TT, but also Nima Internet giant, it's far worse than other people's cool cats, bye bye!"

"Cagayake!Girls and Dontsay "lazy", in an infinite loop, it feels awesome!"

"Upstairs, have you forgotten the brainwashed "Katyusha" before, do you want Nona to drive the IS-2 to remind you?"

Don't have an account?

Sign up directly!

Do I need to open a VIP to listen to songs?

Drive him straight for a year!

In order to cleanse the soul, to heal the ears, for the single song cycle, these are all small meanings!

Cool Cat Music Network, the number of users skyrocketed instantly, and at the same time, other music platforms innocently lay down and were scolded by users.

Seeing that the users of their own music platform were declining like flowing water, the company's senior management cried and fainted in the toilet.

I knew that these songs were so popular, and they had to take them down that day~

Some people are happy and some are worried, in the face of this sudden situation, the cool cat fell into jubilation.

"Mr. Kang!

"It's up! It's up!"

At the headquarters of Kuwo Music Company, Kang Jiaming sat in the office holding a cup of fragrant tea, enjoying his eyes and face.

Looking at the staff who pushed the door in, Kang Jiaming put down his teacup and said unhappily.

"To put it bluntly, what's going up?"

"Mr. Kang, the two songs you bought back are simply amazing, as of just now, the active users of our platform have skyrocketed to 70 million, the new users have reached more than 9 million, and the paid users have also exceeded an astonishing 72.5%!"

The staff looked at Kang Jiaming with a flushed face, and the tone of his voice was even more excited, and if he didn't even care about Kang Jiaming's identity, he would probably be able to shout out.

"What?!" Kang Jiaming was shocked, looked at the staff in front of him in disbelief, and said, "It's gone up so much?!"

After speaking, Kang Jiaming reacted, and his reaction seemed to be a little excessive.

"Ahem, calm down, it's all in my expectation. "

Kang Jiaming coughed twice, hiding his excited heart, and finally looked at the staff and said: "By the way, notify all employees in our department this month, the bonus will be doubled!"

"Really, Mr. Kang is magnificent, I'm going to inform everyone!"

The staff left the office with a surprised face and ran to inform everyone of the good news.

Kang Jiaming sat on the chair, listening to the excited shouts of the employees outside the window, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Fang Dong, Fang Dong, you are really my lucky star~"

Kang Jiaming had an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth, and his heart was full of gratitude to Fangzheng.

Previously, he bought back all the copyrights of Founder's anime songs with a contract of 'seven or three shares', and was criticized by the company's board of directors for a while, and he almost packed up his bed and left.

But fortunately, the results of these songs were not bad, or they exceeded everyone's expectations, giving him a big surprise.

You must know that before Kucat Music Network purchased the copyright of Founder's songs, the daily active users fluctuated around 40 million at most, and the new users were even more pitiful, almost negligible.

As for the paid users, it is even more pitiful, and the number of people who are willing to spend money to open a membership has not exceeded 30% at all.

Now looking at the data on his own platform, which has almost doubled, Kang Jiaming's heart is happy.

Jingle bell~

Just when Kang Jiaming was happy about his wise decision, the phone on the table rang.

"Hey, Mr. Wang... Uh-huh... Okay..."

Kang Jiaming put down the phone, lay down on the chair, and hummed a little song unconsciously in his mouth.

Just now, the company's board of directors called him, changed his previous attitude, praised his previous cooperation with ACG Culture Company, and was ready to let him move his position upwards.

Kang Jiaming's heart is full of joy, he has been sitting in this position for seven or eight years, and he has never had the opportunity to be promoted, and now he has finally cleared the clouds and seen the light of day, and his future is bright.

Thinking about it, Kang Jiaming picked up the phone and dialed Fang Zheng's side, as if he sincerely thanked Fang Zheng, if it weren't for Fang Zheng's songs, he wouldn't have been promoted.

The second is to report the results to Fangzheng, after all, there is a profit relationship in the cooperation between the two sides, and he should notify Fangzheng that he should notify Fangzheng.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "lndry", thank you big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please~~~~~~

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