After sending the others away, Fang Zheng looked at Kang Jiaming with a smile.

"Mr. Kang, your decision today is very wise. "

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Kang Jiaming smiled bitterly and sighed silently in his heart.

He didn't know if he was wise, but he knew that he might be fired by his boss when he went back.

As soon as he thought that he would have to convince his boss after he went back, Kang Jiaming had a headache.

But he really likes the song "Dontsay "lazy", and the popularity of this song on the Internet is still high.

If their platform is operated properly, it is a matter of time before there is a spike in users.

"Fang Dong, don't make fun of me, I don't know how to explain to the boss this time~"

Kang Jiaming sighed helplessly, just thinking about how to get the copyright of this song just now, he completely forgot about what happened after that, and now he has a headache.

Seven or three are divided, and Founder is seven and they are three, except for some resources and publicity costs of the platform, it can really be said to be a loss-making deal.

"If you can't explain a song, then use two, and if two is not enough, use three. "

Fang Zheng looked at Kang Jiaming with a smile and said in a very leisurely tone.

"Fang Dong, you... You're saying you still have new songs??"

Kang Jiaming looked at Fang Zheng with some surprise, and listening to Fang Zheng's tone, it seemed that there were still a lot of songs in the other party's hand.

If each song is of the same quality as "Dontsay "lazy", then he won't lose money this time.

And after I went back, I also explained to the director of the company, and I no longer need to worry about being fired.

"Don't you know the origin of this song "Dontsay" lazy"?"

Fang Zheng looked at Kang Jiaming's somewhat stunned face, and he was also a little incredible.

You didn't even figure out what song this "Dontsay "lazy" was, so you came over to grab the copyright from others?

"Of course I know, isn't it a song from your latest anime work "Light Girl"?"

"Then do you know what type of anime "Light Girl" is?"

Faced with Fang Zheng's rhetorical question, Kang Jiaming was stunned, he really didn't know what type of anime "Light Girl" was.

He learned about the song through the forum of the Kucat music platform, and the users in the forum just scolded them for not having the copyright.

But there are few people who popularize the situation of anime, so Kang Jiaming only listened to this song in Company A, and he didn't know what type of anime "Light Girl" was.

In fact, his knowledge of anime is only heard, and he has not watched anime, nor has he had an in-depth understanding.

Fang Zheng looked at Kang Jiaming's somewhat stunned expression, and knew that the other party had no in-depth understanding of the anime "Light Girl", otherwise he would not have thought that he only had such a song.

"Mr. Kang, "Light Girl" is the latest animation created by our chairman, music genre, do you think an anime that focuses on music will lack songs?"

Zhang Siyu's face on the side was a little unsightly, but he still patiently introduced Kang Jiaming.

After all, although the popularity of anime is very high, you can't ask anyone to watch anime and learn about anime, especially middle-aged people like Kang Jiaming.

Most of these people are career-oriented and don't care much about some entertainment programs.

And isn't the role of their A club to promote their anime works as much as possible?

"Music and animation?" Kang Jiaming glanced at Zhang Siyu awkwardly, and said with some uncertainty: "Mr. Fang, does this mean that you have other songs in your hand?"

Fang Zheng looked at Kang Jiaming, saw the other party's expression excited, and nodded noncommittally.

"Light Girl" is not fake under the label of music, but everyone who has seen it understands that it is not so much an anime with a music label as it is more appropriate to say that this is an anime that sells tea.

But despite this, there are at least more than a dozen songs in "Light Girl", and the quality is not low.

"Fang... Fang Dong, please be sure to sell the copyright of these songs to our Kumao, we will give you the greatest resources for your songs, and promote your songs as much as possible!"

In a short period of time, Kang Jiaming's mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he was really overwhelmed by the fact that he would go up and down for a while.

But fortunately, he is also a figure with a head and a face, and he is not too messy.

"You want all the copyrights?"

Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Kang Jiaming, his face was a little inexplicable.

If Fang Dong agrees, the profit share will be calculated according to the song "Dontsay "lazy", which will still be seventy-three shares. "

After Kang Jiaming finished speaking, as if he was afraid that Fang Zheng would not agree, his brain was running at high speed.

"Also, our cool cat can cooperate with your company to open a two-dimensional section, which specializes in the collection of songs and some BGM in Fang Dong's animation, and the profit sharing is also... It's seven or three!"

Kang Jiaming gritted his teeth, he himself was out of the way, he decided to gamble.

As an old music platform, Kucat's recent situation is a little bad, and there is a wealthy giant like TT Music Network on the top.

There are also strong music platforms such as Xiami and Net, so Kumao's life is not easy.

If they can seize the opportunity to cooperate with Founder this time, then their cool cat may be able to get rid of the embarrassing situation in front of them and fight their way out of the encirclement.

At that time, the position under his ass will also be moved up.

Kang Jiaming's eyes stared at Fang Zheng tightly, waiting for Fang Zheng's answer.

If you don't succeed, you will be a benevolent!

After listening to Kang Jiaming's words, Fang Zheng lowered his head and thought for a moment.

If Kucat is willing to open a special two-dimensional music area, it will be beneficial both for profit and for promoting anime, which is obvious.

And the seventy-third share is also the peak of profit distribution, and other music platforms will never offer a higher profit share than this.

Moreover, he will build his own two-dimensional empire in the future, and he is obviously not the only company in it.

If he can cooperate with some companies and let other companies also bring two-dimensional elements to his plan, the progress will definitely be faster than that of him alone.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng made up his mind, stood up and looked at Kang Jiaming and said, "Mr. Kang has a good cooperation, and my president will discuss the specific details and signing the contract with you later!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Luo Tian Hatsune", "Styx", "Say Your Name", "Galaxy Dark Night", "Zeue", "Peter Pan", "Xinmeng", thank you for the rewards of "Rice Cake" and "180...78", thank you for your support!!

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