With the end of the Oarai Women's College VS Hesse Peak match, "The Girl and the Chariot" also ended with the victory of the Oarai Women's College.

Although "The Girl and the Chariot" is not as popular as "When the Prison Comes to Me", which is suitable for all ages, its popularity is still quite hot in the circle of young people.

"The Girl and the Chariot" matches the weird combination of beautiful girls and chariots, which perfectly captures the psychology of fans, plus the plot is relaxed, even if there is no too deep research on weapons and ordnance, you can watch it with a taste.

And with the end of "The Girl and the Chariot", there are gradually more discussions about this anime on the Internet, with the military house talking about the chariot and the dead house discussing the beautiful girl.

For the otaku who stares at the beautiful girl, Fang is extremely despised.

It's not that he said, otaku are probably the scumbag of people in the world, and the speed of changing wives is like drinking water.

Typical people with newcomers forget the old people, and when they are mentioned, they are called fraternity!

It's a shame for the otaku.

"A bunch of guys who have seen something different, ahh

Looking at the remarks of many people on the Internet arguing about who is my wife on the forum, Fang Zheng is extremely disdainful, some time ago you also said that you like Hill, Ma Yin and the Queen, etc., and you have no regrets in your life until death.

Take a look for yourself, it's only been a few days, and your wives have been replaced by Darjeeling, Nona, and even a perverted family who wants to live in the west.


It's hopelessly scummy!

"No, I have to remind them that fraternity is not right!"

Founder rolled his eyes, turned on the computer, logged in to Weibo, edited the text, and then clicked send.

A set of movements, crisp and neat, fluent and abnormal, without any mud and water.

As a man with his own popularity, known as the existence of traffic harvester, Founder's Weibo attracted a large number of fans to watch as soon as it was released.

"Recently, looking at the Internet, many fans are arguing whether Darjeeling is comfortable or Katyusha is comfortable, and I despise these remarks very much!"

"What's the difference between you and a scumbag? Have you ever thought about the mountain alliance and sea oath you made with Ciel, Estes, Mayne, Red Pupil and other wives before?

"It's only been a few days since you saw something different, how different are you from beasts in this way, despised, I despise your filthy minds, I don't have fans like you!!"

Guilty, quite guilty!

After reading Founder's Weibo, fans fell into self-doubt.

Am I a scumbag?

Did I see something different?

Calm down and think about it carefully, they do have a new love and forget the old love, and in recent times, they have been frantically pursuing a new round of goddesses, and they have long forgotten their original vows.

When many fans saw Fangzheng's Weibo, they took out the previously purchased wife's figure from their display cabinet with a guilty face, looking at the faint layer of dust on it, and their faces were full of remorse.

Seeing different thoughts, what a sin they are~

"Woo woo, what Fang Da said is so right, Ma Yin's wife is sorry, I was wrong!!"

"Alas~ Fang Da is really a person who wakes up in a dream, don't say it, go back and look at my wife again, I can't remember it anymore~"

"Go together! I swore that I would protect my Queen Estes for the rest of my life!"

"I'm guilty! I repent! I shouldn't like the new and hate the old, I don't want to be a scumbag!"

Founder's Weibo can be said to have woken up many people and scolded many people.

Once upon a time, they hated scumbags and felt that they were beasts and scum, but thinking about what they had done during this time, they finally lived as they hated.

As the saying goes, the prodigal son does not change his money, and knowing his mistakes can improve greatly.

Fang Zheng looked at the message under his Weibo, and nodded with a relieved face, as long as these people know to repent, then they are still their favorite fans.

There is nothing wrong with bravely pursuing one's love, but men must be responsible, and they must be responsible for what they have said!"

Looking at the text edited by himself on the computer screen, Fang Zheng sighed, he was like these people, crazy in pursuit of his goddess, every time he saw a goddess, he would shout 'wife'.

But now that I think about it, how stupid I was at the beginning, so many anime, so many goddesses, do you really like it?

So later he came to his senses, and after more than ten years of crawling and rolling in the second dimension, he got a wise saying.

This is the summary of his life, refusing fraternity, rejecting scumbags, and always maintaining the essence of emotional single-mindedness.

"Don't let your goddess cry, don't let yourself become a scumbag, I hope you will learn more from your idol me, there is only one wife for several years - the two-dimensional goddess!!"

After editing the second Weibo, Fang Zheng was a little sad, in the sum of his two lives, how many marriages he missed for his goddess, so that he was still a single dog before the crossing.

But he doesn't regret it, after all... How can a three-dimensional girl have a two-dimensional goddess fragrance~

Is the three-dimensional girl's body as perfect as the two-dimensional goddess?


Is the character of the three-dimensional girl as human-like that of the two-dimensional goddess?

Nor did it!

Of course, the most important thing is that the three-dimensional girl may have a fox smell, but the two-dimensional goddess does not have this problem!

Therefore, instead of working hard and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to be a licking dog, it is better to wander freely in the ocean of two-dimensionality.

The bride price of more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan is used to buy the figure of the two-dimensional goddess, isn't he fragrant??

With the idea of letting his fans 'refuse to lick the dog' and "turn back to the shore", Founder sent his second Weibo, in order to tell those male compatriots who are still serving tea and pouring water, saddle before and after the horse, that it is not worth it.

"God has only one wife, and the dog will give me back the confession I just had!"

"My wife is a two-dimensional goddess, sure enough, Fang Dada's ideological consciousness throws me and waits for a galaxy~"

"Coincidentally, my wife is also called the two-dimensional goddess, so... I'm a single-minded man (sure)!"

"My generation model, Fang Dada, your shameless demeanor really makes me wait for the rats to be ashamed~"

After reading Fangzheng's first Weibo, these fans were still feeling guilty for their scumbag actions, but before they could repent, their idol Fang Da fed them another bowl of chicken soup.

There are so many two-dimensional goddesses in Nima, do you like to come here?!

Never seen such a brazen person!!

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Thousand Faces", "Tang Jingyu", and "Forget @", thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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