Hesshorn gives the audience a unique feeling, which is different from other schools.

Sandas made the audience remember because of their wealth and the intelligence spy session of 'if you dare to ask, I dare to answer'.

The Academy of Truth is remembered, most likely because of Katyusha and Nona, as well as the song "Katyusha" that made many people fall in love.

But Hesse alone gives the impression of a whole, strict discipline, iron-like execution, and every move is like a real army.

The torrent of steel, this is the most intuitive impression and feeling of Hesse!

[Surround them!]

After receiving the order, the Hessian chariot team did not hesitate to charge at the Oarai Women's College on the top of the mountain.

The fierce shelling began, the smoke of gunpowder began to fill with sand and dust, the engines roared, the artillery roared, and at this moment, the game officially entered the white-hot stage.

On one side is the Oarai Women's College, which occupies the high ground and is in the defensive stage, and on the other side is the Hesse Peak, which is crowded and is attacking, attacking and defending, which instantly attracted the hearts of the audience.

At the beginning of the battle, the Oarai Women's Academy, which had occupied the favorable terrain, achieved remarkable results, and almost in the first round of shelling, it destroyed a number of Chariots on Hessian.

However, things are not so simple, seeing that the chariots on the front line are being focused, Miho Nishizumi gave her own order with an expressionless face.

[Tiger hunting, front line!]

There was a low roar of engines, and a chariot that looked like a turtle shell drove by, and the thick armor made people desperate at the first glance.

"Tiger hunters!!"

"This Nima pulled the stalker and his grandfather up, this is still a chicken feather~"

"Heavy chariots are used as shields, Hesse Peak really has yours!"

"Report: We failed to penetrate the enemy's armor!"


The cannon of the Oarai Women's Academy hit the armor of the tiger hunter with a crisp metallic sound, as if it were striking iron.

Does it sound good?

Good to sound is good armor!

The Tiger Hunter Heavy Tank Destroyer, the thickest armored tank produced by Hans, had frontal armor that surpassed even the super-heavy Rat type, reaching a staggering 250mm.

In those war-torn times, tiger hunting was a nightmare for almost all vehicles.

Watching Hesse Peak send such a 'shameless' chariot, the audience was also a little speechless, this thing is an iron king, with those chariots of Daxi Women's College, none of them can penetrate other people's armor.

It's just a kryptonite player hanging, hanging and beating a new rhythm~

What's the fun with this?!!

Many WOT players said that the eighth-level car entered the fifth-level room, which is very unique to the game.

In the face of the Tiger Hunter's advance, Miho Nishizumi could only reluctantly give up the decision to stick to the top of the mountain, unable to penetrate the Tiger Hunter, and what awaited them was only failure.

Just when the audience was worried about Oarai Women's Academy, the legendary chariot that the audience had forgotten for the time being appeared in the center of the screen again.

With a low body, a fixed turret, and a tortoise logo painted on the side of the chariot, who could it be if this wasn't a stalker?

At this time, the pursuer did not know when he went around to the back of the Hessian peak, watched the fierce battle on the slope of the mountain, and stopped there quietly.

The appearance of the stalker is very similar to your teammates on the edge of OB when you play a group, a typical melon-eating crowd.

[Miho, can you start that battle?]

[Yes, start playing and fighting right away!]

The hunter who had received the order finally stopped watching the play, and a fierce man rushed directly from the rear towards the large army of Hesse, and the posture was quite like a suicidal charge.

At the same time, a cheetah destroyer with the Hessian Peak logo also rushed in the direction of the mountain, which was the orphan whose track had just been broken by a shot from the pursuers.

You can even see the newly replaced load wheels of a different color wrapped in the tracks.

When it comes to details, Founder never disappoints!

[Hey~ I finally caught up!]

On the chariot, a beautiful girl wearing the uniform of Hesse put down her binoculars, looked at the battlefield filled with smoke and dust in front of her, and felt that she had finally missed the opportunity to participate in the battle.

Suddenly, the BGM became cheerful, and looking at the beautiful girl of Kuros Peak who was relieved, the audience suddenly had a bad premonition.

Girl! Danger!

Sure enough, there was a roar of the engine, and the girl of Hessian Peak, who was still relieved to catch up with the battle, turned her head and was startled.

[Ha~!Coming out of the corner again!At seven o'clock, it's the stalker!]

However, before the chariot of Hessian turned its head, the pursuer directly shot at it, and the cannonball hit the opponent's ... Track!!

[Ahhh~!!Just repaired and said!You guy! Our tracks are deadly!!]

Looking at the track that was interrupted by the other party again, the Hessian Peak girl stood on the top of the chariot with her teeth and claws, very crazy.

"233, poor cheetah, one track weighs three tons, let's repair it slowly!~"

"Welcome to the large-scale program scene: Logistics Crying Blind Series!"

"Cheetah: Don't hit Lao Tzu's legs, can't you afford to play??"

"I beg you to be a person~"

Looking at the Hessian Peak Cheetah Group jumping like thunder in the 'Leopard', the corners of the audience's mouths twitched, the familiar taste, the familiar formula, this cheetah was broken for the second time just after repairing the track, it was so miserable~


However, Kakutani Apricot ignored the other party, for her, isn't it a convenient thing to play tracks?

Is there anything to show off?

After taking out the cheetah, the pursuers rushed straight to the center of the Hessian peak, trying to blend in and fight alongside the enemy.

[What... What?!]

[Car 11, Car 15, A stalker has come next to you!]

The audience laughed as they watched the pursuers who had successfully blended in and were on a par with the Hessian chariot.

In particular, the paint of the Hunter and the Hessian Chariot is still desert colored, and if you don't look at it carefully, you really think it's your own person.

[Damn!There is a possibility that you may injure friendly soldiers, and you can't open fire!]

The pursuer had a chariot in the middle of the Hessian Peak, but the Hessian chariot crew did not dare to fire easily because of the fear of friendly forces.

So there was a scene where a stalker made a mess of Hesse.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place, and the ancients can't be bullied~"

"The same paint color, no sense of disobedience!"

"One person goes around and the whole family ascends to heaven, and the hunter goes to the zoo??"

"Damn, WOT canceled friendly damage after cooperating with Fang Dada, I seriously doubt that the other party has seen this plot in advance?!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support a lot!!!

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