As night fell, the long-awaited "The Girl and the Chariot" began to be broadcast.

After going through Sandas High School, Anzio High School and Truth High School, the Battle Lane League finally reached the finals.

Oarai Women's College VS Hesse Mine!

As a veteran and strong school in the battle lane, the strength of Hesse Peak is obvious to all, and in the Battle Lane College League, Hesse Peak is like a big mountain, pressing on the top of every school.

In the original book, Miho Nishizumi was defeated by the Truth Academy because of the rescue of the chariot crew members who fell into the water, and the Black Bee was defeated by the Truth Academy, missing the tenth consecutive championship of the Battle Lane League.

This is also the biggest reason for Miho Nishizumi's transfer, and Katyusha also sat in the position of captain of the chariot team of the Truth Academy because of this game.

It can be said that the strength of Hesse is extremely strong.

It is precisely because of this that the audience is looking forward to the collision between Oarai Women's College and Hesse Peak, and wants to see what kind of sparks can be erased by the two schools with a long history.

Miho Nishizumi was born in Hessen Peak, and the two sides still have 'old grudges', plus she and Nishizumi Maho were both born in the famous family Nishijumi.

The game had already whetted the appetite of the audience before it even started.

The anime opens, and the members of the chariot team of Oarai Women's Academy prepare for the final finals.

Miho Nishizumi has dinner with the members of her group and confides in each other, and the round chestnut group is making rules and regulations for the school to cheer and cheer on.

The rabbit team is watching the video of the previous game to try to summarize the shortcomings, and the volleyball team is warming up by playing ball.

There is also the automotive department, which overhauls the vehicles all night, and the history quartet, each of which has prepared for the upcoming finals in various ways.

At this moment, watching the people of Oarai Women's College spend the night in their own ways, the audience also felt the same way.

None of them want to lose, and if they lose, the school that left them with precious memories and time will be abolished, and this night may be the last night they spend on the Oarai Gakuen ship.

But night will pass, and dawn will come sooner or later.

As the dawn of the first rise spreads over the earth, a train passes through the green fields.

On the carriage are the old comrades-in-arms of the Oarai Women's College, the Hunter, the Three Turrets, the No. 4 Type D, the Eight Nine Style, the Tiger P...

A series of chariots that impressed the audience crossed in front of them, making the audience unconsciously remind them of the glorious achievements of these chariots.

As the sun rises, the time for the competition is getting closer, the competition venue is becoming lively, and many vendors have begun to do business after a long break.

Looking at the picture, a vendor is actually selling chariot figurines, and there are even models of real chariots and other sizes next to them.

Seeing this, the audience was dumbfounded, and they secretly scolded someone for being shameless, and the product placement ads were so ingenious.

", Fang Da is really a marketing genius, and he doesn't miss the opportunity to promote the figure in the anime!!"

"233~ Is this an easter egg deliberately left by Fang Dada? If so, then I admire your shamelessness~!"

"Nima, I'm not mistaken, is that size model our big 99??"

"The one-to-one model, it seems to be swollen?"

"Wake up upstairs, you can't afford an eight-to-one figure, let alone a one-to-one model~"

Looking at the dazzling chariot figures on the screen, as well as the most beautiful cub in the audience that flashed by, the audience left messages one after another.

Many people are proud of it, and once upon a time, film and television dramas were full of gringo armaments.

Seeing that other people's armaments are famous because of propaganda, but their own are not cared for, the audience is not to mention how depressed they are.

Well, now that their own chariot has also been put on the big screen, everyone who sees this scene has a feeling of raising their eyebrows.

Cultural output comes from cultural self-confidence, and the appearance of equipment produced in the Celestial Dynasty of Animation is not a manifestation of cultural self-confidence?

When the anime is out of the country and promoted to the world, they will also start their own cultural export!!

Just when the audience was proud, Miho Nishizumi ushered in someone who cheered her on in the anime.

Darjeeling, who used to have black tea in his hand, finally put down the teacup in his hand, riding a jeep to represent freedom, and Katyusha, who sat on Nona's head.

Seeing that the schools that had fought against Daarai Women's College came to cheer them on, Darjeeling on the side took a deep look at Miho Nishizumi.

Darjeeling's expression made the audience's eyes light up, knowing that it was about to be the time of the annual Darjeeling Talk.

[You are such an incredible person that you can make friends with all the opponents you have fought with. 】

Listening to Darjeeling's words, Miho Nishizumi also smiled and said: Because everyone is a good person.


The audience was a little confused, did this script get it wrong!

Why doesn't Darjeeling seem to be right this time~

"You're not really Darjeeling, it's impossible for me to be so superficial in my words as the king of sass, who are you?!"

"Darjeeling without the teacup and black tea can't speak, hurry up and serve the black tea!"

"Darjeeling: You are such a sinful woman!"

"Why are Sandas and Truth here, and no one is coming to my Anzio High School?

The audience looked at Miho Nishizumi, who had conquered the captains of all the school chariot teams, and complained one after another.

[I'll give you another British proverb~]

On the screen, Darjeeling heard Miho Nishizumi's words and said softly.

[Four-legged horses also wrestle, and strength and victory are not forever. 】

Hearing this sentence from Darjeeling, the audience felt relieved.

That's right~, this is the Darjeeling they are familiar with, and they didn't say anything just now because they were interrupted by Kaye and Katyusha.

Sure enough, the talk may be late, but it will never be absent.

Seeing Darjeeling once again incarnate as the king of the story, the audience expressed their comfort, and if Darjeeling stopped talking nonsense, they would feel uncomfortable.

The long-awaited Darjeeling talk time is over, and the competition has officially entered the preparation stage.

Looking at the comparison between Hesse Peak and the chariot of Oarai Women's College, many people have said that this is the difference between regular and miscellaneous brands.

Looking at the Black Bee, the Cheetah, the Four, the Hunting Tiger, the Elephant anti-tank destroyer, the Tiger, and the King Tiger heavy tanks have appeared, and then look at the Oarai Women's College, they...

Comparing the two, the audience was a little speechless.

Hesse: Is the middle door against a sniper?

really pulled the zoo army up directly, this gap is outrageous!

The combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level, this is still a hammer~

It didn't take long for the audience's fears to come true.

The chariot team of the Oarai Women's Academy here had not been in action for long, and almost as soon as they left the house, they encountered the baptism of artillery bombardment of the Hessian Peak chariot.

After all, the Zoo Corps has another name, and that is the Hans Supercar, and just by hearing the name, you know how maneuverable it is.


Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, grateful, please!!!

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