But she didn't seem to see half of it, as if she was obsessed with shopping frantically.

However, when the beauties were crazy to buy, they didn't know that there was already an extra figure behind them.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her in front of her in home clothes sitting in front of the computer, smiling like a child, Liu Ying's eyes crossed a trace of unbearable.

"Miao Miao..."

Liu Ying seemed to be afraid of scaring the woman in front of her, and her voice was very soft.

But as her voice fell, the woman's back trembled obviously, and the movements of her hands stiffened.

"Liu... Sister Liu, I..."

Qin Miaomiao was like a child who had done something wrong, her back to Liu Ying uneasily, and she didn't dare to turn her head.

"I'm sorry Sister Liu, I... I couldn't hold back. "

Qin Miaomiao's voice was very crisp, and the tone of her speech was like a lotus leaf in the smoke and rain in the south of the Yangtze River, which was very comfortable and pleasant.

'Big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate', when I hear Qin Miaomiao's words, I will inexplicably think of this poem.

Qin Miao glanced at the balance on her mobile phone, and her tender white fingers were stirred together uneasily, like a child who had made a mistake.

Since her career went wrong and her funds have been frozen, she is currently relying on Liu Ying for relief.


Liu Ying looked at Qin Miaomiao's aggrieved appearance and sighed silently in her heart.

Turning her head to look at the decorated fairy-tale room, Liu Ying struggled for a moment in her eyes, and finally became resolute.

"Miao Miao, since you are unwilling to wronged yourself, Sister Liu will not force you. Liu Ying put her hand on Qin Miaomiao's head, stroking the other party's soft hair, and tried her best to make her tone gentle.

"You were brought into the circle by Sister Liu, and Sister Liu will let you leave cleanly~"

After speaking, Liu Ying did not stay, turned around and left the room.

Looking at Liu Ying's back, Qin Miaomiao raised her head, her fair face, tall nose, white teeth biting her red lips, and a pair of big moist eyes looking at the closed door in a complicated way.

"Sister Liu, I'm sorry, I... I really can't do it..."

Qin Miaomiao's mood was a little low, and she glanced at the fluorescent computer screen, and the whole person lay on the bed as if she had no strength.

The night of the magic capital will never disappoint, and the beautiful night scenery can almost make foreigners who set foot in the magic capital for the first time lose themselves in this bustling world.

"Mr. Fang, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet me. "

Lan Yuxiang, the name of a high-end restaurant, has a man and two women sitting in a private room.

"Miss Liu, I don't know what the important thing you said before is?"

Fang Zheng took a sip of the tea on the table and looked at Liu Ying in front of him curiously.

A woman in her forties who is very good at dressing up, this is the first impression of Fang Zheng when he sees the other party.

"Yes, Mr. Fang, I am an agent, mainly responsible for tapping out some potential amateurs. Liu Ying had a faint sadness on her face.

Originally, she was very satisfied with her profession, the entertainment industry is infinite, and as a talent scout, she also dug up several well-known stars.

The rewards brought to her by this job were also considerable, she thought that she would continue to do it, but it wasn't until she met Qin Miaomiao.

At the beginning, Qin Miaomiao had just graduated from the Modu Conservatory of Music, and she didn't have to pick her appearance and figure, but the most important thing was Qin Miaomiao's voice, which was simply born for the stage.

Inevitably, she moved her love for talent and brought Qin Miaomiao into the entertainment industry.

And Qin Miaomiao herself is also very competitive, and she likes to sing, and she soon has a certain reputation.

But as the saying goes, there are many popular people, and when Qin Miaomiao just made a name for herself, trouble followed.

A woman's appearance is their most natural asset, which can make them proud and can also cause them trouble.

The water in the entertainment industry is very deep and muddy, Qin Miaomiao's simplicity, innocence, and impeccable appearance make her like a lotus flower in the mud, attracting countless wild bees and butterflies.

Inevitably, Qin Miaomiao came into contact with the dark side of the entertainment industry.

This gave her a big blow, she just wanted to sing quietly and bring her own singing voice to the audience, but the reality is not so simple.

Once Liu Ying also persuaded Qin Miaomiao to let her give up her dignity, so that she could thrive in the entertainment industry, but Qin Miaomiao refused.

Thereupon... She was just a little famous, but she was hidden in the snow.

"So, what are you looking for me to do?" Fang Zheng listened to Liu Ying's words, spread his hands and said: "I'm just an animemaker, and I'm not one of those bigwigs in your circle, it's useless for you to look for me?"

Listening to Liu Ying's narration, Fang Zheng could only sigh in his heart, your circle is really chaotic.

Although Liu Ying said it was more subtle, Fang Zheng immediately reacted, and the things that can make women give up their self-esteem may have a lot to do with the invisible rules there.

However, Qin Miaomiao had the courage to refuse, which made Fang Zheng a little admired, at least it showed that this was not a girl who went with the flow, she had her own bottom line.

Self-esteem, self-love, such a girl is very popular wherever she goes.

"I know what Mr. Fang said. "

Liu Ying sighed, she didn't know that Fangzheng's hand couldn't be inserted into the entertainment industry.

But the thought that Qin Miaomiao seemed to be becoming more and more autistic since then, and she didn't like to talk to people more and more, which made her a little worried.

As an agent, she should have paid attention to the economic ability of her stars, but she didn't know how, in the face of Qin Miaomiao, she always had the feeling of raising her daughter.

Even she herself was incredible.

"Mr. Fang, Miao Miao likes your work very much, the room is full of your company's peers, and she herself takes the trouble to look at your works over and over again, often looking at it all day. "

Liu Ying took a deep breath, looked up at Fang Zheng and said, "I know my request is a bit vexatious, but I still hope that you can take Miao Miao in, if she stays in the entertainment industry any longer, something will go wrong sooner or later." "

Liu Ying looked at Fang Zheng with a begging face, the pressure she was facing recently was getting more and more, and she didn't know when she would not be able to hold on.

Once she fell, that Miaomiao...

Looking at Liu Ying's worried expression, Fang Zheng was a little silent.

"Fang Dong, isn't the company still recruiting voice actors?" Zhang Siyu glanced at Liu Ying deeply, turned his head to Fang Zheng and said: "Since Miss Qin is a singer and a graduate of a professional music academy, presumably her voice must have a unique advantage, it's better to..."

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, and I am grateful for hitting the street!!!!!!

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