Qin Heavenly Divine Sect is not different from the arrival of Western World Monk. They continue to live their lives as always, and their main energy is used in practice to improve themselves.

After a few months, in Qin Heavenly Divine Sect, Fan Ye wrapped around Xuan Xin and said, “Mom, I want to go out.”

“You go.” Xuan Xin said.

“I mean to go outside Divine Sect.” Fan Ye whispered: “From small to big, I grew up in Divine Sect, either in Heavenly Cave or in Divine Sect, I heard, Divine Sect and Heavenly Cave In the Boundless Sea area, there is Boundless City outside the boundless sea, there is a city of Heaven Territory, Heaven Territory, vast and vast, and Ancient Immortal Territory has eight domains, the whole world has 33 Heavens Immortal Territory, the world is so big, I have never seen it before.”

“You don’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth. When I grew up with you in a Granule World, the whole world was just like Divine Sect’s. At that time, I didn’t even expect to go out of Granule World. As for Heavenly Cave, It’s the place where everyone is yearn for something even in one’s dreams. You are good. When you grew up in such an environment, you want to go out.” Xuan Xin laments, if there is no Qin Wentian, she and Fan Le may be in life. Granule World, where do you know what the scenery is like?

“Mother, you know it is different. Just because you haven’t seen it, you are curious. Although Divine Sect is very big, Heavenly Cave has a world of innocence, but the people here are all friends and subordinates who are cognac. I am I haven’t seen any outsides, I don’t know what the scenery is like in other parts of the world, and I rarely deal with strangers. You can be surprised by the small means of Buddha Sect’s bald donkey. I certainly want to go out and see. Ah.” Fan Ye sounds ethereal, revealing the innocence of the girl.

Xuan Xin is speechless, her daughter’s eloquence is excellent, but what she said seems to make sense. I haven’t seen it before I want to see it.

“I don’t even know how ordinary people live. Sometimes, I want to see what the mortal world is like, or else, send me out, I will go alone and practice?” Fan Ye said again.

“The outside world is very dangerous.” Xuan Xin advised that his children are naturally not at ease, even if Fan Ye is not too small, it is still a child in her eyes.

“Isn’t both cognac and parents come this way, especially cognac, you told me so many stories of cognac, step by step, don’t tell me, I will always live under your protection. Ah.” Fan Ye curl one’s lip: “Mother, you don’t agree, I will go to cognac.”

Xuan Xin glanced at Fan Ye: “Taro, you are carrying the entire Divine Sect’s fate, you don’t want to bother to do anything, don’t be so ignorant.”

“Oh.” Fan Ye was a little lost, saying: “Then I went to Little Rascal and asked him to take me out to play.”

He said, he left with a smile, then took out a communication crystal and said: “Little Rascal, Miss Ben wants to see you.”

In the Heavenly Cave, the lazy Little Rascal heard Fan Ye’s sound transmission blinking and said: “little girl, shouting uncle.”

“No way, you can’t come and play with me.” Fan Ye said.

“You don’t call your uncle, then wash and sleep.” Little Rascal said lazily.

“Well, Uncle Rascal, come take me out to play.” Fan Ye said with a grin, Little Rascal squinted and said: “little girl is itchy, you wait.”

It didn’t take long for Little Rascal to find Fan Ye, shaking his white body and glaring at Fan Ye. “Shantou, is there something for you, Uncle Monster God?”

“Cut, if it isn’t for the mother, I won’t let you go, I won’t find you. You are so fat, I don’t know if I can take it with me.” Fan Ye showed a look of contempt.

“Can you be fat?” Little Rascal squinted, disdained said, Fatty Fan Le, but it was always fat.

“You are almost the same.” Fan Ye squats and sits on Little Rascal’s back: “Go, we’re depart.”

Little Rascal showed his contemptuous look, then his body softly squatted on the floor and lay down: “You look at yourself.”

Obviously, the two often used to bicker, and they are used to it. Although Little Rascal is Monster God, the temper and the child are not known to the difference. Because of Qin Wentian’s pet, Fan Ye often plays with Little Rascal at Qin Wentian. People are definitely a natural pair.

“Uncle Rascal, I used to ride on you when I was young, but you didn’t take me out. Can you take me to see the world outside?” Fan Ye said pitifully, Little Rascal took a nap. This hoe can be really fast, so that the baby is soft.

“Well, this Monster God will take you out and sit down.” Little Rascal’s body changes, instantly incarnation A huge Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, fluttering, instantly soaring in the sky, almost incredible, several In the breath, Divine Sect came out, and there was an endless sea.

“Wow.” Fan Ye sat on Little Rascal’s back, a few minutes in the pure, beautiful eyes.

“I can finally see the world outside.” Fan Ye is really happy in his nephew.

Little Rascal sound transmission told Qin Wentian that Qin Wentian didn’t worry too much. With Little Rascal’s strength, there is basically no problem outside. Now, even the top rank Heavenly God of a giant power, I must be able to stay with him.

Fan Le and Xuan Xin are also very comfortable with Little Rascal. This little brat is still very fond of Fan Ye and has been growing up with Fan Ye.

Ouyang Qinxin told Ouyang Kuangsheng and Jiang Ting that she also wanted to go out, but she was quiet and would not force. Ouyang Kuangsheng said that she had the opportunity to take her out, she did not say much.

A few months later, in an ancient city of Heaven Territory, a young and beautiful woman rides on a white fat demon and walks on the street. The pure beautiful eyes are full of surprises. The cultivation base here is not high, many It’s just Immortal. Just know that Fan Ye is also a fairy. I feel the lively atmosphere of the street. Fan Ye’s eyes are full of excitement. She enjoys the life of these months. The outside world is really very frequent. There are a lot of people, a lot of things, all of which are not in Heavenly Cave. Heavenly Cave is more like a big family.

“Grandma, should we go back, it has been out for a long time, and it is almost out of the territory of Heaven Territory.” Little Rascal screamed, depressed.

“Uncle Rascal, we have only been out for a few months, what are you anxious, you see, the pretty woman in front, is not very good.”

“Where?” Little Rascal’s eyes glowed, looking to the front, but saw an ugly girl.

“giggle, color demon.” Fan Ye smiled mischievously, and the two continued to move forward. They saw many people moving towards one direction, seemingly an ancient temple.

“There are a lot of people there, let’s go see.” Fan Ye said.

“Bald donkey temple, what’s so good.” Little Rascal snorted, he is now Monster God, don’t believe these sideways, but still listen to Fan Ye’s words, go to the old temple.

Many people in the ancient temple worshipped sincerely. There are many Buddha statues in the temple. One Buddha statue aloof and remote, accepting sincere worship.

Little Rascal’s Divine Sense swept out, and he felt that the old temple was a little wrong, but when Divine Sense was released, it seemed to be nothing.

Fan Ye followed the crowd and came under a Buddha statue, raising one’s head looks at Buddha statue, thinking, why do people of practice also believe in these?

At this time, Little Rascal’s eyes were glittering, and the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger. Then, these Buddha statues all lit up with golden brilliance, as if they were spirited.

“True Buddha is fascinating.” The people in the old temple worshipped, but Little Rascal and Fan Ye stood still. A Buddha statue spit out the voice and asked, “Why don’t you bow down?”

“Where is the enchanting.” Little Rascal’s cold mouth.

“The heart has Evil Spirit.” The voice came out again, and then a ray of light wrapped Fan Ye’s body. In an instant, the Buddha statue seemed to be turned into a demonic image, and the terrifying black fog came directly to cover Fan Ye’s body. .

“Hey.” Little Rascal’s body turned into a lightning bolt, but the Buddha statue seemed to move, while move towards him, a loud bang, where the Buddha statue could stop him, directly disintegrate broken, the old temple Exploded in an instant.

However, the dark fog was wrapped around Fan Ye’s body and it was incredible.

“Hey.” Little Rascal made a deep snoring, his speed was incredible, chasing the dark fog, but the next moment, the black fog seemed to shuttle the space and disappeared without a trace.

“吼,吼,吼…” Little Rascal Divine Sense is expanding wildly, covering a city, the whole city, under the pressure of the terrifying god, but the black fog imitation Buddha statue is not there, simply looking for No, let Little Rascal go crazy, how could this be, who can actually take people away under his nose.

At this time, Qin Wentian, who was far away from Heavenly Cave, suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying cold light shot, and a voice was heard in his mind, so I saved me!

“Little Ye.” Qin Wentian communication went back without any response.

“Little Rascal, what’s the matter?” Qin Wentian asked Little Rascal again.

“Little girl has an accident.” Little Rascal sounded a little panic, his body circling wildly above the ancient city, and informed the story of Qin Wentian, Qin Wentian immediately stepped out of Heavenly Cave, then from Qin Heavenly Divine Sect Going out, and inciting the relatives to temporarily enter the Heavenly Cave.

He faintly felt that things were not that simple, Little Rascal, how powerful he is now, he would not find anyone, could this be a simple temple so simple?

This may be directed at him.

Buddha Sect World, the land of Auspicious, a Monk sitting cross-legged, he seems to have opened Heavenly Eyes, and the golden void in front has a scene, which is what Fan Ye has experienced.

“Karma, it appears.” Monk folded his hands together, faintly opened, and then stood up and left.

On that day, he went to Heavenly Cave to teach Fan Ye Buddha Sect divine ability. At that time, he had planted the cause in Fan Ye. This kind of road can’t be seen, and no one can detect it!

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