Crazy old man stunned Qin Wentian, this bastard guy, really can rip off.

“I have a number in my heart, I don’t need you to control it.” Crazy old man said coldly.

“This is natural, Senior and the others, I must give Youhuang’s gifts will not be weaker than the God Killing Stick.” Qin Wentian trembled with a smile, it seems a bit cumbersome, but can be asked What is the wretched point of the magic weapon of the God Killing Stick? His skin is so thick.

In Qin Heavenly Divine Sect, Beiming Youhuang also saw the crazy man, the strange expression in the beautiful eyes, he is still as embarrassing as before, how to look like a bad old man, there is no way to him and that A word of drinking and rejuvenating ancient strong, come to the Western World Buddha Sect Pure Land’s super expert to see together, feeling, weird.

“Youhuang, Senior just promised to give you a magic weapon, and I don’t want to thank Senior.” Qin Wentian sees Youhuang, reminding me.

Youhuang beautiful eyes squatted, looked at Qin Wentian with a glance, and Qin Wentian blinked at her, and I understood it in my heart, some speechless, but still whispered:

“Fashion? I have any style, it seems that following this guy, you have learned badly.” Mad old man looks at Beiming Youhuang, making Beiming Youhuang a little embarrassed, the cold scorpion revealing a bitter smile, squinting Qin Wentian.

“How about Dead Person Scripture practice?” asked the crazy old man.

“Fortunately.” Youhuang responded softly, and she didn’t know where her practice was.

“Well, Dead Person Scripture is a peerless divine ability. Although his life is not as powerful as his Undying Scripture, other aspects are not weak or even stronger. The reason why he taught Undying Scripture to him is because I know that this guy’s innate talent is not good. Always save your life.” The old madman said unceremoniously, a little face does not give Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian smiled, some speechless, and sent him Dead Person Scripture, just to give him a life-threatening fear of his death too fast?

As for his innate talent, I am afraid that no one in the ancient Immortal Territory will think so.

“In the past few years, has this brat bullied you?” mad old man asked again, Beiming Youhuang beautiful eyes squatting, looking at Qin Wentian, this question seems a bit embarrassing, she did not know what to say.

“Bullying?” Qin Wentian looked black, this question asked…

“How could I bully Youhuang, and Senior thought about it.” Qin Wentian smiled.

“No?” Beiming Youhuang eyes flashed, looks at Qin Wentian.

“Eh…” Qin Wentian blinked.

“Hey, tell me, I will teach you for him.” The crazy old man’s eyes stared at Qin Wentian, and Qin Wentian shuddered. It was this kind of look when he used to ban the abuse of himself.

Although Qin Wentian is strong enough now, it is a bit imaginary to go straight to Western World’s crazy old man.

“No, it seems that there is nothing.” Beiming Youhuang smiles like a snow and ice, and laughs beautifully.

Look at two younger generations, crazy man nodded slightly, he took out a bead, which has a very bright brilliance, which contains incredible energy, Qin Wentian and Beiming Youhuang can feel the powerful soul inside force.

Crazy old man is good at soul ability, God Killing Stick is specifically for soul attack, this treasure bead, is it the same?

“You take it, go back and find time to refining it, don’t let it go.” Crazy old man reached out and handed the treasure bead to Beiming Youhuang, his eyes seemed to be a little dignified, and he saw the expression of the crazy old man Qin Wentian. Come, this baby is extraordinary, otherwise the crazy old man will not be so serious, with his strength, I am afraid that the ordinary divine weapon is simply not visible, even the divine tool is the same.

“Well.” Beiming Youhuang seriously nodded, took the treasure bead and then carefully took it up. She felt from the expression of the crazy old man that the bead was unusual, so that she would not let it down, presumably to the crazy man In terms of it, it is very precious.

“Take me to Heavenly Cave and see if you both walk with me, don’t follow other people.” The crazy old man said again, he already felt that there were many people around to move here.

“Good.” Qin Wentian nodded, crazy old man hidden in Beiming Immortal Mountain forbidden countless years, I am afraid that I have been used to loneliness, there are few people who have seen him, and the character is naturally a little weird. For the crazy old man, Qin Heavenly Divine Sect, he only knows himself and Beiming Youhuang, and he is not interested in other people.

Qin Wentian to the surrounding people Divine Sense sound transmission, all people immediately understand, have dispersed, although they are very curious about this legendary figure, but since the other party does not want to see, they have no choice, just a little pity.

Crazy old man To enter Heavenly Cave, Qin Wentian will naturally have no opinion. He and Beiming Youhuang, along with the crazy old man, came to Nine Heavenly Layers through the Heavenly Cave ancient road.

The three walked in the stars, the crazy old man walked in front, his hands on his back, his head tilted, looking at the sky without a star, and said: “It’s spectacular.”

Powerful like him, he has never been to Nine Heavenly Layers. He has had such an idea, but he has not practiced it. At this moment, he is thinking, if he uses his realm, not through Heavenly Cave, from the ground to Nine Heavens. I don’t know how long it will take.

Over the years, he has been guarding the Ancient Azure Profound, and in fact rarely leaves the land of Azure Profound, let alone explore the stars.

“I heard that you got the inheritance of God King Xi?”

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded: “This Heavenly Cave is the will of God King Xi.”

“Great figure, I also had an appointment with her in the past, ready to explore the stars, but later, there was a change in Azure Profound. I didn’t expect that today, the original wish was half realized, only me, came here.” The old man has a sly expression in his voice. His eyes seem to have crossed Space-Time and wanted to see the people in the past.

At this moment, he suddenly turned around and looked at Youhuang. The old eyes seemed to be extremely deep, and the eyes were filled with the meaning of love. He whispered: “If you have doubts on the practice, you will ask your mind. In her, she can solve your problems.”

Beiming Youhuang has some doubts, but it is still nodded. The person who is crazy man is naturally her master. A powerful Heavenly God of Ancient Azure Profound exists in her mind in the form of will.

“Senior, I read the file of the World Extinguishing War that year, but there are still a lot of things that are not clear. In the past, what happened?” Qin Wentian asked.

“The past did not want to mention it anymore, but there is an enemy that must be destroyed. Everything in that year was initiated by them.” Mad man.

“Who?” Qin Wentian eyes flash.

“Western World.” Crazy old man staring at sky started talking, Qin Wentian body trembled, the original culprit of Ancient Azure Profound World Extinguishing War, turned out to be Western World? Crazy old man can ignore other people who participate in the war, only to say Western World, it must be destroyed, it is conceivable that Ancient Azure Profound World Extinguishing War, Western World played a role, may be decisive.

All of this, even at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy’s Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion, is undocumented.

“Why are they doing this?” Qin Wentian asked, although there are many points in the ancient book, but the crazy man is the witness, his words are the truth.

Qin Wentian has always believed that Western World is a place of compassion. Otherwise, how can we make a slap in the face, let Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace quit, and let the experts come together, Western World, only You need to be able to control everything behind the scenes, with more sophisticated means, even without the need to shoot.

But even if it is not compassionate, Qin Wentian can hardly imagine that the culprit of a world’s destruction and the extinction of life will be the Western Dad strength.

“Buddha Sect pays attention to karma, faith, what is the world practice? For Transcendence everything, in that era, Western World has one person who is closest to Transcendence.” The old madman slowly said: “From the ancient divide eight domains, eight God King Transcendence, they, the style of pursuing Transcendence is different. In that era, the eight kingdom God King, for various reasons, seems to have only the Universe Territory God King in Ancient Immortal Territory, so the ambition naturally grows, some people I want to be the king of ancient, and, dominance 33 Heavens Immortal Territory, 33 Heavens Immortal Territory under Nine Heavenly Layers spread his faith and let the world believe in him.”

“So, he provoked the war, he almost reached his goal, Azure Profound was destroyed, the ancient Immortal Territory domains were hit hard, and many forces were even smouldering, but I am afraid he did not expect that he It was also hit hard, so this catastrophe was a lose-lose situation, and the entire ancients lost.”

Insane old man expression Indifference, slowly started talking: “Today, he seems to be reborn. It seems that his injury may be recovering quickly, then the next goal will still not change, you are in Heavenly Cave, vital, will be the key to his goal.”

Qin Wentian expression is a stiff, I did not expect that there is such a hidden feeling inside.

In the mouth of the crazy old man, is the original God King level of the Eight Ancient Territories Universe Territory?

Universe Territory is the only strength that rules a domain, and it rules the four Lower Realm Heavens. However, the crazy old man tells him that this is not the goal of the Universe Territory. They want 33 Heavens Immortal Territory. Believe in Buddhist Dao!

But once, some people were able to reinvent the existence of Western World’s God King and suppressed his ambitions for countless years. It is conceivable how powerful the Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord was.

Buddha Sect Sage, it seems that after all, there is no way to predict Heaven’s Fate.

Today, Storm, hangs again, listening to the singularity of the crazy old man, his Heavenly Cave, will be extremely calm!

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