Desolate Territory, along with the demise of Bull God Clan, has no more dominant power.

Luoshen Clan split, lineage in Qin Heavenly Divine Sect, lineage migration, Monster God Mountain in Qin Heavenly Divine Sect, so there is today’s interesting situation, the vast endless domain, there is no top rank force guard, so, Desolate Territory began the turmoil era.

In the world of Lower Realm Heaven ruled by Desolate Territory, a city suddenly had a super-mysterious force many years ago, and settled here. No one knows where they came from. They are all low-key, but some people have tried it. The strength of these people is unfathomable.

This force was once Overlord, peak of Desolate Territory, and Luoshen Clan.

Of course, it’s just the lineage power.

This lineage, Luoshen Mu is in charge.

Today, there is a subtle atmosphere in Luoshen Clan. Many people in Luoshen Clan suddenly want to return to Ancient Immortal Territory. They don’t want to stay in this small place. Of course, the idea that caused them is the news they recently got. Although Luoshen Clan migrated, it is impossible to leave no one in Ancient Immortal Territory. In these years, Ancient Immortal Territory has had many major events, they all know.

Not long ago, Desolate Territory Bull God Clan, destroyed, was wiped out by Qin Wentian, the son of Princess Luoshen Qianxue, who was once Luoshen Clan.

The forces that had humiliated Luoshen Clan were razed to the ground and removed from the Ancient Immortal Territory.

Not only that, but the powerful Qin Clan who had been invaded by their Luoshen Clan was now in great difficulty. Many years ago, Qin Wentian went to Qin Clan to ruin the marriage of Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian and Goddess Nichang and defeated it. Heaven’s Chosen Son, his Grandfather Qin Tiangang ran through Space-Time, forever suppressing Qin Ding in the endless Space-Time turbulence, Qin Clan, digital Heavenly God annihilated, suffered a big problem.

Unlike Qin Clan and Bull God Clan, Qin Wentian and Luoshen Can led by Luoshen Clan, they are now glory. They created Qin Heavenly Divine Sect and practiced in Heavenly Cave. It is said that today, Heavenly God, Battle Saint is born. Clan is back, Qin Wentian is their Saint Lord, and now, the entire Ancient Immortal Territory, is jealous of Qin Wentian and his pioneering Qin Heavenly Divine Sect.

In the hall of Luoshen Clan, the experts gathered, but there was some debate.

“I think we should go back. Heavenly Cave is a practice secret realm. It can cultivate Heavenly God characters. It is said that Qin Wentian has given birth to several Heavenly Gods.” There are old man started talking, they are really Don’t want to miss it.

“You don’t forget how we treated Qin Wentian’s in the past. He didn’t hate it. I also hope that Qin Wentian will let us enter Heavenly Cave practice?” Some people argued for the Dao.

“When the entire Luoshen Clan reached an agreement, they refused to accept Qin Wentian. When Qin Clan came, only Luoshen Chuan guaranteed him. Today, Luoshen Clan is not still in Heavenly Cave practice. After all, the bloodline is the same, all of whom are close relatives. He is still there, if we are willing to apologize, I think there is no problem, I have been here, what?”

Obviously, some people want to go back to Ancient Immortal Territory, even if they are soft, there is nothing, as long as they can enter Heavenly Cave practice.

Below, there is constant quarrel, but back to Ancient Immortal Territory’s is very loud.

“Enough.” Luoshen Mu sat on the main seat, screaming, his face cold.

Luoshen Clan can go back, maybe Qin Wentian is also acceptable, but what about his Luoshen Mu?

He is a man who competes with Luoshen Chuan for the position of Patriarch. He is a man who splits Luoshen Clan with Luoshen Chuan. He struggled for many years. When Qin Clan came, he strongly opposed Luoshen Chuan Bao Qin Wentian. Heavenly Cave may accept anyone, only Luoshen Mu alone, impossible, once back, Luoshen Clan will be re-directed to Luoshen Chuan, he Luoshen Mu, I am afraid there is only one way, leaving Luoshen Clan, becoming a loner, many years of fighting, a joke.

“In the future, I don’t want to hear these arguments anymore. I, Luoshen Clan, don’t need to rely on others to survive.” Luoshen Mu’s cold mouth, many people look at him, especially those who want to go back, their eyes are now I have not respected Luoshen Mu so much.

“Patriarch, some words, I shouldn’t have said it, but now my Luoshen Clan lineage falls to this point, I don’t spit.” An old man faintly said: “Once, we supported Patriarch to rule Luoshen Clan for Luoshen. Clan is getting stronger and stronger in the hands of Patriarch, and Patriarch is also so promised. However, after Patriarch took over Rooshen Clan, Luoshen Chuan only humiliated and even migrated to Granule World. My Desolate Territory peak force has fallen to the present level. On the other hand, Luoshen Chuan, the humiliation of Luoshen Clan, are all they are recovering, and they are getting stronger and stronger. After all, one day, our lineage Luoshen Clan, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, the world will forget us. , Luoshen Clan, only the ancient Luoshen Clan.”

This has caused many people’s resonance. Over the years, they have seen many things for them. It is impossible to say that no resentment is possible. Now, it finally broke out.

Luoshen Mu is sullen, his eyes are on the all people, many people are staring at his looks at, without the awe of the past, as if they are complaining, as if the decline of this lineage Luoshen Clan is all his responsibility.

But is this really the case? If it is Qin Wentian’s, can Luoshen Can led by Luoshen Chuan rise?

He did not lose to Luoshen Chuan, but lost to a younger generation, Luoshen Qianxue’s son, it is said that not long ago, he killed the Bull God Clan chieftain, can imagine how strong Qin Wentian today.

“You want to go back, I won’t stop.” Luoshen Mu faintly opened, then stood up and left, leaving all the people below, really want to expert back, they are a little embarrassed, Qin Wentian and Luoshen Chuan, really Will they accept them?


The change in Luoshen Clan was apparently caused by the Battle of Desertion Territory Bull God Clan, and the response to this war was far more than that.

Many ancient forces felt the crisis, and many forces went to the Universe Territory West Bliss Pure Land to set foot in the Buddha Sect world.

Of course they are not asking for Buddha, but in order to get Buddha Sect out.

Bliss Pure Land, Buddha Sect ancient palace, with High Monk met with some top rank forces Heavenly God characters, all Heavenly Gods is very polite in Buddha Sect, very lucky to the Buddha Sect monk here.

At this time, among the simple Buddha Sect ancient palaces, many Heavenly God characters are so simple to sit on the futon.

“My Buddha Sect wants Grand Dao, but I don’t want to get involved in the war. I know everything from everyone’s intentions. However, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do.” A sturdy Buddha Sect High Monk puts his hands together and sits in front of him. All people speak.

“Buddha Sect Pure Land, I don’t get dirty, I naturally understand that within the Pure Land, the Grandmasters are all merits and people don’t like disputes. However, now Ancient Immortal Territory is not fair, Qin Wentian has provoked battle of Heavenly Gods several times. , Bull God Castle is a loss of life, the number of creatures, all destroyed, like a butcher, hands covered with blood.” A Heavenly God calmly open, hands clasped together: “Buddha Sect compassion, see you The thief continues to plague ancient, not to mention, Buddha Sect Pure Land also pursues the Grand Dao, Heavenly Cave, and can be closely aware of the Buddhist Dao Stellar Martial Constellation. It must be of great benefit to the Grandmaster practice. Today, Qin Wentian will be Heavenly Cave alone. Possession, and from time to time, provokes war, fearing that it is intended to extinct the ancient forces, but I am the only one.”

“Benefactor Qin doesn’t seem to be a savage generation. If everyone doesn’t force too much, I don’t think there is an ancient battle.” Buddha Sect Grandmaster faintly opened his mouth and measured it.

“Today, different days, now, Qin Wentian’s strength is getting stronger and stronger, ambition is exposed, relying on Heavenly Cave’s, and knowing, Bull God Clan is a good example, Bliss Pure Land Grandmaster does not ask the world, but for everything that happened to ancient, I must understand everything.” Another Heavenly God character said.

Buddha Sect Heavenly God expression is still calm, without a trace of turmoil, no one can see the thoughts in his heart.

“Heavenly Cave is a land of right and wrong. If you are facing the world, I am afraid that the ancient dispute is still difficult to avoid.” Buddha Sect Grandmaster said calmly.

All Heavenly Gods expression glittering, the heart is dark, then there is a person started talking: “Heavenly Cave can be controlled by Buddha Sect, not completely open, and Buddha Sect selectively allows some people of the forces of Ancient Immortal Territory to go to practice, in this case I don’t think there will be any disputes.”

The words fell, the Buddha Sect Grandmaster had a slight shine on his eyes, and the look at him said: “In this case, will the ancient forces have directed me to Buddha Sect?”

“Don’t dare, Buddha Sect is highly respected, and the Universe Territory has undergone an endless period of precipitation. It is an ancient belief. If there is Buddha Sect to control, the forces can be safe.” Someone spoke, although the mouth is wrong, but it is extremely calm.

That Buddha Sect Heavenly God slightly frowned, it seems that there is still some reluctance, said: “I Buddha Sect intervened among them, is there any suspicion?”

“How come, Qin Wentian itself is the possession of Heavenly Cave, and the Buddha Sect Master is fair, it is the heart of the people.”

All Heavenly Gods is a good word, Ancient Immortal Territory, already has a super presence, Buddha Sect.

At least, no longer, the forces in Heavenly Cave, Qin Wentian, Universe Cult, Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace, if they become super-existent, will be their disaster, they would rather Buddha Sect to control Heavenly Cave, not Qin Wentian Continue to grow, it is too dangerous for them.

As for Bliss Pure Land, this is already a super power. Even if you control Heavenly Cave, it is still only. In any case, it is better for them to control them than Qin Wentian!

Moreover, Qin Wentian, it is impossible to let them into Heavenly Cave practice, and Buddha Sect, but there is such hope!

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