Desolate Territory, since the big change of the year, today’s Desolate Territory, only Bull God Clan is still here.

Bull God Clan, seems to have achieved the ultimate dream, dominates Desolate Territory, and becomes the sole giant of the Desertate Territory.

However, Bull God Clan does not have the sense of accomplishment.

Because they did not beat the top rank forces of other Desolate Territory, Luoshen Clan, was split, a Luoshen Clan followed Qin Wentian’s practice in Heavenly Cave, and another Luoshen Clan migrated and disappeared.

Another force, Monster God Mountain, the Five Great Monster Lord and many experts, are also practicing in Heavenly Cave, and many of the other Monster Beasts are gone. It is said that in these years, many Monster Beasts began to gather at Qin Heavenly Divine Sect. Go to the Monster God Mountain Five Great Monster Lord. As long as it is Monster God Mountain, the five Monster Lord agree that Qin Wentian will accept them and enter them into Divine Sect’s Divine City and enter Heavenly Cave practice.

All this means that Bull God Clan certainly won’t know, Luoshen Clan and Monster God Mountain are getting stronger, especially Monster God Mountain, they have not experienced split turmoil, all five Monster Lord are in, and Luoshen of Luoshen Clan Chuan, another Qin Wentian’s grandfather, this is enough.

In contrast, Bull God Clan, when they were besieging Heavenly Cave’s, Qin Wentian killed them, destroying Monster God and Bull God Clan.

What is the joy of this so-called Desolate Territory?

Even, Bull God Clan has been living in a crisis, fearing that one day Qin Wentian will rate Luoshen Clan to come back and kill them Bull God Clan.

Sometimes they wonder if they want to migrate like a family, but they are unwilling. They understand that Qin Wentian does not dare to act rashly. After all, the forces of Ancient Immortal Territory are still staring at him. He didn’t dare to move until Qin Heavenly Divine Sect was founded. However, the creation of this sect led to the ancient Immortal Territory’s giant forces being more taboo to Qin Wentian. Some forces are already moving around each other. Obviously, they are all guarding. Qin Wentian.

But for the time being, Qin Wentian, they have not threatened the forces of the entire ancient strong, most, now it is difficult to eradicate Qin Wentian, after all, there are Universe Cult, Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace and Heavenly Dao Saint Academy An old Headmaster protects him.

Desolate Territory, in the Desolate Territory where Bull God Castle is located, the Great Monster is walking around, the Human Race is extremely humble here, and it is called and drunk. Monster Beast enjoys a very high treatment, and many Human Race martial cultivators are already complaining. I want to leave, but it is said that today’s vast and endless areas are under the pressure of Bull God Clan. Where can ordinary people go? They are not like Heavenly God, they can easily cross, even if the Boundary Master wants to cross is not easy, people under the Boundary Master can’t think without a background.

“beauty, come over.” A wine cellar, a tauren sitting at the window, saw a beautiful woman in the entire group passing by, showing the coveted color, the eyes glowing with the strange monster.

The woman’s face is a stiff, soft voice: “Demon Senior, I am Li Family.”

“Li Family doing things for Bull God Castle?” The Tauren eyes flash, the woman nodded lightly, thinking that this identity would make her avoid it, but Bull Monster smiled even more brilliantly, said: “No wonder so beautiful, I It’s from Bull God Castle. Since your family is doing things for Bull God Castle, you can wait for me, and the benefits of your family will be indispensable. You will serve me and I will be good for you.”

The woman’s face is pale, and the Guard face around her is not good.

“Well?” The Tauren was too old and was very upset about the woman’s reaction.

“Demon Senior, junior has a marriage contract.” The woman squatted and buried her head very low.

“Does this?” The Tauren sneered and said: “That is not more interesting.”

Said, he stood up, his body gradually became huge, turned into a huge Tauren, monster qi raging, people in the restaurant have exclaimed, retreat, Bull God Castle’s demon, nobody dare to provoke.

Today, Desolate Territory has no power to hold Bull God Castle. They are the king of Desolate Territory. They are ordinary people, but they don’t know the situation of ancient. They only know that Desolate Territory Bull God Castle is the strongest.

“If you want me to do it yourself, then you will be miserable.” The Tauren laughed indifferently. He reached out and moved to the woman below. The rough black palm was very terrifying, and the woman was scared to close her eyes and shed tears.

However, after a while, the hand did not catch it. Then there was a scream in the restaurant. When the woman opened her eyes, she saw that the Tauren was struggling wildly, and a terrifying big hand took him. The bull’s head was buckled and lifted directly, as if he could force his head to burst.

“I am from Bull God Castle.” The Tauren shouted.

“That’s just fine. I have a gauntlet in my hand. I borrowed your head and handed it to Bull God Clan.” A cold voice came out, and then a loud noise came out, all people saw the Tauren. The head writhed, the body twitched and struggled, and then there was no movement.

With a loud bang, the Tauren fell to the ground. Then, a gauntlet fell on his head. No one dared to look over it. They raise one’s head and look at the person who spoke. When the figure is flashing, it will leave directly and disappear without a shadow.

After he left, after some time, Bull God Clan came with an expert. When they picked up the gauntlet and looked at it, the body trembled and knew that a major event would happen. This is not just a Bull God. The death of Clan Monster Beast will be related to the entire Bull God Clan.

There are only four words in the gauntlet, Battle Saint Clan.

In the land of Desolate Territory, a message came out, Battle Saint Clan, re-creating the Desolate Territory, and writing to Bull God Clan. For a time, Desolate Territory was shocked.

After disappearing for countless years, Battle Saint Clan, which once dominated the Desolate Territory, appeared.

There are many people who even forget that there was such a force in the Desolate Territory, but with the re-emergence of Battle Saint Clan, everything about the past began to spread. In the same year, Bull God Clan was forced to escape and use it. The despicable means finally destroyed Battle Saint Clan, Dao Bone on Niu Mo, which was from Battle Saint Clan and was later dug away.

Some people suspect that the original cow Demon God died, is it right behind, there is Battle Saint Clan behind it?

Even Bull God Clan has some doubts.

The atmosphere of Bull God Castle became tense and slightly suppressed. The words “Battle Saint Clan” seemed to be an invisible pressure, hanging over Bull God Castle. Even the chief of Bull God Clan did not dare. Despise these four words, after all, Battle Saint Clan was once a brilliant existence.

Now, they seem to be hiding in the dark, who knows how strong they are?

The people of other Earth Territory also got news, and they were shocked. I didn’t expect even the Battle Saint Clan that had disappeared for many years to reappear. This ancient is really not calm.

Bull God Castle has come together with the Desolate Territory expert, waiting quietly, they know that since the gauntlet has been down, Battle Saint Clan will definitely show up.

Bull God Clan, also waiting, like an enemy, unknown, always embarrassing, Bull God Clan chiefs sitting in Bull God Castle, dare not leave half a step, waiting for the appearance of Battle Saint Clan.

On this day, over the Desolate Territory, Bull God Clan, there is a cloud of demon clouds, the pressure of heaven-shaking, Bull God Castle, a Monster Beast raise one’s head, the Bull God Clan chiefs eyes with a strange monster, Divine Sense broke through and went straight to the sky.

“Oh.” The wind raged, monster qi heaven-shaking, Kunpeng broke through the clouds, covering the sky, covering the land above Bull God Castle.

“Kun Lord, what are you doing with me at Bull God Castle?” Bull God Clan chieftain was embarrassed, not only Kun Lord, but also several other Monster Lords.

“I return from Desolate Territory Battle Saint Clan, naturally I have to take a look.” Kun Lord said with aloud, Bull God Clan chief expression is not good-looking: “So, Luoshen Chuan, what are you doing here?”

“Luoshen Clan is also a Desolate Territory, how can I not come,” said Luoshen Chuan.

Bull God Castle, Bull God Clan expert have felt the pressure of invisible, is this really Battle Saint Clan to deal with them?

Why do you feel that Qin Wentian came to revenge.

Above the void, a figure stepping down, his light fighting and shining, as if War God existed, when the Battle Saint was in bloom, the Bull God Clan chief immediately understood that this is indeed the expert of Battle Saint Clan. They are really back.

“I, Qi Yu, Battle Saint Clan Patriarch.” Qi Yu stepped down to the sky above Bull God Castle.

“You have Battle Saint Bone in your body, Niu Mo, are you killing?” Bull God Clan Chiefe ice-cold opening.

“Return to the original owner, your group of evil creatures took my family Saint Bone with despicable means, and now Saint Bone is in place. Today I come and ask for everything, Luoshen Clan Patriarch and Monster God Mountain Monster Lord will preside over this. Fight, you Bull God Clan, who is going to play?” Qi Yu screamed and challenged Bull God Clan Heavenly God. After he set foot on God Realm, he had not played.

Bull God Clan will be the trial of his after titled as God.

“Battle Saint Clan is your only Heavenly God, why do you challenge me with Bull God Clan.” Bull God Clan Chief indifferently said.

“Battle Saint Clan, you guys Bull God Clan will not intend to encircle.” Luoshen Clan indifferently said: “If that’s the case, we won’t stand by.”

Bull God Clan Chieftain’s face is blue, obviously, the arrival of Luoshen Clan and Monster God Mountain is not to watch the fun, but to oppress him with Bull God Clan, which makes him feel a huge pressure, so many years, Qin Wentian I finally shot, but not as he imagined, but with Battle Saint Clan as an excuse to challenge Bull God Clan, but in reality, what is not known the difference?

“In this case, I would like to see, now Heavenly God of Battle Saint Clan, there is a bit of strength in the past.” Bull God Clan chief is ready to personally.

“You can’t, change to other Monster God, your opponent, and others.” Luoshen Chuan said faintly.

Bull God Clan Chieftain glared at him, angered: “If you want to encircle, then go directly, why bother.”

“Today, the battle between Battle Saint Clan and Bull God Clan, the people who played, are only related to these two forces. Of course, if you don’t want to fight, then I don’t mind shooting.” Luoshen Chuan said coldly, Bull God Clan, today should not fight but also fight!

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