The most influential of this storm is Qin Clan. Then, the count of the ancient Immortal Territory’s top ranks is counted.

Although they seem to have no actual losses in this battle, in the battle of Qin Clan, many forces have completely sinned Qin Wentian. What it means, they know very well, once Qin Wentian Continue to grow, and when they surpass them in the future, who can guarantee that Qin Wentian does not ask them to settle accounts?

The pattern of Ancient Immortal Territory’s is changing, and there will be more changes in the future.

There is a voice, Qin Wentian communicates with Twelve Astral Soul, and it is likely to be hidden. It shows the innate talent and defeats Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian. In the future, he may go to God like his returning Grandfather Qin Tiangang. Hey, if that day comes, those forces who have offended him, even if they are not destroyed, but want to be like this, sit on the side of the town and have supreme power?

With the advantages of its own innate talent and Heavenly Cave, Qin Wentian will be ascended to one day, and Immortal Territory will become a vassal, including Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace.

These outgoing voices are intriguing and have the intention of provoking Qin Wentian and Universe Cult, Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace relationship. After all, many of the experts of these two forces are practicing in Heavenly Cave. They belong to cooperative relationship. If you are jealous, it will be interesting.

At this time, over the Boundless Sea domain, Heavenly Cave, has become a self-sufficient force, making the entire Ancient Immortal Territory feel uneasy.

In the Heavenly Cave, in the starry sky, the entire group sits together and is tasting a banquet.

Among these people are the Heavenly God characters such as Qin Wentian, Universe Cult Master, Nine Heavens Profound Female, and Luoshen Chuan.

“Universe Cult has heard news, there are a lot of rumors outside, it is quite unfavorable to you. Obviously, many people are not reconciled to Qin Clan, and the innate talent you show makes them feel uneasy.” Universe Cult Master Looking at Qin Wentian, and Qin Wentian sitting together, he also felt a lot of emotions. If he had never imagined before, a younger generation character could sit with him.

But whether he or Nine Heavens Profound Female, he has to admit that Qin Wentian is now qualified to sit with them, not because of Heavenly Cave’s relationship, but because of its own strength and the innate talent that has been revealed. Qualified.

“From the moment I took control of Heavenly Cave’s, isn’t it already doomed, or they will solve it, and it will be uneasy to solve it.” Qin Wentian smiled and said: “However, the last Qin Clan The danger of the battle of the dynasty, the Cult Master and the nine Heavenly Immortal, can’t be forgotten.”

“Why would I choose Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace and Universe Cult?” Nine Heavens Profound Female asked Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian looks at Nine Heavens Profound Female, looks at the Nine Heavens Red Dust, the first singer of the stunning woman, his eyes have unabashed appreciation, so beautiful, so close look at her, definitely a kind Enjoy, it is pleasing to the eye, her beauty is Transcendent’s refined, as if it is not the beauty of the world, he is Nine Heavens Profound Female, the first fairy of Red Dust.

“Good things are always easier to make people feel good,” Qin Wentian said jokingly.

“You will talk, the outside world said that because we and Qin Clan are both Heaven Territory forces, and you are setting up two Heaven Territory enemies for Qin Clan, so that Qin Clan is isolated.” Nine Heavens Profound Female said With a smile.

“Since the nine Heavenly Immortal sons already know, why bother to ask.” Qin Wentian smiled.

“You have only chosen our two forces. It should be thought that the situation will still be very difficult. At that time, why not pull some forces into it, worrying about the powerful forces, will backlash you, swallow you and win the Heavenly Cave?” Universe Cult Master asked with a smile, staring at Qin Wentian.

“Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace are so powerful, plus some forces, I am really scared.” Qin Wentian responded with a smile, but it was very calm.

“haha, Qin Wentian, you are refreshing. Now there are rumors. After a few years, you may climb to the Ancient Immortal Territory. If there is such a day, how do I have my own Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace? “Universe Cult Master stares at Qin Wentian. Obviously, this sound affects the Universe Cult Master, which is indeed a problem that has to be considered.

“Cult Master and nine Heavenly Immortal sons are now practicing in Heavenly Cave, so they are not confident?” Qin Wentian responded: “Why not Cult Master and Nine Heavenly Immortal children ascended to?”

“Your growth is scary.” Universe Cult Master looks at Qin Wentian. “According to Lin Xiao, hundreds of years ago, you also set foot with him at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy and entered Samsara sacred land. In just a few hundred years, you can beat Qin Dangtian. At that time, Qin Dangtian can easily be pinched to death, plus your secret treasure, beyond the Heavenly Dao natural law restraint Astral Soul, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Headmaster for you. I am shot, so although I am not arrogant, I still think that if someone can climb to the top, that person will obviously be you.”

Nine Heavens Profound Female, like Universe Cult Master, looks to Qin Wentian, she and Universe Cult Master are top rank figures, who are in charge of ancient super powers, but if they have potential, they are inferior to Qin Wentian.

“If I climb to the top, what do Cult Master and Nine Heavenly Immortal son want me?” Qin Wentian asked, and it was clear that the two giants in front of him were somewhat worried.

Top rank forces like Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace naturally don’t want to be a vassal.

Universe Cult Master and Nine Heavens Profound Female did not speak, and Qin Wentian asked: “Now, in Ancient Immortal Territory, is there an expert above everyone?”

“Ancient Immortal Territory’s history, there have been some existence beyond the sentient beings, but today’s ancient, according to the world’s guess, the known peak characters, there seems to be one person, in Universe Territory, Bliss Pure Land.” Universe Cult Master responded : “Universe Territory, for many years, is solid, and other other territories split into major top rank forces together with dominance, but Universe Territory is different, no force can shake the Universe Territory in the ancient Western rule, where everyone Believe in Buddhist Dao.”

Qin Wentian eyes flash, Universe Cult Master Guess, there may be one in the Buddha Sect that is comparable to God King, but obviously, it has not appeared for many years, the Universe Cult Master can not be absolutely certain.

“Those once God King, Ancient Immortal Territory has gone through countless years, countless, nobody can trace its source, once God King, now where?” Qin Wentian asked, God King characters, if not born, simply not The existence of old and dead, called the existence of undying and unextinguished.

“Ancient Immortal Territory has endless years, however, I don’t know how many years of long river can make a top rank character. Once, Ancient Immortal Territory also broke out of the battle of Gods, there may be God King characters, and Or, there is God King’s pursuit of the supremacy, but he has encountered a path that he can’t take, and eventually he is left with only ruins in the descendant.” Universe Cult Master responded.

Qin Wentian nodded gently, the known battle, once the Ancient Azure Profound World Extinguishing War, should be regarded as a shocking battle of Gods, as for the annihilation on the road, God King Xi, is this not the case?

Beyond Nine Heavens restraint and Nine Heavens, it’s not easy.

Qin Wentian is also thinking that in countless years, there must be someone who has already Transcendence. However, those people, I am afraid that I have already left the world, and at that level, what is the world?

Qin Wentian thinks of the white clothed mysterious man. Has he reached that level?

Looking at Universe Cult Master and Nine Heavens Profound Female, Qin Wentian suddenly said with a smile: “If one day, I can really go that step, the argument of the ancient forces, the two think that there is what meaning in my sense? ”

Two people’s eyes flash, it seems, indeed.

“The forces speculate that they are afraid of such a presence because they have offended me or because of fear of an unknown expert. However, if ancients really exist, don’t tell me I still need to rule. Ancient? I am sitting here, who is not respected by all sentient beings? At that time, even if they were two seniors, don’t tell me would think about checking and balancing me, shouldn’t they ask for advice?” Qin Wentian responded faintly, Universe Cult Master and Nine Heavens Profound Female looks at him, for a long time without words.

If there is such a day, Qin Wentian is sitting here, afraid that the world will come to worship.

Ps: Happy holidays, this morning, we were greeted with surprises, and there was a power outage. The notebook also had 2% power. This chapter should have been written again, but no electricity continued, miserable…

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