Old Cult Master stepped out and walked to Qin Ding, saying: “It’s getting older, it’s still so big.”

“It seems that you still have to intervene. If so, look at how strong your body skill is now.” Qin Ding is cold and indifferent, he is like God King, holding Trial Halberd, move towards the front to assassinate, in an instant In the meantime, the heavens and the earth are moving with each other, the sky is changing, and the endless light and dark colors move towards Old Cult Master, which seems to be the power of yin and yang.

Old Cult Master The infinite body skill appeared, the power of heaven and earth, all for his use, a path of Universe Formation Diagram killed and went straight to Qin Ding.

In the hands of Qin Ding, Trial Halberd stabbed it directly on the Universe Formation Diagram. In an instant, the light and dark forces shattered it, and the yin and yang gas absorbed it, which made the strength blend into Trial Halberd, the tip of Trial Halberd. The darkness of the light that popped out seemed to be a bit stronger.

Old Cult Master gaze at Qin Ding, this treasure is still so powerful, of course, even without Trial Halberd, Qin Ding itself is super strong, although he is now in person, but can block Qin Ding, it is really hard to say.

Countless Universe Formation Diagram Covers the sky, covers the sky, move towards Qin Ding kills, Qin Ding expression is so indifferent, Trial Halberd in the hand calmly stabs, every time it pierces, all attacks are directly disintegrated, absorb The strength of the Trial Halberd is getting stronger and stronger, and the darkness of the light that is released from it seems to break through the hole.

Moreover, Qin Ding’s attack has no fancy, simple and direct, but it is also overbearing, as if it is back to the truth.

The dark and dark strength is raging in the sky, like a path of lightning. Everything is destroyed. I am afraid that Heavenly God is not able to withstand this level of strength.

The Universe Formation Diagram behind the Old Cult Master is a crazy rotation, rebelling against the heavens and the earth, turning into Heavenly Dao vortex, covering the universe, for a time, the sky seems to be wrapped in it, the sky is dark, the pressure is shocking, the endless particles are reverse, Qiankun Inverted, the scene, too terrifying, looking at the people in the battlefield, only felt that the world doomsday is coming.

Another battlefield, Qin Zheng appeared behind the divine formation, Divine Punishment light shrouded the world, but the Universe Cult Master was in front of Qin Wentian, obviously, he was involved in this matter.

“You are with him, that kind of species, give it to me.” Qin Zheng’s wife said, Qin Zheng nodded, his wife, the mother of Qin Clan, is not a vase figure, when the innate talent was absolutely good, Qin Yuanfeng was also a young man. Amour, now is also very strong, and there is a divine weapon magic weapon.

However, at this time, Nine Heavens Profound Female has also appeared there.

“You have to interfere?” Qin Zheng’s wife stared at Nine Heavens Profound Female.

Nine Heavens Profound Female Didn’t say anything, standing calmly, it’s already an attitude.

Many top rank forces of Heavenly God are glittering. With Qin Ding so strong, Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace still have to keep Qin Wentian. They all feel that there must be some transactions behind this. Maybe Qin Zheng guesses that Yes, Qin Wentian may have promised them, otherwise they will guarantee Qin Wentian.

It seems that Qin Wentian came to Qin Clan to destroy the wedding today, and it was prepared, not to die.

At this time, above the Vault of Heaven, the endless Divine Punishment chains, directly move towards Qin Wentian’s body to kill, but see Qin Wentian lift the big black stick, move towards void chains, smashed the past, swayed, directly 砸On the Vault of Heaven Divine Punishment great formation, in an instant, Divine Punishment great formation seemed to tremble, and Qin Zheng’s body trembled, only feeling the soul attacked.

I saw a respectful Qin Clan’s Heavenly God stepping out. In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color. The terrifying Dao Law came to Qin Wentian, above the sky, the battle of Gods broke out.

“Will you waste me?” Qin Wentian ice-cold spoke. He walked across the void and appeared directly in front of a Heavenly God in Qin Clan. The God Killing Stick surpassed Space-Time and was incredible. To Heavenly God of Qin Clan.

Today’s Qin Wentian, who can beat Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, even Qin Clan, is now able to deal with him, not much.

The Heavenly God lifted up, killed it, and hid it in the palm of his hand. He wanted to smash the void, God Killing Stick, and the Heavenly God’s entire body was shocked, with long hair and a soul shudder.

“Bangling.” It’s a stick, Qin Wentian is so fast, beyond Space-Time, but at this time, a treasure is blooming, the incomparable treasure armor is in the sky, blocked in Qin Wentian’s God. Before the Killing Stick, when the God Killing Stick squatted on the treasure armor, it made a loud noise, and the treasure armor flew back. Only the figure of Qin Dangtian appeared there, catching the Myriad Law Treasure Armor flying back.

At this time, Qin Dangtian has struggled from the former decadent humiliation. Although the mood cannot be unaffected, at least the first thing to do is to win Qin Wentian, an innate talent, the Heavenly God character, which will not be hit. I couldn’t see the situation until I lost it.

“When you are defeated, you dare to fight me?” Qin Wentian looked down on Qin Dangtian, and the eyes were full of pride. This kind of look made Qin Dangtian feel extremely uncomfortable. However, Qin Wentian was deliberately trying to use Qin. Clan’s Heaven’s Chosen Son was killed. He used to be such a pride, and he was ruined by Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God. He wanted him to feel what humiliation was.

Behind him, the dimension of the storm reappears, the dimension Dao of Space-Time comes, and a terrifying black hole storm seems to be able to devour everything.

Qin Wentian has endless ancient characters. These ancient characters are constantly flying, and then they enter the dimension space, disappearing, but the Heavenly God around them dare not take it lightly. The Qin Clan traitor Qin Yuanfeng’s son is now truly terrifying. It was more terrifying than Qin Yuanfeng when he set foot on Qin Clan.

Moreover, this time he is no longer a person, and Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace support him, obviously do not want to repeat the same mistakes, take his father’s old road.

“Kill.” Qin Wentian fell, and in an instant, those ancient characters appeared directly from the black hole near the All Heavenly Gods, turned into a terrifying Space-Time Sword Dao strength, killing everything, the Taoist road, each ancient Character, all with Dao Law, and, instead of attacking one person, attacking Qin Clan’s digital Heavenly God expert.

Although some of Qin Clan’s digital Heavenly God are extremely old, even older than Qin Ding, the strength is obviously not as good as that of Qin Ding and Qin Zheng. Otherwise, Lord Qin’s position, how to get it Qin Zheng, only the most expert of the ancestors, can control a family.

Qin Dangtian Highest Beginning Astral Soul blooms, Highest Beginning Dao madly devouring, devours the strength of Space-Time Sword Dao. Although he lost to Qin Wentian, his strength is undoubtedly very powerful.

“Then, let’s go together.” Qin Wentian eyes halo see Qin Dangtian and Qin Clan Heavenly God, a dimension storm move towards a Heavenly God to kill, annihilate everything, that Heavenly God expert condensed God resistance, but see this time In the terrifying dimension of the storm, a black stick suddenly appeared, and it hit with an incomparable strength. In an instant, his soul trembled and he only felt that his body was not his own.

“Be careful.” A Heavenly God next to him shouted, Dimensional storm move towards him, but seeing a Heavenly God next to him, he took him away, avoiding this kill, God Killing Stick It disappeared into the dimension space, but all Heavenly Gods were cautious, beware of the black stick.

“Day of the Battle of Gods.” Qin City, countless people look up to the sky, look at the scene of the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the sky is covered by the ruin of the light, the dark, the expert who is fighting, is a respectful Heavenly God, Ancient Immortal Territory, how long has it not been this level of battle of Gods.

Below, I saw only a few experts skyrocketing, went straight to the sky battlefield, only heard a loud voice, heaven-shaking, above the sky, there is a huge Kui Bull, this Kui Bull Holding the terrifying Bull God Lance, piercing the sky, went straight to Qin Wentian’s body, and there was a Space-Time storm killing. Under the spear, the direct disintegrate was destroyed, causing Qin Wentian to frown.

“Bull God Clan chieftain shot.” All people trembled, Bull God Clan and Qin Wentian had deep grievances, and it was not easy for Bull God Clan to endure at this time, but in this case, Qin Wentian danger .

Seeing this scene, there is an expert to vacate, this person is very young, his face is very white, no blood, surrounded by endless gray air, turned into a terrifying skull, seems to be ready to start.

“Purple Tiny God Court, Yue Changkong.”

The crowd is trembled. Although Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace are guaranteed by Qin Wentian, there seems to be more people who want to put him to death. Bull God Clan is a big Monster God, plus Yue Changkong. There are Qin Dangtian and Qin Clan Heavenly God, Qin Wentian, even if heaven defying, fear is also fierce.

Qin Wentian body glittering, avoiding the dimension space, and instantly retreating to a faraway place, looking at the incoming Heavenly God expert, the situation is not good for him.

“Can’t let him go.” Below, other big forces can’t sit still, although they wanted to see the excitement, but Qin Wentian, still want to stay, he controls Heavenly Cave.

A path of the figure vacated, as if Bull God Clan and Yue Changkong’s shot, triggered a chain reaction, the major experts can not sit.

“Oh…” On the gloomy sky, there was a dazzling light, and there was a terrifying sword light that seemed to open the sky. Then there was a terrifying giant beast in the light. Coming across space is a Kunpeng, it is the Kun Lord.

On the back of Kun Lord, there are also several Heavenly God characters, Luoshen Chuan, Dragon Lord, and Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord. In addition to them, there is also Jian Junlai, just the splitting the heavens sword, it is Jian Junlai. When Qin Clan was married and the experts left the Boundless Sea field, Qin Wentian returned to Heavenly Cave and went to a few places to have the battle of All Gods today!

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