Qin Zheng See Universe Cult Master Intervene expression Indifference, cold sweeping the Universe Cult Master, said: “This is my Qin Clan housework, Universe Cult also interfere?”

“haha, before Qin Wentian came to challenge Heaven’s Chosen Qin Dangtian, and issued a gauntlet, Qin Dangtian took the gauntlet, and now defeated, Qin Clan people are encircling the front, in front of the world, Qin Zheng, you are not afraid of Qin Clan Is the world ridiculed?” “Universe Cult Master said with a smile: “As for family affairs, Qin Yuanfeng rebelled Qin Clan and was killed by Qin Clan. Now Qin Wentian also said that he was ashamed of Qin Clan, and Qin Clan did not. Any relationship, what about family matters?”

“So, here is here today, you have to intervene in my Qin Clan thing?” Qin Zheng asked faintly, the tone was a bit bad, Qin Wentian had to take it, he involved the treasure that Qin Yuanfeng got, and The people of Qin Clan even saw the effect of this treasure. Just a long time ago, Qin Wentian bloomed Twelve Astral Soul, and in just two hundred years, comprehend Dao went so far to defeat Heaven’s Chosen, Qin Clan. How can I let it go?

“Qin Dangtian has been defeated. If Qin Clan still cares about face, he should not continue to intervene. With Qin Dangtian to hold an unfinished wedding, as for Qin Wentian, he controls the secret of Heavenly Cave, and you can be Qin Clan. Take away.”Universe Cult Master said with a smile, I saw a lot of experts below have come out, from the strength of the various forces, they see the strength of Qin Wentian show, not only have a strong desire for Heavenly Cave I want to know Qin Wentian myself.

The secret of Twelve Astral Soul, how did Qin Wentian do it?

As for today this day, it’s Qin Dangtian’s big day, the grand wedding, but at the moment it seems that no one is paying attention. The beautiful bride, Heaven Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang, is also hung on the table, her beautiful Eyes looked at Qin Wentian, who was surrounded by the crowd, and there was a wave in her heart.

In such a dangerous situation, why did he appear, and chose to challenge Qin Dangtian today, even just now, obviously going to kill Qin Dangtian, in order to stop this wedding?

Qin Wentian white clothed flutters, he calmly stands in the void, from the moment he arrives, he knows that he will face the situation in front of him. This is what his father experienced. He is familiar with it. He naturally does not doubt Qin. Clan’s shamelessness, what to choose between Qin Dangtian and face, no doubt.

“Qin Dangtian, after today, what face do you have in ancient, what face is called Heaven’s Chosen, you, match?” Qin Wentian looks at the bow in front, Qin Dangtian’s body is slightly trembled, the more aloof and The peerless Heaven’s Chosen of remote, after being defeated, fell more and more, Qin Wentian’s words, shaking his heart.

“Dang’er, just a battle, you have to be influenced by the heart, and you will work hard in the future. Standing on the ancient, the world will only look up to your style. Your legend, even if it has been a defeat, will only become a good story. Qin Zheng said, he used to, he came to this way, he lost to Qin Yuanfeng, but now, he went to peak, as Lord Qin, the world will only look up, and who will remember his past.

Qin Wentian wants to shake the heart of Qin Dangtian. How can he promise? At this time, even if Qin Dangtian is Heavenly God, he still needs some encouraging words to motivate him.

Qin Dangtian slowly raises one’s head. He looks at Qin Wentian’s eyes and becomes firm again. The dark eyes, the long black hair, and the shackles of his body are all manifestations of his tenacity. After shaking, he is still Heaven’s. Chosen Son, Qin Dangtian, can’t be beaten so easily, his Qin Dangtian is the future of Qin Clan.

Qin Wentian looks at Qin Dangtian’s eyes, knowing that the other party has recovered. The secretly thought is not like Heaven’s Chosen. Qin Dangtian does have a great place. However, his face is still scornful.

“Today’s defeat, not defeated in Dao Law, Highest Beginning Dao, is the ultimate way of heaven and earth. If practice reaches the limit, it must be proved.” Qin Dangtian slowly opened his mouth, and his heart remained unwavering. He still believed in him. The Highest Beginning Dao of practice is the ultimate way to prove the Dao to the highest.

“With the help of the secret treasure, you can surpass the nine Astral Soul, comprehend the strange ability, defeat me, but this does not mean that you have won me, I will eventually surpass you.” Qin Dangtian continued to speak, as his voice fell, his The eyes are more and more tough.

“Yes? Then I am waiting for this day, the premise is, can you let your dad and Qin Clan people spread out?” Qin Wentian satired with a smile, Qin Dangtian eyes flash, looked at Qin Zheng, no Speaking, Qin Wentian’s irony in the eyes is more and more intense, coldly said: “Self-deception, defeated, defeated, where is so many inspirational words, after the defeat, the old man and the family expert are on the same line, but also talk about the future beyond me, wait until you The family is swarming up, will you surpass me after I die? This is Heaven’s Chosen?”

“Time, it will prove everything.” Qin Dangtian started talking, his body is glittering, leaving place to go, move towards Qin Clan. His eyes are firm, but his heart still has a trace of decadence, looks at the front fiancée Face, a little comfort in the heart, he reached out and wanted to hold Goddess Nichang’s hand, the woman in front of him, will become his wife, this is not too much.

However, Goddess Nichang did not reach out and her footsteps took a small step back.

Qin Dangtian frowned and shouted: “Nichang.”

Goddess Nichang raise one’s head, her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Wentian in the void, and asked: “You invited Qin Dangtian today, is it because of me?”

Qin Wentian heard the words of Goddess Nichang, then looked at her and smiled and nodded: “Yes.”

He challenged Qin Dangtian, he could choose any time, but he chose it today. It is because he didn’t want to see Qin Dstian under Goddess Nichang. If he did his efforts, if he didn’t use his efforts, then he could only sigh. At least, he tried his best and was worthy of his heart.

Countless people have their eyes fixed, and their sights at Qin Wentian and Goddess Nichang, Ancient Immortal Territory have long been anecdote about the two, now Goddess Nichang actually asked, and Qin Wentian, admitted that this…

Those anecdotes, as if to be confirmed, on such occasions, witnessed by the world, a bit slap in the face, Qin Clan, what should I do? Heaven’s Chosen Qin Dangtian, where is his face?

The people who saw Qin Clan were not eager to deal with Qin Wentian, but looked at Goddess Nichang, and the expressions were not very good, especially Qin Zheng husband and wife, and the brows were tightly wrinkled.

“Nichang, you will be the mother of the future Qin Clan, you can talk to Qin Clan and pay attention to identity.” Qin Zheng’s wife said, reminding Goddess Nichang, she worried, Goddess Nichang would say something that should not be said Come out.

“I know.” Goddess Nichang calmly spoke, she yelled at the Qin Clan expert and said, “I am sorry for Qin Clan.”

All people expression 一凝,Qin Clan expert Brows are more wrinkled, Qin Dangtian double fists, there is an ominous premonition.

“At the time, at the time of Heavenly Cave practice, I was hijacked and experienced some things. Therefore, he came to me today. I know that I am married to Qin Clan, and today I am married.” Goddess Nichang Indifferently said, the sound of kā chā came out, Qin Dangtian’s fist was exposed with blue veins, his face was distorted, he had just experienced a defeat, his state of mind was shaken, but he was just steadfast and unwavering. Now, another more embarrassing blow falls on His body.

In front of the world, on the eve of the wedding, Goddess Nichang said that she had some things when she was hijacked by Qin Wentian, because Qin Wentian came to her and challenged Heaven’s Chosen, then, what happened?

Still, is it more to fight a man?

Not only Qin Dangtian, but many people in Qin Clan feel a shameful shame, and their faces are extremely embarrassing. Today, Qin Clan invites the world to come and hold a grand wedding, but no one thought that they would experience such a melodagetic bridge. .

The people who came to congratulate the people who heard Goddess Nichang’s words were also stunned. This is really…Goddess Nichang, already Qin Wentian’s? This one……

“Great.” Lin Xiao sighed and looked at Qin Wentian’s eyes and admired him, even with a bit of worship.

He glanced at the Profound Female of Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace. Profound Female seemed to feel something like it. He glanced at Lin Xiao, and this bastard dared to think like this?

Lin Xiao trembled and smiled. He asked himself to be daring, but this is really a bit imaginary, Qin Wentian, top grade.

“Is this, revenge on Qin Clan?” all people secretly thought. At that time, Goddess Nichang was already the fiancée of Qin Dangtian, and Qin Wentian turned out to force her! !

Hating, jealousy, worship and other gaze fell on Qin Wentian. However, Qin Wentian at the moment also felt depressed, and this pot was a bit awkward.

However, he was also very shocked in his heart. He did not expect Goddess Nichang to say such things. She was ruining her reputation. The purpose was naturally that she had such a determination to let this wedding happen.

Goddess Nichang said so, cann’t Qin Clan always marry her?

Qin Wentian smiled and didn’t know what Goddess Nichang was thinking.

“Nichang, tell me, this is not true.” Qin Dangtian stared at the figure in front of him, Heaven Territory number one beauty, who would have become his wife, but gave him such a big joke.

“If you hate me, you will kill me.” Goddess Nichang said calmly, Qin Clan’s many ice-cold eyes fell on her beautiful face, some people, really killing, this will It is the shame that Qin Clan can’t erase. Today, Qin Clan has been humiliated twice.

“Roll.” Within Qin Clan, there is an ice-cold cold sound, indifferent, killing Goddess Nichang, to no avail, will only make Qin Clan even more humiliating, nominally, Qin Clan and Qu Shen, is a friend, Goddess Nichang was insulted by Qin Wentian. They killed Goddess Nichang. What?

Qin Wentian !

Thinking of this, an amazing breath of the stock once again came to Qin Wentian, this hatred, deepen again!

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