Today, the ancient Immortal Territory experts gathered, many top rank forces, and Qin City’s countless experts, they all witnessed this scene.

Qin Wentian, revealing Transcendence’s common sense of Astral Soul, Stellar Martial Cultivator practice, arrives at Heavenly God Realm, will have nine great Astral Soul, which is the practice law, but now, there are people who release the eleven Astral Soul.

He stood there and asked Qin Dangtian, who is known as Heaven’s Chosen Son. If you are Heaven’s Chosen, what am I?

If God chose you, why, I Qin Wentian, can have eleven Astral Soul.

Qin Dangtian, speechless, the world, is also speechless, just looks at that scene.

Qin Clan experts, even more complex inside, they Qin Clan bloodline descendant, there is a presence of eleven Astral Soul, however, he has long stood in the absolute opposite of Qin Clan, irreconcilable.

Now, Qin Clan people even have some doubts, Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, can you really win?

If Qin Dangtian is defeated? What kind of situation will it be?

“No wonder you can control Heavenly Cave. It seems that you really unlocked the secret of Heavenly Cave. You got the treasure in the Heavenly Cave, and inheritance is on you.” Qin Dangtian ice-cold said, this is also his Father Qin Zheng’s previous guess.

“In those days, Qin Clan did not hesitate to trace my father’s whereabouts, refused to let go, the purpose, is it because he got the treasure at Heavenly Cave?” Qin Wentian responded: “Poor my ancestors as Qin Clan people, but not Qin Clan’s greed, you are right, the treasure is already for my use, so I control Heavenly Cave.”

For today’s Qin Wentian, all the secrets of his body are no secret. He is alone in Heavenly Cave, and ancient has to deal with him. So, how much more reveal a secret?

Qin Zheng and other Qin Clan experts heard Qin Wentian admit that the eyes are getting sharper, so that today, Qin Wentian can’t leave.

“A despicable family, younger generation children have an adventure, but at all costs, today in this battle, let Qin Clan people see it all, I am to tell Qin Clan, you, will do for yourself Everything regrets, Qin Clan, will eventually die.”

Qin Wentian slowly opened his mouth, and his voice fell. In an instant, behind him, a different Astral Soul appeared, making all people’s eyes solidify again.

This is, Twelve Astral Soul.

Qin Wentian, how many Astral Soul does he have?

“Infinitely endless?” Someone gave birth to a thought, but even they felt a little ridiculous. How could this be?

Qin Wentian’s Astral Soul is not endless. In fact, he only has seventeen Astral Soul. In the two bodies, each has eight Astral Souls. After combining with External Body Incarnation, he has ten. Six Astral Soul, later, he communicated Nine Heavenly Layers, hundreds of millions of stars, the birth of the seventeenth Astral Soul, also known as tiny Astral Being, became Qin Wentian’s Astral Soul.

Therefore, the Astral Soul owned by Qin Wentian is only seventeen.

However, Astral Soul, which is made by tiny Astral Being, has its own characteristics. It is the birth of the endless stars of Nine Heavenly Layers. It is like a world, with the endless Stellar Martial Constellation, which can be incarnation for any Qin Wentian. Stellar Martial Constellation, cast Astral Soul.

In other words, Qin Wentian’s Seventeenth Astral Soul, tiny Astral Being, can be transformed at any time and turned into any Astral Soul.

This is Qin Wentian’s 17th Astral Soul, an Astral Soul, and also a billion Astral Soul, with infinite power, which is better than Qin Dangtian’s Highest Beginning Astral Soul.

At this time, Astral Soul, who appeared behind Qin Wentian, wrapped the sky in an instant, covering the world, and the whole sky, as if it were within the radiance of Astral Soul. In this clouded sky world, I saw only a terrifying black hole. Appeared, deep bottomless, as if every black hole, there is a world.

Astral Soul Dao transformation, obviously, this is Qin Wentian’s combination of the strength of the road and Astral Soul, the Heavenly God means, and this Astral Soul, also from the 9th Heavenly Layer, Astral Soul, a very powerful Stellar Martial Constellation .

When Qin Wentian perceived the Stellar Martial Constellation, he set foot on the Stellar Martial Constellation and felt the strength of the dimension space. It was amazing that Qin Wentian immediately tried to communicate the Stellar Martial Constellation and Comprehend Dao.

On the 9th Heavenly Layer, there are many extraordinary Stellar Martial Constellations, such as his eighth Astral Soul time and long river, like Qin Dangtian’s Highest Beginning Astral Soul. The higher the day, the stronger the Stellar Martial Constellation.

Qin Wentian comprehend it and integrated it into his own Dao Law, which made a very powerful Heavenly Dao, Dao of Space-Time.

Seeing this Astral Soul, I felt the glory of the Vault of Heaven. Qin Zheng’s brow slightly wrinkled. This Qin Wentian gave him the feeling that it was completely different from the previous Dao Divinity. Qin Wentian, is really transformed, palm Heavenly Dao, like a peerless figure, such as the head of Heavenly Dao.

The belief that Qin Dangtian must win is also starting to shake a little.

Now, look at Qin Dangtian’s Highest Beginning, can you surrender Qin Wentian.

These years of practice, Qin Dangtian is also no waste, his strongest means Highest Beginning Dao, compared with the time when Qin Wentian battle was already more powerful, and after the same change, he had played against Qin Dangtian, once evaluated If you give Qin Dangtian some more years, you can surpass him.

The eyes of the world are becoming more and more excited, and this is the real showdown.

Before, many people thought that this match would be a one-sided situation. Heaven’s Chosen Son would crush the Qin Wentian, Qin Wentian’s anger without any suspense, but it was the impulse after the expansion, but now they understand that Qin Wentian is Really the ability to fight with Heaven’s Chosen, Ancient Immortal Territory Over the years, the two most outstanding young people have been here, and now, outside of Qin Clan.

Qin Wentian didn’t say anything anymore. Today, only victory can prove everything, even if Qin Wentian got the adventure and cast a super nine Astral Soul, then how, the victory of this match will still belong to him, Qin Yuanfeng Everything that has gone through will be staged again on Qin Wentian.

This will be the history of Samsara and there won’t be any changes.

a path of ancient character halo into the Highest Beginning Astral Soul, crazy evolution, in an instant, a huge boundless ancient character appeared, across the void, move towards Vault of Heaven, this moment, all people seem to see The infinite endless natural character, constantly overlapping, hits the dimension world created by Qin Wentian, and the whole dimension world is fixed, so that the black hole of the dimension is no longer rotated, and the powerful space storm stops.

“Highest Beginning Dao, the ultimate derivation.” all people secretly said in heart, the strength of Dao Law is infinitely strengthened, and now Heavenly God is in front of Qin Dangtian, afraid of being unable to withstand a single blow.

Some Heavenly God experts are amazed. They feel that if they are standing opposite each other, it will be very miserable. The difference between Heavenly God can be infinite, and they don’t know the two figures above Vault of Heaven. How is practice.

The space where Qin Wentian is located is constantly distorted, and the ancient character seems to be distorted. Dao Law’s power is split a little bit and then disappeared.

“Highest Beginning Dao Law, is this power only?” Qin Wentian sneered, Qin Dangtian expression calmed, his hands were condensed, and all the ancient characters in front of him floated in the body before they merged into Highest Beginning Astral Soul. Among them, behind the Highest Beginning Astral Soul, it seems that they are experiencing infinite evolution. Those Dao Laws are getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure of a heaven-shaking is filled out. Qin Dangtian seems to carry Myriad Dao. Law, like the peerless War God.

Qin Dangtian reached out and pointed out that in an instant, the endless ancient character turned into a god-printed killing. When it hit the black hole in the dimension, it caused a direct black hole to disintegrate, Highest Beginning Dao, Myriad Dao.

The gods are killed, the Vault of Heaven is bursting wildly, and the sky is shaking, like the Extinguishing World. Everything returns to the beginning, even if it is a dimension, it must be turned back and turned into invisible.

Moreover, those gods are still behind, with the brilliance of the brilliance, connected to the source Highest Beginning Astral Soul, as if there is an endless strength, the endless stream, will not stop.

Qin Wentian ignored those gods, his eyes fell directly on Qin Dangtian, and the palm moves toward Qin Dangtian. At this moment, the Space-Time around Qin Dangtian is twisted, his body appears directly, the sword is out, 斩Fall, the space of the Space-Time sword, cut off Space-Time, the gods seem to sever contact with Qin Dangtian.

Qin Wentian’s palm moves towards the front, and the palm seems to have a terrifying black hole. It is like a black hole in the dimension, devour everything, and the body of Qin Dangtian is swallowed.

Highest Beginning Astral Soul seems to absorb the strength of Qin Wentian’s palm. Then, in the Astral Soul light curtain behind Qin Dangtian, there is also a black hole in the palm of his hand, swallowing the heavens and the sky, and swallowing all the strengths.

“Learning me?” Qin Wentian sneered at it, as if Qin Dangtian had said something to him before, Qin Dangtian, Qin Wentian learned his means, but it turns out that Qin Wentian’s means a lot, where to learn his practice law.

“You don’t have my Astral Soul, without my attribute strength, how to learn my means?” Qin Wentian sneered, and then, the endless madness rushed into the Astral Soul light curtain behind Qin Dangtian, constantly pouring in Into the black hole, he would like to see, Qin Dangtian, how to withstand this violent strength.

Although Highest Beginning Dao can be infinitely evolved, it is only theoretical. If Qin Dangtian practice is in the ultimate situation, it may be the ultimate way, but now he obviously can’t do it. Otherwise, his father Qin Zheng may not be His opponent.

Highest Beginning Dao is the way to reach the extreme strength of the end, but before that, it is not perfect.

With the inexhaustible strength pouring into the black hole, Astral Soul behind Qin Dangtian also trembled, as if it was not so stable. Obviously, he really did not have the ability to truly extend the strength to the limit!

But at this moment, Qin Dangtian’s eyes flashed a very cold brilliance, started talking: “deal with you, enough.”

The whispered sound fell, and the black hole disintegrate fell like a palm. The endless strength fell directly into the Highest Beginning Astral Soul, as if to crush the Astral Soul!

Ps: I encountered something in the morning. I noticed it on WeChat at a little, and update was a little sorry.

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