Qin Clan, countless people gaze looked out, their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the space directly, falling on Qin Wentian’s, looking at the figure coming from the vast crowd.

Qin Wentian at the moment is so outstanding, yet it seems so lonely.

Here is Qin Clan, one of the three strongest forces of Heaven Territory, Qin Clan, Qin Wentian, he walked alone, which for many people, this has nothing to do with the courting death, even if he Strong enough, even if he can really compete with Qin Dangtian, but then, how can he shake Qin Clan?

What’s more, Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian may be able to kill him.

At this time, Qin Dangtian looks at the gauntlet in front of his eyes. His gaze moves toward the distance, his eyes are sharp and terrifying.

Qin Wentian is here, to challenge him on his wedding day.

In today’s World War I, the world is waiting to see him. He must be outside Qin Clan, 斩Qin Wentian. Otherwise, he is qualified to call Heaven’s Chosen.

Beside Qin Dangtian, Goddess Nichang beautiful eyes stared into the distance. Many people turned their eyes to her and seemed to want to see something from her gaze. After all, Qin Wentian chose to come to Qin Dangtian and her wedding day, although The reason for the hatred of the previous generation, but still many people think that, among them, fear is also the reason for young beauty.

Did Qin Wentian and Goddess Nichang have anything happened?

Those gossips that have been rumored in the Immortal Territory, I don’t know if it can be confirmed today, but in the eyes of Goddess Nichang, all people can’t see anything, she seems to always be like this, without revealing any emotions. Cold, like an iceberg, even her wedding is still the same. It is said that no one has seen Goddess Nichang laughed, afraid that Qin Dangtian has never seen it, I don’t know Heaven Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang What a surprise.

Qin Zheng’s husband and wife also looked outside and saw Qin Zheng standing upright. His expression was very cold. Since Qin Wentian came, he didn’t have to leave. He didn’t know where he came from, but dared to set foot on Qin Clan.

“Hey…” It was another huge earthquake. Qin Wentian’s footsteps stopped. He stood outside Qin Clan and looked at the magnificent castle in front. Numerous people around him let go of the position and retreated to the distance, leaving the place to the place. Qin Wentian.

From Qin Wentian’s, a faint power is coming out. Similarly, on the platform, the pressure on Qin Dangtian is also blooming. The two are opposite each other, and the battle of fate will eventually be inevitable.

There are a lot of experts outside of Qin Clan, looking at ice-cold, staring at Qin Wentian, but at this moment, listening to Qin Zheng started talking: “Put him inside.”

Of course, those people themselves can’t stop Qin Wentian.

The experts retired and let out a road. Qin Wentian could even go directly to the Qin Clan platform. Qin Wentian gave a gauntlet to Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian. It is known all over the world, and Qin Dangtian wants to come today. It should not be impossible to fight, Qin Clan, before Qin Dangtian defeat, at least it is impossible to shoot, otherwise, Qin Clan can not afford this face.

In the gauntlet, Qin Dangtian has taken over and he is fighting, then this matchup will belong to Qin Wentian and Qin Dangtian.

Qin Wentian did not walk into Qin Clan, he still stood there, started talking: “Qin Zheng, then my father is here to defeat you, Qin Clan despicable, all expert siege, kill my father, presumably, this matter Qin Clan should remember it.”

Qin Zheng expression Indifference, did not respond to Qin Wentian’s words, he is the owner of Qin Clan, today’s world expert gathered here, he disdain to argue with Qin Wentian.

“Qin Clan is rebellious, death can wipe out the crimes.” Qin Clan A Heavenly God started talking: “Qin Wentian, after you are a traitor, the body is also streaming my Qin Clan bloodline, today, will be in Qin Clan deprivation.”

“I want to be the same as that year?” Qin Wentian sneered: “Qin Clan, I won’t go in, the land is a shameful place, dirty my feet. One day, when I set foot on Qin Clan, it was Qin. When Clan disappears.”


“I don’t know fate, you can live and say it today.” Many of Qin Clan’s experts show anger, Qin Wentian is too arrogant, and I don’t know if fate has come here. Could you still think about leaving? Not to mention the elimination of Qin Clan, idiots say dreams.

The powerful Qin Clan of Heaven Territory has never wavered since the endless years, has been aloof and remote, standing in Qin City, it is Qin Wentian after a rebellious can shake.

“Once, Qin Zheng was defeated by my father, Qin Clan encircled. Today, I am in Qin Dangtian. After his defeat, will Qin Clan be the same as in the past?” Qin Wentian asked in a faint voice.

“I will be defeated?” Qin Dangtian spoke up. He was peerless talent, and the black hair danced. If the stars-like eyes penetrated the void and stared at Qin Wentian, he would not lose.

“Since you are so confident, the battle between the two of you, one side is not a waste or awkward, the battle is not over, how?” Qin Wentian said with a sneer.

“I am fulfilling you.” Qin Dangtian responded with faint confidence.

“Although I know that your words have no use at all. At the moment of your defeat, the people of Qin Clan must jump into the wall and attack each other. However, I still keep talking in front, so that the world can see the ugliness of Qin Clan.” Qin Wentian continues to speak: “Today, the ancient Immortal Territory Zhu Qiang gathered here, then, let’s make a testimony together.”

Before the ceremony, the ancient ranks of the Ancient Immortal Territory expert looked at Qin Wentian. From Qin Wentian’s every sentence, there was a strong self-confidence, as if Qin Dangtian would be defeated.

“Interesting.” Universe Cult Master said with a smile : “In this case, then my Universe Cult will be a witness, I believe that today’s big married Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, will be able to defeat Qin Wentian, if defeated, I believe Qin Clan other expert Not to be shot, Qin Clan is a Heaven Territory peak, and this is still there.”

All people heard the eyes flash of Universe Cult Master, although most people think that Qin Dangtian will win, but what if Qin Dangtian is defeated?

Qin Clan did not say that Qin Dangtian defeated them and did not intervene. Universe Cult Master is just a guest today. He spoke at this time, although it was directed to Qin Clan, but that was the premise of Qin Dangtian’s victory, otherwise…

Many people smiled and looked at Qin Wentian. It seems that Universe Cult Master also wants Qin Wentian. Not only him, Qin Wentian controls the secret of Heavenly Cave. Who wants to get it?

Because of this, Qin Wentian chose to challenge Qin Dangtian today. In the eyes of the world, it is undoubtedly a crazy move, no different from courting death.

“Universe Cult Master is right. If Qin Dangtian is defeated, Qin Clan’s status will not be natural. Qin Clan can’t afford this face.” The expert’s expert is attached to Universe Cult Master, although Qin Wentian defeated The possibility is very low, but what if he wins?

At that time, Qin Clan could not be allowed to find an excuse to collect Qin Wentian and hold it into Qin Clan. That Heavenly Cave would have nothing to do with them.

Qin Zheng heartedly snorted, no response, Qin Dangtian body swept the world, no war, the first words defeated, as if everyone who came to see the ceremony today, waiting for him to defeat.

However, he Qin Dangtian, may be defeated?

“Nichang, I will go back and wait for me.” Qin Dangtian looked at the beautiful woman around her eyes, and a touch of gentleness in the eyes. After the war, he came back to the wedding. From then on, Heaven Territory number one beauty Become his wife.

Heaven’s Chosen Son and Heaven Territory number one beauty, should have been together, destined.

After that, Qin Dangtian stepped out and walked in front of all people, step by step to outside of Qin Clan.

Outside Qin Clan, the expert continued to retreat, and Qin Dangtian finally came to the opposite of Qin Wentian’s, and the two figures stood opposite each other.

“I used to, I didn’t put you in the eye. In my world, there has never been your existence, even if you are child of Qin Yuanfeng.” Qin Dangtian voice is proud, ice-cold opens: “However, I did not expect You can walk to this day and stand in front of me. I admire your courage, but your destiny is already doomed and there will be no change.”

Qin Clan’s Heavenly God shot, creating a powerful defensive light curtain that enveloped Qin Clan, and they naturally wouldn’t let the aftermath of the battle spread into Qin Clan, no matter where the battlefield is.

Qin Wentian glimpsed a glimpse of the front, followed by a calm look at Qin Dangtian, his figure vacated, move towards the sky.

Qin Dangtian followed, and the body of the ancient character halo was illuminated. In an instant, on the Vault of Heaven void, surrounded by many ancient characters, the body shines like God King reincarnation, the ancient character is incredible. Strength, with the power of Heavenly Dao.

The last time the two men fought, Qin Dangtian used this method, Qin Wentian has taught.

I saw his expression calm, and waved, in an instant, in Qin Wentian, also illuminated the ancient character radiance, a path of ancient character floating around his body, not the flow of natural law, and the means of Qin Dangtian A little bit similar.

This scene made Qin Dangtian frowned, and then sneered: “How do you learn my practice? However, you can understand the True Intent.”

Many experts saw the scene of Vault of Heaven, and they also showed the same light. Qin Wentian and Qin Dangtian both circulated Qin Clan’s bloodline. After the Heavenly Cave battle, they learned the Qin Dangtian practice ancient character means. However, after he learned, how can he surpass Qin Dangtian?

“Learning you?” Qin Wentian sneered, his ancient character Dao Law, which was inspired by the mysterious white clothed youth of Samsara World Legendary Land, a flower in the world, if he learned Qin Dangtian, then Don’t tell me white clothed youth is also learning Qin Dangtian?

He is Qin Dangtian, is it?

Qin Dangtian If you know, I am afraid that he does not have the courage to think so.

“Today, the world will see, the so-called Heaven’s Chosen, but a joke.” Qin Wentian faintly opened, then waved, the ancient character hit!

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