Under the Boundless Sea domain, under the Heavenly Cave, the expert is still there, including the giant characters.

Qin Wentian Although they stepped out of Heavenly Cave, they don’t tell me never return to Heavenly Cave? Obviously, impossible.

The chief of Bull God Clan is here too, but this time, a sudden sound came from his mind, causing the father-shaking momentum of the Bull God Clan chief, and roared: “Family.”

In an instant, over the sea, the countless people gaze looked at him, revealing the color of doubt.

“The chief, what happened?” Qin Zheng asked, the Bull God Clan chief, so much reaction.

“Qin Wentian, Luoshen Chuan, and Kun Great Lord, three Great Monster Lords, went to my Bull God Castle.” Bull God Clan’s body shivered slightly, he didn’t move, at this time, he couldn’t get back. Now, he can only pray.

But in fact, he also understands that Qin Wentian’s strength of their entire group, guarding the strength of Bull God Castle, is obviously far from enough to see, the ending, will be very miserable, think of what may happen, his heart is not beating Stop, if it is not very good, afraid that the body will tremble, he is afraid, really scared, even if it is Bull God, the same fear.

Bull God Castle, with the foundation of their Bull God Clan, has his sons younger generation, now, Qin Wentian they killed, the fate of Bull God Castle, what will happen?

The giants’ eyes flash, those forces who attacked Heavenly Cave have a hidden worry, Qin Wentian, they are revenge, a kind of deterrent to them.

He is now going to Bull God Castle, then they are entire group, will they go to other forces?

“It seems that Qin Zheng’s words have stimulated Qin Wentian.” Many people secretly said in heart, blocking the Heavenly Cave with divine formation and poison, and wanting to deal with Luoshen Clan and Blue City, etc., Qin Wentian, they risked 闯Go out and start revenge.

“The chiefs don’t worry, they shouldn’t dare to kneel on Bull God Castle. Otherwise, the chief don’t tell me will not kill their people?” Qin Zheng indifferently said, he can’t wait for the Bull God Clan chief to go Do those things, deal with Luoshen Clan, slaughter the Blue City world, so that these sins don’t have to fall on him.

As for Qin Clan, although he is also a bit worried, but also good, Qin Clan, not Bull God Clan can compare, Qin Ding are still sitting in Qin Clan, Qin Wentian dare to go, it is not so easy to go.

Bull God Clan’s chieftain is still embarrassed and angry, Qin Wentian, dare to deal with Qin Clan, take his Bull God Clan out, when he Bull God Clan bully?

All people look at him and wait for the follow-up message.

It didn’t take long for the Bull God Clan chief to roar and turn into a Kui Bull, the real Bull God, the terrifying breath sweeping the sway the heaven and earth.

“Qin Wentian, Luoshen Chuan, I will kill you.” Bull God Clan Chieftain roared, the news has been passed back, guarding the three Heavenly God, die of Bull God Castle, in addition, Bull God Castle was destroyed, many Bull God Clan expert Terrible death, Qin Wentian They left their voices when they left, first with Bull God Castle, if Bull God Clan and deal with Monster God Mountain, Luoshen Clan, the next time will not be so polite.

Qin Wentian, they did not directly razed Bull God Castle, because there are also Luoshen Clan, Monster God Mountain, and Blue City, they are not without scruples, this time, smashed the three Bull God, and then deterred Bull God Clan, let them be honest, of course, it is also a deterrent to other forces.

This is telling all forces, if anyone wants to do what Qin Zheng said, then they are ready to bear their anger.

Then, from the Desolate Territory, there was news that Bull God Clan, the three Heavenly Gods were killed, Bull God Castle was destroyed, and many Bull Monsters died. Qin Wentian left a threatening speech when he left.

At the same time, Luoshen Mountain, migration, Luoshen Mountain experts, leaving Luoshen Mountain, do not know where to go, of course, some people refused to leave, still left, Luoshen Mountain, once again turbulent split once, but on Luoshen Mountain Luoshen Clan, already in name only, everyone understands that the one that really represents Luoshen Clan strength still counts Luoshen Chuan Commander.

Not only Luoshen Mountain, but the Monster God Mountain endless Monster Beast, suddenly left Monster God Mountain, move towards Desolate Territory, as if walking in every corner of Desolate Territory, Monster God Mountain ,disintegration.

Since then, the three giants of Desolate Territory have all suffered earthquakes.

Luoshen Mountain migration, Monster God Mountain disintegration, Bull God Clan were attacked, and even Bull God Castle was destroyed.

Desolate Territory, a moment of chaos, many forces saw the hope of the rise, began to expand, there are many powerful characters out of the mountain, into the Desolate Territory battle, ready to achieve the new Overlord.

In a short period of time, the Desolate Territory entered a period of turmoil and continued to fight.

Just as the Desolate Territory was in chaos, the Eight Territory Earth Territory suddenly heard news that there was an expert in the Earth Territory to see the Kun Lord. He flew in the sky, covering the sky, and for a time, the great forces of the Earth Territory. They are all nervous.

In the rumor that Kun Lord appeared on the day, Desolate Territory Lei Clan, several experts were missing, were taken away, the whereabouts are unknown, a few days later, the death was heard, has been killed, rumors, Qin Wentian and Kun Lord, what they did, was the shot of Lei Clan on the day of revenge, but they did not have a big deal with the deal with Lei Clan, which was a small warning.

Earth Territory’s giant powers expert, have returned from Heavenly Cave, leaving only one or two Heavenly God still in Boundless Sea, other experts are ready to return to clan, to deal with the crisis, but after they go back, everything is calm, what? None of them happened, but the seeds of the threat have been planted.

Later, some people said that they saw the Kun Lord in the Eternal Territory. Some people said that they saw the Kun Lord in the Great Territory. In short, the forces that used the Heavenly Cave to attack Qin Wentian on the same day, they sent people back to return to clan, to guard Against the unexpected.

The lessons of Bull God Clan are there, and no one has the power to take it lightly.

Boundless Sea domain, Qin Zheng looks at the power of the day, the heart gradually sinks, it is extremely uncomfortable, I did not expect Qin Wentian to use this style to resolve the Heavenly Cave dilemma, as he threatened Qin Wentian deal with Luoshen Clan Blue City, now, Luoshen Clan has migrated, Monster God Mountain disintegrated, Blue City, he does not really think that it can threaten Qin Wentian, deal with Blue City, but it is not necessary, it is just Qin Wentian rule A piece of Earth Territory.

As for the rest of Azure Profound, the ban is still there. If you want to step into Azure Profound, no one knows what will happen, it is not as simple as that.

Every day in the day, people in the Boundless Sea domain know that Qin Wentian will not walk right into a trap unless they keep here, unless they send an expert to search, but the other has five Heavenly Gods. Need a very strong Heavenly God army to guess that it can be deald with, and even if the deal with it, there is Kun Lord, who can leave them?

It’s too hard, and many people’s patience is a little bit worn away.

“Dangtian, your marriage is getting closer and closer. Let’s go to Qu Family and get Qu Shen and Nichang ready.” On this day, Qin Zheng said to Qin Dangtian, Qin Ding personally went to Qu Family. Set the wedding time, it is very close, and Heavenly Cave’s thing seems to be only temporarily thrown aside.

“Well, father, this time to marry Nichang, I want to feast on the ancient forces.” Qin Dangtian said, he is Heaven’s Chosen Son, his wedding with Goddess Nichang, how ordinary, must be the world’s attention, universal celebration.

“Well, give it to me and your mother to do it. It will make this marriage a grand event.” Qin Zheng nodded, his innate talent was absolutely great, but he only had one son. This son is so outstanding, he does not need to have a second. All hopes are pinned on Qin Dangtian.

When they spoke, they went to Qu Residence, Qu Shen still greeted, but not so enthusiastic, Qin Zheng did not care.

“Nichang, after a few days, it is our wedding day, this time I am getting married, I want to let the world women envy you.” Qin Dangtian said proudly, he has such capital, his Heaven’s Chosen Son, Qin Clan future The main wife, how grand.

Goddess Nichang, cold, nothing, Qin Dangtian has long been used to her temper, because of this, he enjoys the thrill of conquest, and after a few days this iceberg-like cold beauty, Heaven Territory number one beauty, will become His woman.

After the feast, Qin Zheng and Qin Dangtian left.

“Nichang, do you want to be clear?” Qu Shen asked to Goddess Nichang.

“How can I?” Goddess Nichang whispered, regretting marriage? This is what they promised, regretted marriage, or regretted the marriage of Qin Clan Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, the consequences, do not need her to say, they all understand.

“I knew this, I shouldn’t let you choose it at the beginning, but refuse it for you.” Qu Shen sighed, some helpless. At that time, he also had a good home for Nichang, all did not persuade, Nichang married For Qin Dangtian, the future is the mother of Qin Clan, he naturally hopes that his granddaughter is doing well.

However, with the appearance of Qin Wentian’s and the Qu Mo message he brought out, Qu Shen gradually changed his mind.

But they have already promised, and then want to repent, easier said than done.

I am afraid, even if Qu Mo is in, it is very difficult to do.

After Qin Zheng returned to Qin Clan, he began to publish invitations, and many of the top rank forces of Ancient Immortal Territory received invitations from Qin Clan.

Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, Heaven Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang, their wedding invitation.

At this time, Qin Wentian, he is at Heaven Territory.

Moreover, I am afraid no one knows that Qin Wentian is not only at Heaven Territory, but also at the seat of Qin City, Qin Clan’s nest.

He was in Qin City. Of course, he got the news for the first time. He knows that Qin Dangtian and Nichang are close to each other, and secretly sighed. After all, they still can’t get rid of it!

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